Forum: Opinion
Topic: Walgreens Rumor
started by: GEOKARJO

Posted by GEOKARJO on Jul. 20 2004,11:45 am
Heard Walgreens Is buying the Property North of Harold's Bar, Harolds Bar and the Bld The Tool Shed is in. Anyone have any info.
Posted by Frustrated on Jul. 20 2004,12:46 pm
Wow - I hope Harold's isn't closing!
Posted by Scurvy Dog on Jul. 20 2004,3:23 pm
I'd be surprised if they came here at all after they were refused the land they originally wanted. What does somebody have to do to get a prime business location around here anyway - open a slaughterhouse?
Posted by Ole1kanobe on Jul. 20 2004,6:50 pm
What does somebody have to do to get a prime business location around here anyway - open a slaughterhouse?

In a word, probably. ???

Posted by DrBombay on Jul. 20 2004,10:49 pm
I heard the same rumor Geo did.  Walgreens should be thanking the city for turning their offer down, because this has to be much cheaper land.
Posted by shaker on Jul. 21 2004,1:21 am
closeing Harolds will be no great loss- its a rat hole
Posted by Frustrated on Jul. 21 2004,11:48 am
Harold's is about the same as Eddie's - except it has good and reasonably priced food with no Karoake.  Both bars are much better than the Nasty, which is the biggest rat-hole.

Wallgreens is not a "prime business" for A.L.'s economic development effort.  It's just another drugstore that will further impare the ability of existing drugstores to compete with WallMart.  It won't bring any more or better paying jobs to town than those lost by closing Harold's.

Posted by GEOKARJO on Jul. 21 2004,12:34 pm
A bartender makes good money if they are good at their job 8 to 9 bucks an hour plus tips when I bartended I averaged 50 bucks a night in tips at Eddie's making my wage upwards of 16 dollars an hour.
Posted by spike on Jul. 21 2004,1:11 pm
Quote (Frustrated @ July 21 2004,11:48:am)
Wallgreens is not a "prime business" for A.L.'s economic development effort.  It's just another drugstore that will further impare the ability of existing drugstores to compete with WallMart.  It won't bring any more or better paying jobs to town than those lost by closing Harold's.

100 percent correct Frustrated.

Sure, it's nice to have choices & if it keeps some $$$ in town rather then sending it elsewhere great.  But I would concur that another drugstore isn't keeping more money in town.  I don't know of anyone who goes to the ALMC then drives to Austin to buy their drugs.  It will make it even more tough on the local mom-n-pop drug stores.

I am a believer in this formula (and in this order):
Get, sustain and grow stable, decent paying jobs
which will...
attract more people to town (to work or live or perhaps both)
which will...
bring in more money into town
which will also...
attract more contractors to build houses for these people
which will...
grow the local tax base
which will...
attract retailers to serve the growing population
which will...
provide even more jobs (granted, not well paying but...)
which will...
pay taxes
which will...
HELP PAY OFF THE COURTHOUSE!!!!!!!!!   :laugh:

Posted by Scurvy Dog on Jul. 21 2004,3:24 pm
For the record, Frustrated, I did not mean Wallgreen's was a prime business; just that the former Farmland site, which they wanted originally, is a prime site (according to our team of economic development champions, anyway).
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