Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Passion of the Christ
started by: cpu_slave

Posted by cpu_slave on Feb. 27 2004,12:06 pm
I haven’t seen this movie myself, even with all the ‘media hype’ (Mel too cheap to actually pay for advertising?)
Just wondering if anyone has seen it and what their take on it was?

"Daddy? Why are they beating that man?"
"... because he loves everyone ..."  -daily show

Posted by LisaMarie on Feb. 27 2004,12:25 pm
Haven't seen it, absolutely no desire to see it.
Posted by Tiger on Feb. 27 2004,1:11 pm
I am going tonight, I think.  Church groups are having special showings.  The Presbyterian Church is reserving 199 seats for tomorrow at 9:00am.  I think the movie will be great!
Posted by Lil Pimp on Feb. 27 2004,1:20 pm
I saw it last night.  It is just as you have heard, absolutly amazing.  It is hard to even put into words the feelings you feel when watching it.  I will say this, it is a great movie but will make you feel quite down for the rest of the day, or at least a few hours after viewing.
It is quite graphic but don't let that scare you way from seeing it, it actually wasn't quite as bad as I had heard.

I can't remember the last time I could hear snifling & soft weeping in a movie but I did last night.

Posted by cpu_slave on Feb. 27 2004,2:31 pm
A friend of mine (not in Albert Lea) is planning some unholy blasphemy to go see this. He's going to wear a cape, get a cane, and bring his girlfriend dressed in demonic styled makeup led on a leash, and shout things like "whip him harder!" at crucial moments in the movie. It would be worth going with him just to see what happens.   :D

After reading about the film < killing a woman >, I have to wonder "Can a sinner survive the Jesus movie?:" Stay tuned...

Posted by Lil Pimp on Feb. 27 2004,2:39 pm
Quote (cpu_slave @ Feb. 27 2004,2:31:pm)
A friend of mine (not in Albert Lea) is planning some unholy blasphemy to go see this. He's going to wear a cape, get a cane, and bring his girlfriend dressed in demonic styled makeup led on a leash, and shout things like "whip him harder!" at crucial moments in the movie. It would be worth going with him just to see what happens.   :D

After reading about the film < killing a woman >, I have to wonder "Can a sinner survive the Jesus movie?:" Stay tuned...

Sure that will go over real well.
Posted by Tiger on Feb. 27 2004,3:23 pm
cpu slave, I think your friend sounds like a heathen!  I hope he gets escorted out so the people that paid money to see the movie.
Posted by Tiger on Feb. 27 2004,4:01 pm
I just called out to the movie hotline to get the times and it said they were selling next day only tickets for "Passion."  Anyone know if this is the case?  If I didn't buy my tickets last night then I can't go tonight? ???
Posted by rosebudinal on Feb. 27 2004,4:01 pm
I plan on seeing it this weekend, kudos to Mel for having the guts to make this movie and put his own $ and reputation behind it. my daughter went to it on Wednesday night and said that it was such an overwhelming experience that it was hard for her to describe it but that she felt that she had a deeper appreciation of her beliefs. Got choked up when trying to talk about it.
Posted by minnow on Feb. 29 2004,4:11 am
It shows us how western religion has been twisted and distorted over the centuries.

All it was about, was trying a new way of living than the Roman way.

Now the US is the new Rome and we're right back where we started from!  :O  How about we jail a few more kids for decades over drugs...sound good?  ???

Posted by The Advocate on Mar. 01 2004,5:52 pm
It was a life changing experience for me.  Mel Gibson has created a masterpiece.  I sat in the theatre surrounded by middle America and I believe its' significance is that it meant something different to everyone there.  The movie transcended the violence.  No LA, New York, or Chicago critics could dampen the spirit felt in that theatre.  It does not matter what they think of it only what you think of it.  Vicki Pestorious
Posted by minnow fan on Mar. 01 2004,6:13 pm
There is a really, really nice copy of the movie available on the internet.  Released by Centropy a couple days ago.

< Passion copies in the net >

Posted by Montyman on Mar. 01 2004,10:22 pm
I see by your avatar what your religion (or lack thereof) is...but I still respect YOUR opinion minnow.

What a dose.

Posted by rosebudinal on Mar. 07 2004,11:28 pm
Finally got in to see it tonite, had to buy the ticket at the 4:00 showing for the 6:45 show. Awesome, it really was a earthmoving experience. Some of the scenes caught me looking away. But, not for more than a few seconds. It definately makes you reflect and re-evaluate the petty things that we bicker about, material things and just common everyday worries. I highly recommend it.
Posted by fresno on Mar. 13 2004,11:08 am
Posted by Spidey on Mar. 13 2004,1:45 pm
Oh please! It's a movie. Gibson should make money at this movie ... he put his money and time into it. No one asks other people to work for nothing.
Posted by irisheyes on Mar. 13 2004,3:21 pm
Quote (fresno @ Mar. 13 2004,11:08:am)
you ain't much of a Christian, read the Bible! you should have paid attention more in confirmation!
gibson is padding his nest with this movie, that isn't right. if gibson was a real Christian, he would give that money to charity or the needy.

I'm glad to see reading the bible is important to you fresno.  From your post though, I'm wondering if you skipped all the parts that say you shouldn't judge others?
Posted by Ole1kanobe on Mar. 13 2004,9:00 pm
Zing!  :p
Posted by riffraff on Mar. 13 2004,9:46 pm
let the without sin cast the first stone.
Posted by The Advocate on Mar. 15 2004,5:07 pm
What I feel is the gift that Mel Gibson has given us is that we are talking and discussing Christ and religion. Plus, I was wondering if anyone out there believe that when the devil was holding the child with the warts etc. Mel was attempting to get the point across that the devil has our children cradled in his bosom?  Sort of like he was  sarcastically grinning at us and saying "I've got them, they're mine"  ?  And when the devil was defeated at the end, and he ripped off his hood, did anyone else think that he looked like a modern day rock star?  These thoughts went through my mind and I was wondering what others thought?
Posted by Spidey on Mar. 15 2004,6:07 pm
I really didn't understand the devil holding the baby. At the moment while watching it I thought maybe he was trying to send a message that he had already won, but not sure on that anymore. No one that I talk too seems to understand that part of the movie.

Yep ... he reminded me of David Bowies offspring.  :laugh:

Posted by GEOKARJO on Mar. 16 2004,11:50 am
I have not seen the movie SHOOOSHHH........ ???
Posted by Tiger on Mar. 16 2004,12:11 pm
Geo, I haven't seen the movie yet either, but I don't think anyone is going to ruin it for me because I already know how it ends.  I hope you do too. :D
Posted by GEOKARJO on Mar. 16 2004,1:57 pm
It is what is between the beginning and end I haven't a clue????
Posted by farouk on Mar. 17 2004,4:32 pm
Spidey, could it be the mark of the devil that each of us bare from birth through original sin?  Through that one act we are condemned to death, and according to the Christians, only through the death and reserection of Christ are we saved.  So the story goes?
Posted by Mahmoud on Mar. 17 2004,8:01 pm
farouk, what does that say about the two of us?
Posted by Montyman on Mar. 18 2004,8:25 pm
You'll get to 'the higher place' if you're not car bombers...
Posted by farouk on Mar. 19 2004,5:29 pm
Mahmoud I don't know if I believe in an after life, but the concept of forgiveness does fasciate me.  Perhaps there is even hope for those who have yet to believe.
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