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Topic: Commissioner Elections, who will replace the "Troubled Trio"?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 91
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 14 2004,11:55 am  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

One more thing I have to say to better clarify myself.  The commissioners gave themself a raise this year, and I definitely do not believe they should have done that.  Not after what they did to the county and because of our constrained budget.

Actually my wife is especially happy when my google check arrives each month. Thanks to douchbags like you, I get paid just for getting you worked up.  -Liberal
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 Post Number: 92
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 14 2004,4:28 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Maddog, if it isnt enough for them or you, DONT RUN! Its pretty simple. If you look at the want ads and see a job you would like, but it doesnt pay enough, DONT APPLY.

And yes Maddog, I would do it for much less than what they make now.

And what is to be said about their pay? Thats its to much?

What ever happened to making a little sacrafice to serve your community?

My god, we cant even get parents to coach their own sons baseball team in this town unless they get paid for it.

To tell you the truth, I could care less how much time they spend on their job, or how many phone calls they get every night. If thats a problem, DONT RUN!

Pretty simple aint it Maddog?

Your little theory that if you dont pay more than this you wont get good people to run is nonsense. Look at the president?

15,000 per year for commisssioners.

Nothing for Watershed Board members.

Everyone wants a better community to live in. But only if they get paid the right amount. BULL$HIT!

You want me to run for commissioner and give my whole salary back to the county, or donate it to charity?

I would. I would not expect anyone else to do this. But I also wouldnt expect people running, or people supporting others to run to think that the job of county commissioner is so much more work, and more time and hassle than people in this community that struggle from paycheck to paycheck every week busting their @ss in a fulltime job.

Again, want to complain about the hours, the phone calls, the pay? Thats what I have heard so far, doesnt sound like much is changing.

But if you want to continue telling people how hard the job is, that it should pay more, I dont think you are doing much to drum up support for you candidates. I may be wrong, wouldnt be the first time.

And no, before you ask, I wont shut up on this issue just because Liberal or others that we support are running. I dont opperate that way. When it comes to politics, I have no friends, only the peoples interest in mind. I would be on my own mothers @ss if she was saying the samething as you.

Besides, I truely dont think Liberal would respect me if I backed away from my opinions because he is running. Neither will I shy away from getting on his @ss when I think he needs it.

Thats why I support Liberal(Chad), because he doenst expect me to blindly support him because we are friends. And he knows that I wont.

Neither will I blindly support any candidates you have come up with on the forum, just because you say so and I support the things you do.
My only loyalty lies with the people, period.

You got me started Maddog, LOL. Again, no disrespect here, no hard feelings, but you have to understand that I was one of the county boards biggest critics. Just because I might have some friends on the board in the future isnt going to change that. Thats the problem we have now. No one wants to hold their friends or family members to the same standards that they expect from all others.

Its to much money for a parttime job. Even if we succeed in getting rid of the three idiots running for reelection. Aint no one worth over 20 grand for a parttime job.

You know I am an @sshole, what did you expect? LOL  :D  :D  :D

The power of accurate obsvervation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.

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The devil begins with froth on the lips of an angel entering into battle for a holy and just cause.  Grigory Pomerants

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 Post Number: 93
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 14 2004,5:18 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I really don't think the amount of pay matters much to the candidates running.  We both know there are bigger issues here.
But if you want to continue telling people how hard the job is, that it should pay more, I dont think you are doing much to drum up support for you candidates.
 Fact is, I basically said they should be paid a little less.
The commissioners gave themself a raise this year, and I definitely do not believe they should have done that.
Nothing for Watershed Board members.
You got me here, are you saying the watershed board doesn't get paid, or shouldnot get paid.  I'm going to take it as the latter.  I tend to agree with you there, but that's probably because they tended to leave a bad taste in people's mouths.  But rightly so, I do think they should get paid compensation for their time, but $55 a crack every time they meet (which often times is several times a month.) is B.S.

Get on my or Chad's a$$ if you don't like something we're doing, of course, I know you.  :D  Anyway, glad to hear you're opinionated.  :D  :D

Actually my wife is especially happy when my google check arrives each month. Thanks to douchbags like you, I get paid just for getting you worked up.  -Liberal
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 Post Number: 94
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 15 2004,9:12 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Aw far as thier raise goes, after deciding to builk us for 40 million what a few thousand more.
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 Post Number: 95
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 15 2004,9:51 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I still think this thread should have been entitled "Commission Re-elections"...
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 Post Number: 96
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 15 2004,12:23 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Usually when a pay raise is voted in, it doesn't go into effect until the next term or until the people who voted for he pay increase have left office.
Fill me in here, I don't know anything about this, anyone know the facts behind the commissioner's pay increase?
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 Post Number: 97
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 15 2004,1:49 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

They gave themselves a 3% raise in 2002 that amounted to under $600 a year along with every county employee.


Commissioner Belshan offered the following motion:

MOVED, to keep the Commissioner’s salary the same as the previous year at $19,333.71 and

FURTHER MOVED, to offer health insurance with the same premium paid as other county employees.

Motion died for lack of a second.

Commissioner Behrends offered the following motion:

MOVED, to approve an increase of $580.00 for Commissioners, and

FURTHER MOVED, to offer health insurance with the same premium paid as other county employees.

Motion seconded by Commissioner Mathiason.

Commissioner Springborg offered the following motion:

MOVED, to amend the previous motion for Commissioners and add

FURTHER MOVED, to authorize the Deferred Compensation Match up to $1,300 a year.

The motion to amend died for lack of a second.

After discussion a vote was taken on the motion for the Commissioners salary and the Chair declared the motion approved.

Commissioner Belshan requested the Board be polled and vote was 4 yes votes from Commissioners Mathiason, Behrends, Springborg, and Mullenbach and 1 no vote from Commissioner Belshan.


Commissioner Behrends offered the following resolution:

Resolution 01-195
[2002 Cost of Living Increase]
WHEREAS, the Freeborn County Commissioners have met with several catagories of Freeborn County employees, and

WHEREAS, the Freeborn County Commissioners have evaluated the economic conditions of the State of Minnesota and US Economy, and

WHEREAS, the Freeborn County Commissioners have compared the cost of living allowance increase proposed and approved by surrounding and comparable Minnesota counties,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this 18th day of December 2001, that Freeborn County adopts a 3% across the board cost of living allowance for all categories of employees working for Freeborn County beginning on January 1, 2002.

Resolution seconded by Commissioner Mathiason. After discussion a vote was taken and the resolution was unanimously adopted.

The next year they apparently took another raise to bring it to $20,511.12 (couldn't find it in the minutes) and the next year they took no raise and only gave the county employees 1% in 2004 and 2% in 2005


Administrator Ronald Gabrielsen advised the Board that the elected officials’ salaries for 2004 needed to be set, as well as non-union employees.

Commissioner Belshan offered the following motion:

MOVED, to approve no increase in salary and to set a 2004 salary of $20,511.12 for Freeborn County Commissioners Mark Behrends, Dan Belshan, Glen Mathiason, Dave Mullenbach, and Dan Springborg.

Motion seconded by Commissioner Mathiason. After discussion a roll call vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved with 3 yes votes from Commissioners Belshan, Behrends, and Mathiason and 2 no votes from Commissioner Mullenbach and Springborg.


MOVED, to follow the Labor Management Committee recommendation of a two year contract approving a 1% increase in salary for the year 2004 and a 2% increase in salary for 2005.

Motion seconded by Commissioner Mullenbach.

After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved, Mullenbach, Behrends, Springborg aye, Belshan, Mathiason nay. Commissioner Belshan noting for the record with budget uncertainty the Board should go with a 1 year contract.

The people are masters of both Congress and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!
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 Post Number: 98
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 15 2004,8:28 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Aw far as thier raise goes, after deciding to builk us for 40 million what a few thousand more.

The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
-Albert Einstein-

Some of what is said here (myself included) is about as tolerable as listening to someone vacuum a cat.
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 Post Number: 99
hoosier Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 16 2004,8:48 am Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Maddog, I did mean that I dont think the watershed board should get paid.
Spike, I was at the meetings that they gave themselves a raise, it starts with the people in office at that time. On the national level, congress is not supposed to be able to give themselves a raise. They vote(they actually put in a clause that if they do nothing now, the raise is automatic, no vote.) for the next congress. But with well over 90 percent of incumbents being reelected, it still amounts to giving themselves a raise.

But like I said, what is the amount that it takes to get people to do something for their community? We have people on school boards in the area that think they should be paid. Bull$hit!

As far as the county board goes, why not pay em 50 cents a head for everyone in the county? Comes out to around 15,000 a year, right? You want a raise? Stop taxing people to death and make the county grow in population. I know, I know, basing a politicians pay on their performance might actually make them accountable, and they dont want that.

But lets face it, if the county board was privately employed, and the budget was in the same shape as our county budget, they would have all been fired long ago. That is all but Dan Belshan.

I got no problem paying them, but they shouldnt be paid more for a parttime job than than most of the people they represent get for a fulltime job. Bring in some business that pays a good wage, increase the county population that will also increase tax collections, and I got no problem with em making 20,000 a year. But only if the population is at 40,000.

And Maddog, I agree, there are bigger issues. But I dont want to see another Craig Nelson in the people running for commissioner. I would like to know what the candidates think of the pay, what if anything they would do about it if elected.

I also agree that it was a very bad call on the part of some of the commissioners to vote themselves a raise the last time. They take no responsiblity for the financial situation they have put us in. How can we be this short of money(I know, the courthouse) and the people responsible for our money can actually look at each other and say, "You know what boys? We deserve a raise anyway. Cause it isnt what you do, its just the fact that you did something."

Base their pay on performance, 50 cents a head!   :D

Things will never get better until you tie the polticians prosperity in with ours.

The power of accurate obsvervation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.

George Bernard Shaw

The devil begins with froth on the lips of an angel entering into battle for a holy and just cause.  Grigory Pomerants

We have crossed the boundary that lies between Republic and Empire.  Garet Garrett
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 Post Number: 100
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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 18 2004,8:30 am Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Obviously, one person has decided not to file, not that it makes any difference to me.  That's because our own Liberal choose to file.  Perhaps the other person knew what he was up against after Chad choose to file.  We have a good person who has a great chance to take out the incumbannt, especially if we stand behind him.

I don't know how many of the forum readers live in his district, but look,, if it wasn't for Liberal, we wouldn't have this this forum.  We need to rally behind him and take this campaign to a new level.  To he11 if he's not in your district, when he has a fund raiser, let's support him.

We all know where he stands on issues pertaining to this county, lets run the current county ba$tard out of this county.  If you've never seen what a Hitler this SOB has been, I invite you to come to a count board meeting to see.  Although Behrends is no longer chair person, sometimes he still thinks he is.

Springborg is history and he knows it, but the rotten S.O.B. that needs to go this election is Behrends and we all know it.  Let's gang up on the ba$tard and run his a$$ out of the county.  

My vote would be for Liberal.  Sorry for the uncalled for language, but, it's him or us.

Actually my wife is especially happy when my google check arrives each month. Thanks to douchbags like you, I get paid just for getting you worked up.  -Liberal
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