Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Talk Like A Pirate Day!
started by: SimpleLife

Posted by SimpleLife on Sep. 19 2006,8:39 am
< >
Posted by Scurvy Dog on Sep. 19 2006,9:33 am
Arrr matey, you had to bring that up and dig me out of retirrrrement. Now it will be fifty lashes for ya.
Posted by ICU812 on Sep. 19 2006,9:36 am
Fifty? He should get a hundred for what he did to me, the big brut.
Posted by This is my real name on Sep. 19 2006,9:37 am
Quote (ICU812 @ Sep. 19 2006,9:36am)
Fifty? He should get a hundred for what he did to me, the big brut.

You big fibber. Liar, liar pants on fire.
Posted by Ole1kanobe on Sep. 19 2006,9:39 am
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Cue the screams.

Posted by ICU812 on Sep. 19 2006,3:02 pm
Arrrrggghhhh.....maties..........I don't own any of them shiver-me-timbers blue jeans...............but....arrrrrrgggghhhhh I never miss national look like a.................arrrrrrggghhh pirate day....
Posted by hymiebravo on Sep. 19 2006,3:20 pm
I don't own any of them shiver-me-timbers blue jeans..

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Posted by hymiebravo on Sep. 19 2006,3:23 pm
What was that one that I heard...

Why can't kids under 17 get into pirate movies ?

Because they're rated Arrrrggghhhh...

Or something like that. lol

Posted by hairhertz on Sep. 19 2006,3:52 pm
pirates talk funny, are shifty & smell bad, sort of like the French
Posted by Common Citizen on Sep. 22 2006,6:24 am
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. :p
Posted by hairhertz on Sep. 22 2006,8:32 am
Quote (Common Citizen @ Sep. 22 2006,6:24am)
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. :p

You're right, my apologies to the pirates.  

When is "pee on a wall like a drunk" day?

Posted by Common Citizen on Sep. 22 2006,11:48 am
Quote (hairhertz @ Sep. 22 2006,8:32am)
Quote (Common Citizen @ Sep. 22 2006,6:24am)
This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. :p

You're right, my apologies to the pirates.  

When is "pee on a wall like a drunk" day?


No, no.  I'm talking about having a day called "Talk Like a Pirate Day".

The French joke was funny!!  All French jokes are funny for that matter.

Posted by hairhertz on Sep. 24 2006,12:14 pm
what's funny about the French is that they have no clue how funny they appear to the rest of the world...and they think Jerry Lewis is hilarious.....
Posted by Replicant on Sep. 19 2008,8:18 am
Arrrggghhh...I hates how these scurrilous holly-days sneaks up on me like a schooner with her sails feathered.

But it's Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Isn't that right boys?

Now where's me eye-patch and peg-leg?

Posted by Robert Hoffman on Sep. 19 2008,1:47 pm
...reps eye patch is funny as hell! ...this post made me grin! thats funny gang! :beer:
Posted by Page_6 on Sep. 19 2008,2:46 pm

(hairhertz @ Sep. 22 2006,8:32 am)
When is "pee on a wall like a drunk" day?

That would be Saturday night about midnight in the alley between the Nasty and the Gon. Fun lasts til 2:30 or so....  :beer:
Posted by jimhanson on Sep. 19 2008,2:46 pm
They are all funny--but Hairhertz is the clear winner!
When is "pee on a wall like a drunk" day?

Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 19 2008,9:58 pm
I thought it was a "drunken pirate < sailor." >  :D
Posted by The Boss on Sep. 20 2008,8:42 pm
:angry:      " BLOODY  MATE "        :angry:
Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 18 2009,7:37 am
Don't forget what < day > tomorrow is.  :thumbsup:
Posted by Paul Harvey on Sep. 18 2009,8:07 am
How about phuck like a pirate day?
Posted by Pretzel Logic on Sep. 18 2009,9:49 am
I enjoed the whole idea until Me gets a thinkin it were problaby that there scalliwag Madoff and his pirates of high finance sat around counting their treasures congratulating them selves  " Arrh, We be rapin' and plunderin' them landlubbers 401k's, feasting on the bones of their life savings, all with the blessin of the king and his henchmen" "We be a pilligin'  and a raidin' the mutual funds and hangin' them investors from the yardarm. Then we drop over the horizon and retire to a fine island with our offshore bank accounts.  Yo Ho, Yo Ho it's the pirates life for me Arrh!

    Then on the other hand I could just have me head in the scuppers! :D

Posted by ControlledHyperness on Sep. 18 2009,10:13 am
Should we be worried that this day seemingly comes around once every 3 years???  :dunno:

Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 19 2010,8:04 am
Guess what?  It's < talk like a Pirate Day. >
Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 16 2015,12:48 pm
It's coming.
Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 16 2015,3:52 pm
I'll betcha Expat is excited.😁
Posted by MADDOG on Sep. 19 2015,10:30 am
Aye, it's here.  Cast a lanyard over the mizzenmast for use of a hempen hauler for the expat and his crew.  Give them a view of Davey Jones final resting place.  :D
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