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 Post Number: 151
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,1:46 pm  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

For years I donated time, money and talent to the Eagles Cancer Telethone 3 years ago smoking was banned in the Mayo Civic Center I didn't have a problem with that as could step outside the door and get my nic fix between my performances the last year I performed there was no smoking on the Civic Center Grounds. Needless to say I quit performing after that. Since the beginning of the event in 1954 more than 9 Million Dollars have been raised a report published in 1980 showed that smokers were the main contributors to the charity.

Now should we ban smoking in Freeborn County the money raised at the Eagles Cancer telethone will surely decrease.


Coming together as a first-ever nationally formed alliance, business associations and citizens' rights groups who have had their private property rights and free will usurped, will no longer help fund the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association or the American Heart Association.

At issue is the charities' relentless pursuit of smoking bans in city and state legislatures all across the country -- ban legislation that the charities themselves very frequently help to write and then promote to the general public. Strongly noted too is that by using their tax-deductible donations for lobbying for legislation they are teetering on the edge of violating the IRS code for charitable organizations.

The ACS, for example, is currently sponsoring a radio and print blitz, urging New Jerseyans to phone their representatives demanding a local ban.  And, according to their own press release, Chicago is next.

Contrary to reports pumped out by smoking ban proponents, these smoking bans decimate mom-n-pop businesses and are intended to make pariahs out of adults engaging in a legal behavior.

Clearly, businesses that hold fundraisers for, and citizens who donate to, these health organizations are giving to groups that then use that money to destroy and attack them.

"No more," says Audrey Silk, founder of NYC C.L.A.S.H. (Citizens Lobbying Against Smoker Harassment). "We will stop contributing to Big Nanny. Why do we want to donate to groups that are out to ruin our businesses and demean us as human beings?"

This misuse of funds -- funds that should be dedicated to more research and less "bureaucratic backwaters" -- is apparent to  In ranking the top 100 biggest charities in order of which "spends the public's money wisely" has the ACS coming in at #93.

Jim Avolt, a spokesman for an Ohio business group that's part of the alliance rates it even lower than that.  He points out, "I feel the ACS, the ALA and the AHA should all lose their non-profit status. They were significant financial donors to the pro-ban forces at work in Toledo.  And the irony of it was," Avolt continues, "they were using the same money we'd given them in donations and just handing it right over to our political opponents."

"What's more," Silk adds on behalf of furious smokers, "is that the ACS is also behind demands on state legislatures to make smokers pay more in taxes in order to legislatively control legal human behavior they don't approve of and to fund their increasingly ineffective programs. The states get millions of dollars a year through the Master Settlement Agreement -- a hidden tax already paid by smokers -- but because the states shortchange the ACS programs they want to shake us down for more!"

Incredibly, the ACS is behind taxation without representation when smokers are made to "pay up and get out."

This boycott will continue indefinitely, with more groups and private citizens expected to join in.

But it doesn't mean that members of the alliance won't continue to donate -- just not to those charities. There are thousands of worthy ones out there and they'll be the recipients of contributions instead.  Charities like Make-A-Wish Foundation, Mary Crowley Medical Research Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the Shriners Hospital for Children are just a few of the favorites, as are people in dire medical need in each of our own local areas.

The alliance agrees that cancer and heart disease research will not suffer by donating to other same goal charities -- and maybe the trampling of our country's treasured private property rights and the right to be left alone will subside.

Edited by GEOKARJO on May 20 2005,1:46 pm
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 Post Number: 152
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,3:18 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I support the smoking ban.
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 Post Number: 153
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,4:16 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Why is THAT not a suprise.... :p  LOL
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 Post Number: 154
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,4:31 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

The Game must be another smoker  :cool:
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 Post Number: 155
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,5:04 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

So ALcitizen you support a ban that is going to finacially disprupt the tax base of the county, and city driving business to another community upset the wages of employees and their livelyhood.

Charitable Gaming will suffer and so will wrestling, hockey and the other charities it represents.

The cities is the test grounds are you blind to the reports I have posted in just 6 weeks sales are down 35 to 50 percent people have lost jobs and four businesses have closed their doors.

In one months time I was able to get more than 350 signitures of people who crossed the threshold of eddies bar who do not support the ban but support the owners freedom to choose.  

Free enterprize has worked in this country for hundreds of years.
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 Post Number: 156
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,6:48 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

George, to each his own.  I am not a smoker, and I don't care to come home smelling like smoke as if I am a smoker.  Not everyone feels the same as you and your buddies at Eddies.
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 Post Number: 157
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,7:34 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Simple solution if you don't like it, don't go. If smoking was banned at all the bars would you come into Eddies on a regular basis. Most likely not. Eddies is a nieghborhood bar with moral  values. Monday - Saturday it is a workers bar. It is not a place you dress up to go to unless it is the only place you go and think you need to be better than the rest of us or just want to show off your new outfit. Besides when I get home the clothes come off and go in the laundery and I put clean ones on the next day I wear an old jacket I hang in the garage when I get home to air out and it is as fresh as it was washed. Then I step into the shower to wash the rest of the smell from my body. Simple solutions to simple problems.
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 Post Number: 158
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,8:16 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I've been there.  I know you don't dress up to go in there.  Again, to each his own.
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 Post Number: 159
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,9:14 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To each his/her own right to smoke or not in public places.  We all make choices.
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 Post Number: 160
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PostIcon Posted on: May 20 2005,9:28 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Exactly! To each his own is what we ask. People who smoke have freedoms too. A right to assembly. A right to ownship of property. If everyone that walks into an establishment has a right to choose to be there or not. The door is open to anyone who wants to enter. A warning sign on the door of the establishment can warn of the activities occuring inside. Segragation in the name of public health is not freedom.

You have heard the terms of false science being used in the information broadcasted by the smoke free group.

Cigarette smoke is 20 times higher in the blood stream of someone who works in a bar that does not smoke compared to the person who worked in a bar that did not allow smoking.

Ok scientific measurements are detrermined by parts per million.

Subject one works in the non smoking inviroment has 0 parts per million in the blood.

Subject two works in the smoking bar has 20 parts per million in the blood.

-----------  a rather small amount that will be absorbed

There is a chart that explains more on this but you would not probly sit down and read the 127 page study in which is the same study that is being used by the smoke free people.

I have worked in research for 20 years, I have an understanding as well as any Doctor or Scientist of the exposer levels and to what level exposer does it create a risk or danger.

Do I want to subject my children or grandchildren to this?


I will first choose to go to a non smoking section or non smoking cafe if I was to take my children.

I believe in property owners right and let the market determine the demand.
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