Forum: Opinion
Topic: Commissioner Elections
started by: jimhanson

Posted by jimhanson on Apr. 01 2004,2:34 pm
Maddog and I were invited to a meeting today to talk about possible candidates to oppose Commissioners Behrends, Springborg, and Mathiason--all coming up for election this fall.

The people convening the meeting had no party affiliation--they simply were looking for alternatives for the three incumbent commissioners.  Names of possible candidates were floated--but more candidates are needed!  As was pointed out at the meeting, there is no reason that the group wouldn't support MORE than one candidate for each position.  If you know of a possible candidate for the office of County Commissioner, please contact Maddog or me--we will forward the name to the group, and the group will contact the potential candidate.

It should be emphasized that we are not part of the group, or candidates ourselves.  We were invited because some of the group are active Forum readers, and they like the interchange, ideas, and expose's found in the Forum--ideas and discussion not found elsewhere.  

We have talked about making changes in County government for a couple of years now--HERE IS THE CHANGE TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  If you have the name of a candidate for Commissioner, please pass it on.

Posted by GEOKARJO on Apr. 01 2004,2:56 pm
I have been atempting to order 150 of these but the credit card authorizing is down
Posted by jimhanson on Apr. 01 2004,3:09 pm
LOL, Geo!  :laugh:
Posted by GEOKARJO on Apr. 01 2004,3:56 pm
Jim here is something to wear to the goverment meetings ordered 10 large 10 XL AND 10 XXL be in next week about Friday
Posted by minnow on Apr. 01 2004,4:01 pm
Yes, then have the names of those we want ousted, with a red circle with a  line through the middle, on top!
Posted by jimhanson on Apr. 01 2004,4:23 pm
How does that fall under the new Rule 19--is it "argumentative"?  "Contentious"?  "Reasonably expected to inflame?" :D   I hope so!
Posted by minnow on Apr. 01 2004,5:12 pm
If regime change doesn't happen on a local level, I'm quitting the forum. If the voters don't care, than I don't care either and I'll move on.

It'll prove to me that very few have been listening and even fewer care. If that's the case, I'll redirect my flow...

Posted by GEOKARJO on Apr. 01 2004,6:15 pm
If regime change doesn't happen on a local level, I'm quitting the forum. If the voters don't care, than I don't care either and I'll move on.

That will sway the voters choice :p

Posted by Newbie on Apr. 01 2004,9:23 pm
I heard Springborg wasn't running again.  Anyone else heard that?

Why don't one of you run?

Posted by hoosier on Apr. 02 2004,9:05 am
If Springborg doesnt run, its because he sees the writing on the wall. Maybe, just maybe, he is smart enough to figure out that he was in way over his head.
Jim and Maddog, who are these people that called this meeting? Dont want to tell us? No support here then, just more $hit done in secret. I want to know who is behind these people that want to run. I mean come on, Tony Trow wanted to support Maddog to run at one time. Without Trow standing behind him, Maddog would make a fine commissioner, but can you see that it matters to people who are pulling the strings form behind the scenes? Will the people running feel like they owe this group anything for their support. I bet I know some of the people in this group, and I tell you they do have their own agenda. If it were only to get rid of the current county board, why not let us know who it is.

Just some advice from me, even if you dont want it. Doing what you are doing, but not revealing to people who is going to support these people, is a very bad idea. It always amazes me how people want to get involved but dont want to be known. They want someone else to do the dirty work for them. Like I said, dont tell us who the supporters are, I will actively work against it, and I will expose who they are. We have had enough of secret politics in this county, dont let someone you want to run for office to start out by hiding things.
Let me put it this way, if Tony Trow was doing something like this, dont you think you would like to know this before you voted for someone he supported? You have to look at this from others point of view. Just because you and Maddog think these people are on the up and up, doesnt mean others will. They probably will, but dont you think thats their choice to make. Let them make an informed choice, with all the info they can get. Otherwise, in my opinion, the people that you support will be know better than the trash setting on the board know.
Dont hide $hit, dont play politics, if the people dont have the guts to make themselves known to all, then get the hell out of politics, we have enough cowards to go around.

Jim and Maddog, dont take this personal, its not, just think I have a right to know who is behind these people, and what the county board may look like if the are successful. If you dont agree, I will have to assume that you believe that there are things people dont have to know. And let me make this real clear for the peole that you talked to. If you are to much of a coward to make youselves known, then stay the hell out of our politics, we have enough CHICKENS running around here as it is.   :D

Posted by hoosier on Apr. 02 2004,9:16 am
Sorry, one last thing.
Just consider this.
Isnt this thing you are doing with this group of people the same way we got the people that we have now?
Behrends was picked and groomed for his board seat by people just like the ones you are talking to now. Tell us all how we are to believe that your people will make a better pick than the ones that chose Behrends? Im just saying, do things the way you would want it done, the right way, out in the open, so all knows. When just a few, know, thats bad, it scares me. It scares me when people are recruited by others for public office. It usually means the others want to influence government without getting their name muddied in the paper. People like that keep secrets, that scares me, it should scare us all.

Posted by Montyman on Apr. 02 2004,9:09 pm
nobody's asked me to run.
maybe i should...

Posted by minnow on Apr. 02 2004,9:16 pm
To be honest Hoosier, it doesn't really matter much now anyway. The big money's already been spent. Everything else from here on out is but mere fluff.

Is it true Springborg is not running? What an SOB!

He runs on no courthouse spending, changes his vote and swings the board....then walks away.

Leaving us to pay through the nose for the next 20 years...He deserves banishment.

Posted by hoosier on Apr. 03 2004,7:32 am
Amen Minnow, LOL
Posted by hoosier on Apr. 03 2004,7:41 am
Montyman, run if you like. Is your commissioner up for reelection? Dont take this as an official anouncement or anything, but if no one steps foward to oppose Behrends in my district, I will. Im not saying I would be any better than others, but you wouldnt get any bull$hit, you would know the truth about what goes on, even behind the scenes. There would be nothing the citizens dont know about county government. After all, whats the big secret, aint like we have national security issues here, but you would think so with all the behind the scenes deals that go on, outside the publics ability to see them.
And, when an issue comes up, and you know that 60, 70, or 80 percent of the people that you represent are on one side of this issue, you put away your own feelings on the subject and do what the majority of your people want.
And on the subject of running the meetings, you do it by the book, according to the law. Behrends ran this board like it was some kind of church council or school board. Running government is serious business, you do it by the book, regardless. Because after all, the book is there to protect the people you represent, from you.
I would also mention that I would like to run, but if others wish to, I would step aside. If we get two or three people to run against one commissioner, the incumbent could end up winning, with the votes split three or four ways. To me, its not about me serving, its about getting rid of the people we now have serving. Selfish people and egos have no place here. If good people run, government will do just fine without me.   :rockon:

Posted by jimhanson on Apr. 03 2004,7:03 pm
Hoosier--as Hal said in the movie 2001--"Take a stress pill!"

"Secret meetings?"  I can see how it could be taken that way--but the last time I checked, there was still a Constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression and freedom of association.  Getting 6 people together to find a candidate (or MULTIPLE candidates), is hardly newsworthy (I don't think the media is interested) or required--it is no different than a bunch of friends getting together at home and discussing politics.  The difference in the open meeting law for public officials is that THEY are spending OUR money--though we didn't talk about spending ANY money at the meeting (only who might be approached as being a candidate or candidates), there is nothing illegal in doing so  If you are an organized political party (which we are NOT), it is called a CAUCUS.   Promoting a number of good candidates to run is a GOOD THING--it is called CITIZENSHIP.  How is this group different from say, the League of Women Voters--you know, the group that sponsors the debates?  They don't support one candidate, they encourage anybody that wants to run to do so, and offer them encouragement to do so.  It would be a sad day indeed if people had to post notice of intent to discuss politics or candidates in the privacy of their own home.  Perhaps you would like NO PM's ON POLITICS from this Forum?  No E-mails, either?  
not revealing to people who is going to support these people, is a very bad idea.
Talk about McCarthyism!  "Who do you support?  Why wasn't this information made public?"

The group asked me to write this up for the Forum, because they believe that the participants on the Forum HAVE raised political awareness within the community, and made elected officials more cognizant of their responsibilities.  There are a number of ways this could be written up for the Forum--I chose to write it up as short and directly as I could.  Perhaps you would like to take a crack at it next time?  Though there is no "Chairman", "Treasurer", or any other officer--just an ad-hoc group, I'm sure you would be welcome any time they get together.

Hoosier--you need to drop the always-combative attitude--even when you are right, you lose readers with the language.  Be more diplomatic--you can convey the same message to more people be doing so.

Posted by riffraff on Apr. 05 2004,3:09 pm

Posted by shaker on Apr. 05 2004,3:55 pm
That is what Jim and a few other people are trying to do,that is, find out who mite be interested and want to run, just hold tight riffraff, I am sure there will be some very good people to run, when there is We will all know who they are.
Posted by minnow on Apr. 05 2004,4:28 pm
I want 3 things from a candidate:

1. Someone who fights to keep taxes from rising. Someone like Bleshan who questions excessive spending.

2. Someone who'll not let Gabe dominate them or someone who'll even fire that no good rotten SOB.

3. Someone who won't let the position go to their head and start wanting massive government growth like Springborg did.

Posted by Truth on Apr. 05 2004,5:30 pm
I don't see any radicals making onto our board.
Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 06 2004,3:17 pm
Right now, all we've done is try to get organized and bring people together.  There were only six of us, but more will be joining.  We haven't even really started talking about who will be willing to run.  There will be more "getting togethers" soon.  If anyone is interested in attending meetings, just PM me.
Posted by kid dyn-o-mite on Apr. 08 2004,7:11 pm
He means guys like minnow described, 1. Someone who fights to keep taxes from rising. Someone like Bleshan who questions excessive spending.

2. Someone who'll not let Gabe dominate them or someone who'll even fire that no good rotten SOB.

3. Someone who won't let the position go to their head and start wanting massive government growth like Springborg did.

Does that look radical to you? If that's radical north is south and east is west.

Posted by fresno on Apr. 08 2004,7:59 pm
Posted by fresno on Apr. 08 2004,8:00 pm
Posted by fresno on Apr. 08 2004,8:01 pm
Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 09 2004,8:42 am
so has anyone ever found out what Mr. Galbrielson did at his prior job in Wisconsion, was there any new building projects slammed in while he was there.
 He was Human Services Coordinator in Price county.  Don't know about any building projects he was involved in.  Do know he was involved in a lawsuit there too.

Posted by repdan on Apr. 09 2004,1:03 pm

I would think you would be pleased that people were meeting and talking about this.  I would say that the group should have formed sometime ago, but there is no going back.  This is same advise I would give for any office.  The person and group who is most organized and out early will go the best.

I sure would not look at a group of 6 people getting together to brainstorm as a back room deal but rather a good way to find candidates.  Why not have an open meeting and post the names?  Because as I understand it the group is going to approach people and ask them if the have interest, if they don't what's the point, however, once someone is going to run, I would get the name out asap.  Why?  If the candidate is strong, it will tend to keep others out.  Now before I get bounced on, I am not saying that I don't want more people in, but if a person or group has a candidate, from their view that would be the best plan.  

I always think it's a good idea for people to get involved in campaigns,  either running or helping.  This is the best way I know to get good people elected.

Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 09 2004,1:28 pm
Thanks, repdan, we will be adding more people to our ad hoc group, hopefully all the time.  The more, the merrier, right?  No candidates have stepped up yet, although a couple might.  We will be contacting people continually, as more people join the group, more names will be brought up.  Again, thanks!
Posted by hoosier on Apr. 11 2004,8:40 am
Repdan, I am glad, but not in secret. Is it against thye law? No. Is it unconstitutional? NO.
But, is it against the law for three commissioners to get together at Applebees for a drink? No. Is it unconstitutional? NO.
With the open meeting violations, does it look bad to the public? YES.
Are the commissioners to stupid to see it? YES.
It just seems to me that a group that is on the commissioners @ss for open meetings, and not having things out in the open, would be able to look at its self and see that they need to do it better than the commissioners. Otherwise, they are no better.
I agree with what they are doing, just not how they are doing it. The sad thing to me, is that Jim and Maddog must be to stupid to understand that it might look bad for them to meet in secret also.
And you all think these unknown COWARDS dont want, or wont have any influence over a person they support? Take a look at JIm and Maddog, after one meeting with these guys the two of them are falliing all over themselves trying to what these people wish them to do.
Maddog, remember the day when Tony Trow was trying to get to you? You asked me what I knew of him, I told you not to get involved with him.
All im saying is that some of the people that you two seem to think are gods, might not be what they seem. Number one, they are all chicken $hit cowards in my book, they want to influence everyones politics, but take no heat for doing it.
But, let people know who they are, might be someone here that can tell you all something you might want know about one or more of them. Or is that what they are afraid of?

If all you want is politicians like we have now, that are led around by the nose by people we never see or hear about, then go along with Maddogs and Jims choices.
Seems to me that the names are gonna change, but the result will be the same.
And like I said, I agree with Repdan, this should have been done long ago, but out in the open, in public, so everyone knows all there is to know about the commissioner they might choose.
Not in secret, with secret backers(COWARDS)that want to pull the strings.
Sorry, I just thought the people I got involved with were smarter than this, better than this, more open to the public than this. But what are they doing now? Holding secret meetings with little COWARDS. Sound like any group of people we talk about here often? You bet, our county board.

Also Repdan, I think you misunderstood the names I am talking about. I dont care who they contact to run, the people that decide to run, we will all know who they are. I want the names of the people that are choosing the people they want to run. I have no problem not knowing who they contact. And hey, its this groups choice to keep who they are secret. I am just trying to give a different perspective, maybe step into one of our critics shoes and see how others that read this forum might think of people that preach all the time about openness, and doing things so the public knows the whole story, but yet refuses to see that what they are doing is no different than what they accuse the county board of doing. Im on their side and it looks stupid, and bad to me.
If you want politicians picked by a bunch of COWARDS, go right ahead. Me, Ill either run myself, or choose someone that doesnt have COWARDS as backers.   :rockon: Power to the people, not COWARDS!

Posted by repdan on Apr. 11 2004,10:15 pm
Last time I checked, this was still America, people are free to get together and discuss ideas and issues.  Several years ago, a person in the community was concerned about the leadership of the city.  He invited me and my family to dinner and we talked about it.  He did the same with several other people, he was trying to get more people involved in the system.  I have no idea what good would have come out of publishing a list of people he was talking to.  The meetings that are being held is just one way of getting people involved.  Public meetings should be open for the most part, but there is not the same standard for private meetings nor should the there be.
Posted by kid dyn-o-mite on Apr. 12 2004,12:08 am
You still don't get it, do you?
Posted by Liberal on Apr. 12 2004,10:34 am
Hoosier, although I can see your point to some degree, I think it is more a problem with the way it was said then with what was actually going on.

When our people got together over a year ago to try and do something about Rule 19, The Tribune and the county board we didn't tell everyone who made up that group.  So why is this different? Nobody in our group was hiding or being a power player behind the scene. It just didn't serve a purpose to publish the names of a loose knit group that was working towards the same goal.

You need to think about being so aggressive towards possible candidates unless you want to do more damage than good by scaring good people away from running.  Because we're all in this mess together and we don't need people on our side fighting with each other and demanding to know who was at any meeting where the only thing discussed was possible candidates to replace the 3 morons.

Besides Hoosier you knew about the meeting ahead of time just like I did and you chose not to go.  If the names are so important to you then attend the next meeting. But, let's not destroy a good thing and give up a great chance to take back our local government because you have a small disagreement with the procedure that was used.

Posted by The Advocate on Apr. 12 2004,5:49 pm
There are two sides to this story,  like all others.  Hoosier is understandably upset about secret meetings with potential candidates related to several of the current commissioners being manipulated by  County Administrator, Gabrielson. He definitely has a  polarizing effect on people and he has 4 commissioners that have been  magnitized toward him.  Disheartening as this is, it is in fact, an exception.  I, like Hoosier, want independent thinking individuals to lead our community.  However, having said that it seems that to organize is not a bad thing and if it takes some meetings and communication to come to a place where good candidates can come forward, that is a good thing.  I personally feel that any candidates need to monitor the pulse of his/her constituents as in fact, this is grassroots politics and it can be realistically achieved.  So I will look for the candidate similar to Belshan who can lead even in diversity.  It is obvious that Belshans constituents love him (evidenced by his landslide election) and he will fight to the end for them.  I have to respect that.
Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 12 2004,6:30 pm
At the present time, all we have done is discuss issues and greivances.  Some names were brought out to invite to the next meeting.  I've been the one to contact them and invite them to come.  Once again, if anyone is interested in the meeting this week, PM me.

Hoosier, you know or know of probably all but one person at our last get together, and a couple of people I have invited to the next one, you know most of them too.

If all you want is politicians like we have now, that are led around by the nose by people we never see or hear about, then go along with Maddogs and Jims choices.
 That's the kind of candidates we don't want, and you know it.  
Maddog, remember the day when Tony Trow was trying to get to you? You asked me what I knew of him, I told you not to get involved with him.
 I remember it well, and I still respect your opinion and won't be afraid to ask for it again.  The Advocate

However, having said that it seems that to organize is not a bad thing and if it takes some meetings and communication to come to a place where good candidates can come forward, that is a good thing.
 Thank you, and you know that if we do find any candidates to think of running, of course they will come forward.  The whole idea behind this was to simply "brainstorm" ideas, throw out potential names, approach them, and let them know that no matter what district they are in, we will support them.

Posted by rosebudinal on Apr. 12 2004,8:23 pm
Advocate, finally we agree on something. I feel very lucky to be in Dan's district and we need more like him on the county board.
Posted by repdan on Apr. 14 2004,10:24 pm
Kid, to whom was your comment directed?
Posted by hoosier on Apr. 16 2004,8:56 am
Again, I agree with all the last few posts on this subject. I totally agree with what Maddog is doing. Maybe I havent been clear. And dont forget, this is just my opinion, nothing more.
My problem is with the people that are not known to all. Sorry, but I just have more respect for someone who understands that there is a price to pay for getting involved and speaking your mind, but they do it anyway. And there is a price to pay.
Take Repdan for example, I probably disagree with him 50 percent of the time or more. But, I respect the hell out of him. Why? Because he puts his @ss and his professional life on the line for what he believes in. You think he doesnt pay a price?
Anyway, thats all Im saying, I got no respect for people that dont want to be known, or want to be in the game, but arent willing to pay the price. But are more than willing to stand by and watch others pay the price.

By the way, I know it looks like I have been on Maddogs @ss a lot here lately with these posts. That is not my intent Maddog, just giving my opinion, good or bad, lol. But Maddog works is butt off on issues like this, if it werent for him, we wouldnt get a lot of the info we get on this forum. My bet is he works harder for the people that read this forum than most elected officials do for the people.
Remember Maddog, I dont want to ruin this for you guys, my advice is this, then I will shut up about it, LOL.
Just make sure you are more open, and honest than the other guy is(county board). Like I said and others have pointed out, there isnt anything wrong or illegal about these people not being known. But my point all along is that as a person running for office you could look at the guy setting in office and say hey, we werent even required by law to be open about the meetings we have had, and we were still more open than the county board is.
Do it better, even if the law says you dont have to.  :D

Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 16 2004,10:41 am
Thanks, hoosier for your support.  Support is exactly what any candidate that decides to run will need.

We did indeed meet again yesterday morning.  There were a couple of more people this time, including another member of this forum.  We would like to think we may have accomplished more this time than the last as we stayed more focused this time.  We may now have at least one candidate for each of the districts now.  These people who may be willing to run have to make that decision themselves now.  I hope that the person whom I invited to the meeting and is in my (Springborg's) district will choose to run.  A lot of time wil be involved both in campaigning and running the office properly, and that is probably his biggest concern.  That if he does run, he wants it to be done properly and above board and work for the people.  A couple of other people will be contacted this week, one of which has showed some desire, and another willing to run if Mathiason runs unopposed.  We will also be contacting one person in Behrends district this week.  It has to be their decision on when to publicly announce their intent.  

Finding a person of good morals that has both the energy and the time it takes to work for his constituants is actually harder than one would think.  In addition, this person has to be able to attend morning meetings.  At least until the new board can make changes and possibly start having evening meetings again.

In closing, we ask for all your support and any guidance any of you would care to give.  Hopefully, very soon, we will have several candidates step forward and let it be known that they are going to run for office.  That's when our work to run these ba$tards down the road starts!

Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 19 2004,9:12 am
I received a call last night.  We now officially have one candidate that will run against Mathison.  No word from the rest of the field yet.
Posted by Madd Max on Apr. 19 2004,9:36 am
I hope someome steps up soon to take on Springborg.
Posted by Hanna on Apr. 19 2004,9:49 am
I agree with RepDan. Public meetings should be held in the public, however private citizens should be able to meet however they see fit. Many nights I sit at my kitchen table with friends or relatives and discuss politics. I don't see this as being any different. Am I doing the public wrong by not disclosing that I'm having guests to my house to discuss any issues? I don't think so. It's all about opinion, brainstorming, and sharing ideas and views. If and when one of my friends, relatives, or myself decide to run for a public office, everyone will know. Until then, there are things to consider that don't necessarily require public scrutiny.

(Just to eliminate confusion, the meetings that Maddog is referring to is not the get-togethers I have in my home.)

Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 19 2004,12:45 pm
Well, things are definitely falling into place.  Now we have one candidate that is going to run against Mathiason and one to run against Behrends.  Still waiting to hear if we've fielded at least one person to run in each district.  We hope that very soon we can reveal the names of these people.
Posted by hoosier on Apr. 20 2004,7:38 am
Hanna, again, if you are talking about me, read my posts again. No where did I say that you shouldnt be able to have meetings at your house. Read the posts, dont go by what others have said about the posts.
Posted by MADDOG on Apr. 28 2004,3:29 pm
I received a phone call from one more candidate.  He's gunho to run, and knows local politics.

There is a meeting again tomorrow morning if anyone is interested in attending, PM me yet today.

Posted by minnow on Apr. 28 2004,3:49 pm
We need more people like Dan Belshan with just some simple common sense. Someone who'll tow the line on wasteful spending.

The trouble is, is that once people get in, they become drunk with power like Springborg did. The rush of power from spending the publics money is just to great.

Hoosier, before you sing the praises of Repdan, you should know that he's also truth. If you'd vote for Truth, go ahead and support Dan. I've asked around for opinions of Dan Dorfman and have met people who even went to high school with him. An interesting thing happened. Three seperate people used the same word to describe him which hardly ever happens. The word was "twit". Need more be said?

Posted by repdan on Jun. 08 2004,12:18 am
I thought I was a bad speller.  Dorman.  Not sure I would draw to much from 3 people in the class of 81 who would use the word Twit.  Don't recall it being used often, who knows.  Good thing more than 3 people showed up at the polls.
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 02 2004,3:36 pm
I'm happy to say that all people (5) contacted to run for office have said yes.  Filing dates are from July 6th at 8:00 a.m. to July 20th at 5:00 p.m.  Filing fees are $50.00.  They will be coming forward very shortly.  I have permission to name several of them, however, I'm choosing until after filing to announce them.
Posted by Tassie on Jul. 02 2004,4:26 pm
One sure way to understand the limitations of a public office is to get elected to one. They will find out that a lot of laws govern what they can or cannot do. Promises made before election are very hard to keep after election. Running for a public office is the easiest part, doing the job and trying to keep everyone happy is the hard part. Some people cannot be pleased no matter what you do, this is what moves people to leave office..........
Posted by Liberal on Jul. 02 2004,4:52 pm

Promises made before election are very hard to keep after election.

You mean like Springborgs promise to let the people decide the courthouse issue?

When people see that goofball in the parade on saturday I hope they let him know how they feel about the promises he made last election. Maybe even let him know that anyone can make a promise, but, it takes a person with integrity to keep that promise.

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 02 2004,5:01 pm
We know they will make mistakes, everyone does.  
They will find out that a lot of laws govern what they can or cannot do.
 They will be given a lot of information from Dennis Distad.  Items like employee handbook, laws governing open meeting laws, and much, much more.  They will also have a lot of assistance from knowledgable people that know many of the laws that govern them.  I have already given the candidates much information.  Also, one of them will graduate with a B.S. in p0olitical science this November.

When people see that goofball in the parade on saturday I hope they let him know how they feel about the promises he made last election.
 I wonder how Springborg will pay for that new motorcycle he just bought when his income drops $20,000 next year.  :D

Posted by Tassie on Jul. 02 2004,7:41 pm
I'm just curious Maddog, didn't  we elect these commissioners to make decisions for us? I guess the only time I have ever had a vote to spend money was for school bonding in the other ares that I have lived. Do other counties or parishes in the US vote to ok major expenditures? If so, what is the need for representation? Why even have elections and then pay people to represent us?
Posted by Liberal on Jul. 02 2004,8:19 pm
It's done both ways, but, that's not the point. Springborg ran on a platform of letting the citizens decide the courthouse issue and then once he was elected he changed his mind and denied the public the right to vote on it.

Fool me once.....

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 03 2004,8:27 am
Tassie, I'm not sure just what your question is, but I'll answer you how I take your post.

Yes, we have elected the county commissioners to make decisions for us, as we have the school board, and the city council.  They are elected to run the day to day operations of our city/county and control the budgets, etc.

BUT, don't you think that the biggest expenditure in the history of the county should have allowed the people to have a say in it?  With interest, over $40,000,000 taxed against the people of Freeborn County over the next 25 years, with no chance to get a lower interest rate for 12 years.

To be told, when asked why lease revenue bonding instead of general obligation bonds at a much lower rate (which would have required a vote, I was told by one elected commissioner and an appointed official (who remains nameless  :p ) it would have never passed.)  You tell me, was this fair to the county citizens, the way it was done?

Posted by Tassie on Jul. 03 2004,8:49 am
Maddog, sounds as if you are running for one of the commisioners spots. Nothing is going to change the fact that we now have a new courthouse and $40,000,000.00 to pay....... Personally I think we should follow Arizona's example and keep our prisoners in tents for their sentences. Sure would help with overcrowding. Bet it would eliminate the repeat offenders.......Wouldn't need a new jail...
Posted by shaker on Jul. 03 2004,9:10 am
Maddog, sounds like you are running for commisioner---No Tassie. sounds to Me like Maddog is just talking common sense, when it comes to the biggest tax expenditure in the county the people that have to foot the bill should have a say in the matter, It was very well known that this was not going to pass if the voters had their say(and ritefully so), the comm. did a end run around the public, and in doing so cost us a lot of extra money with the lease revnue bonds. One comm. that was running for election said that He would not be in favor of this new court house, after elected He changed his mind (Springborg) and voted to exclude the taxpayers from voteing on this issue.  Like Liberal says---fool Me once--
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 03 2004,9:41 am
Maddog, sounds as if you are running for one of the commisioners spots.
 No, Tassie, I'm not running for commissioner, but I have been a driving force to inspire others to run for the three openings.  I also will be wirking hard campaigning for all of them, in my district (Springborg's) and out of my district.  
Maddog, sounds as if you are running for one of the commisioners spots.
 That is correct, but that doesn't mean the people of Freeborn County can vote these three out for giving us the $40,000,000 bill.  :angry:

Posted by Tassie on Jul. 03 2004,10:05 am
Maddog, I wish you well, just remember that "all" the residents of Freeborn county need to be represented, not just a certain few. Hopefully we shall elect that type of person.....Everyone who runs for office has some sort of personal agenda. Perhaps we will elect one whose own feelings will take a backseat for the good of many?? :D
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 03 2004,10:18 am
Everyone who runs for office has some sort of personal agenda. Perhaps we will elect one whose own feelings will take a backseat for the good of many??

I certainly hope so, too.  I feel we have some good candidates, and diversified in their expertises, also.

Tassie, in whose district do you live in?

Posted by shaker on Jul. 03 2004,11:04 pm
I most certainly hope that whoever that we elect will tell us the truth when He or She runs for this office, not be like Springborg and say one thing and then do another, I have no trouble with a difference of opinion, every one has theirs and that is fine, Just don't LIE TO ME!!!!!! I WON'T FORGET.
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 04 2004,1:14 pm
Here's  a little tickle.  In the third discrict, there are two people running against Springborg.  One frives a gravel truck ans farms and the other is in, many businesses, including real estate, and is a neighbor of mine and Springborg's.

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 04 2004,1:35 pm
O.K., O.K., one of the people running in the 5th district works at the hospital, but that's all I'm telling until Tuesday.
Posted by ICU812 on Jul. 06 2004,12:10 pm
It's Tuesday MADDOG lay it on us..
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 06 2004,12:38 pm
Patience, ICU812,  I've been at the county commissioner's meeting all morning.  At 2:45 today, at least 3 people will be filing.  I have notified the Tribune, KAAL, and KATE of the time.  They should be on hand.  After filing, I will post.
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 06 2004,5:18 pm
O.K., here they are.  Four candidates all met at the courthouse this afternoon along with the Tribune and KAAL.  Film at 6:00.  Mr. Gabrielsen walked into everybody filing and the media.  Running against Mathiason: Kemlin Hart and Neal Gersvik.  Against Springborg:  Scott Knutson and Jim Nelson, and against Berhrends: Chad Hayson and still one undiclosed candidate who has not yet filed.
Posted by Liberal on Jul. 06 2004,5:28 pm
I decided the only way to really make a difference with the current county board is to get a seat at the big table, so, today I filed for the 5th District county commissioner seat.

I also met most of the other candidates today and they all seemed like great choices and hopefully we'll have a few new faces on the board next year.

Posted by Newbie on Jul. 06 2004,5:33 pm
Well, I'll be looking forward to getting some background on Scott Knutson and Jim Nelson.  I'm in their ward.  Good luck Liberal.
Posted by spike on Jul. 06 2004,6:57 pm
Good luck Lib!
Posted by The Advocate on Jul. 06 2004,9:00 pm
Chad Hayson, I am so happy that you are running against Behrends.  In the last election I ran against him and Ron Kraus.  I lost in the primary but felt I made a good showing with the amount of money I spent.  My husband and I had heard a rumor that Behrends spent about $11,000.00 and Kraus about $25,000.00 and compared to my roughly $550.00 I did not do too bad.  My suggestion to you is to really campaign hard in the high rise, senior towers, trailer court and southside of Albert Lea areas.  Go to each and every apartment and the Elder Care facilities.  I can remember that four years ago not one constituent I talked with was in favor of a new courthouse, not one.  I've said it before and I will say it again, had I been elected at least my vote would have stood with Belshans.  Why?  Because that is what the people wanted.  I never gave a rip what "the powers that be" wanted and never will.  I believe that you are an excellent person to represent the constituents of the 5th District because you have demonstrated time after time that you will dig, dig, dig.  You will not be intimidated and you cannot be swayed.  I know that you are Liberal on this post and what you did by your investigative diligence in regards to uncovering the Chamber scandal was beyond question one of the best efforts that I have seen anyone undertake in quite a long while.  I live in the 5th District as do many of my relatives and we are all voting for you.  Thanks again for throwing your hat in the ring.
Posted by shaker on Jul. 06 2004,9:49 pm
Glad to see you run Lib. I am also pleased to see the other candidites that are going to run, The people will have some very good choices, We may not to have got to vote on the "new" court house--but I think the taxpayers will still have the last word. :D
Posted by DrBombay on Jul. 06 2004,9:50 pm
Very Cool! Liberal I will be spreading the word throughout the 5th ward too!  This is way better than we expected.  Good Luck--me and my family will do what we can for the cause!!! :D  :D  :D
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 07 2004,8:50 am
I feel we have several strong candidates and can foresee at least a couple commissioners losing in the primaries.  All of the candidates see the need to give the power back to the people.  

They are going to need a lot of support from friends, family and the politically movtivated.  Fund raising, signage and door knocking.  If you know one of them and they are not in your district, you can still support and talk about them.  Coffee shops are great places to start.  Signage, however, can not be placed until August 1st.  Advocate, if willing, you can be a mountain of information for candidates that have questions.

Posted by Liberal on Jul. 07 2004,9:07 am
Thanks everybody, I guess I should maybe put my name at the bottom of my posts from now on since there might still be people that don't know my name is Chad Hayson.

Thanks for the advice and the kind words Advocate. Have you considered running again? Giving people choices is always a good thing and the more people running the better the chance of removing Behrends in the primary.

Posted by Liberal on Jul. 07 2004,10:28 am
Another candidate filed for District 5, Tim Borst. Here's a list maintained by the Secretary of State just scroll down to Freeborn county.

< List of people that have filed for office. >

Posted by The Advocate on Jul. 07 2004,9:05 pm
Liberal, I thought about running again but because of my two jobs I would be unable to attend meeting and be available.  My husband and I will do what we can to help get you elected.  We are still really pissed about the courthouse and nobody is gonna make us feel good about the stupid thing now, no amount of PR bull, not one darn thing.
Posted by hoosier on Jul. 08 2004,7:55 am
Going to give it a go Liberal? Cool, we need people like you.
You live in my district, I would be glad to help you with your campaign, what ever you need.

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 08 2004,9:12 am
Kemlin Hart has now officially filed, bring the total candidates to 9.  Good luck to all new candidates.  We are still waiting for one to file yet.
Posted by hoosier on Jul. 09 2004,9:04 am
Is the one you are waiting on going to file Maddog? I have heard that it might not happen.
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 09 2004,9:07 am
Spoke to him last weekend and he said he was filing.  I don't know if he changed his mind or not.  I had a friend try to get oa hold of him, but haven't heard back from him  yet.
Posted by hoosier on Jul. 09 2004,9:32 am
I hear the wife isnt to crazy about it. A pi$$ed off public is nothing when it comes to pi$$ing off the wife.  :D
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 09 2004,11:26 am
Another nice article from one of the candidates today.  Kind of hits the commissioners right between the eyes.  Nice article, Liberal.
Posted by Montyman on Jul. 10 2004,7:44 am
i always put campaign articles in the drawer and take them out a year after the elections to read again.  it's often very entertaining.

what's that part time county board job pay, anyway?  $20K plus health insurance?
but i bet none of the candidates would take that health insurance, would they?
belshan didn't, did he? or did he take it?

but let's save money and cut government...

darn good part time job if you ask me---


remember, the title of this subforum is opinion guys, and i respect yours...


Posted by hoosier on Jul. 10 2004,9:57 am
Montyman, dont know if you are really asking or not, but yes, Belshan does take the insurance.
I would say this to all the people running. Montyman is right, if you get elected, you will probably have the highest paying parttime job in the county. No more commisioner raises until the people say so. If you cant make a living with a parttime job that pays 20 grand, DONT RUN FOR ELECTION.

I hope no one here will forget our little county attorney running for reelection, getting elected, then 7 days after, he goes to the board and asks for more of a raise than the one he got. More than anyone recieved. When he was turned down for that raise, he took em to court.

My point is this.
You know what it pays, you know 99.9 percent of the people you represent will never have a parttime job that even pays half of that. Again, if its not enough for you, do us all afavor and dont run.

One last thing. As bad as this current county board is, it could be worse. Dont vote for someone just for change, what we get might be worse than what we have now. Vote for someone because you know they will do a better job than the man that he wants to replace.  :D

And someone please make Ronny understand that he works for the board, they are his boss. Not the way it is now! :D

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Jul. 10 2004,12:47 pm
A-freaking-men to that. :beer:
Posted by Tassie on Jul. 10 2004,4:25 pm
I agree with Hoosier. Many boards are run this way. It is easier to let the man they hired run everything. Look at any cooperative board, church board,school board, or county board. It takes a lot of work and energy by boardmembers  to control the way things happen. I, for one, think that boards need to become much more proactive in the management of whatever endeavor they were elected to. Get off your a$$ and quit trying to please a certain chosen few and represent all of us!!!!
Posted by Liberal on Jul. 13 2004,8:00 pm
I know what you mean Montyman, someone sent me a copy of the Albert Lea Tribune from Oct. 19th, 2000 where the candidates are discussing a courthouse. It's interesting to see what they were telling people to get themselves elected.


Five of the six county commissioner candidates agree that the Freeborn County Courthouse should not be torn down and built anew, with the only incumbent standing alone in advocating a brand-new facility.

The candidates talked at length about the issue during a forum on QTV's "Albert Lea Matters" which aired Wednesday evening. The candidates began to sound like a broken record--until Keith Porter's turn. The third district incumbent said he's been in favor of a new courthouse for years. "I could probably get more votes if I change now, but I'm not going to", Porter said. He said the existing facility is troubled citing an old boiler that could fail; a lack of handicapped accessibility; an elevator that makes six stops despite serving only three floors; and security problems in the courtrooms, among other problems. "I think it's time to move on and get a courthouse we can be proud of," Porter said. "There's no historical value in the old building, not with two additions on it.

The other five candidates, however said the overwhelming feeling of the voters they've talked to is that the courthouse should not be torn down, but renovated instead. "To this day, I haven't run into one person who said they'd like a brand-new courthouse sitting somewhere in the city" said Mark Behrends, who is running for District 5 Commissioner along with Ron Kraus. He said a new facility would address the county's needs for more security, jail space and other feature, but that he couldn't ignore the public and support a new courthouse. "Right now, I think a Band-Aid fix is what people are after," he said.

We really need to listen to the people and where they're at," Kraus said. He added that if he were to get on the board, study the issue further and conclude that a courthouse was indeed needed , he wouldn't vote to approve one. Instead, he said the board should take the issue to the people, make their case, and then put the issue to a public vote. "We still have to let it be the people choice," he said.

Porter's opponent in District 3, Dan Springborg, said he favors remodeling and possibly moving some departments off-site. The 1954 building is built like a brick outhouse," he said. "I can't see spending the money." If the jail becomes more crowded, Springborg said the county should consider more home monitoring for minor offenses, which he also noted would save the county money on room and board for its inmates.

District one candidate Glen Mathiason and Frank Gjersvik were also on the same page on the courthouse issue. "I believe that I know there's things that have to be done to bring it up to standards," Mathiason said.

Gjersvik said some people have said the courthouse should be rebuilt somewhere other than Albert Lea, but that he disagrees. "I think people want to see the courthouse where it's at," he said. "I guess I think the courthouse issue is really something we should get behind us, and we should start thinking about the young people"

As far as the insurance, last year when they were discussing getting rid of the insurance for the board, which would have only affected 2 of the 5 commissioners. I remember thinking of the Larry Flynt quote, "Majority rule only works if you also consider individual rights. You can't let 5 wolves and 1 sheep vote on what's for dinner".

Posted by hoosier on Jul. 14 2004,8:24 am
Liberal, dont know if you can answer this or not, maybe if Dan Belshan sees this he could. But what happens to the money for the insurance of the other three commisioners? Do they just not get the same benifits as the ones that take it?

Up until two years ago I had been a public employee for the past 15 years. In all the places I worked in that time, if you didnt take the insurance, you got at least a portion of the cost in your pay. They were union shops, one employee couldnt get benifits that others didnt so they had to give you the money if you didnt want the insurance.

And what is the cost of the insurance?

The last public job I had was two years ago. At that time the insurance for a family was well over 800 dollars a month, per employee. That was two years ago, my guess is that it wolud be close to a grand a month now. Thats an extra 12,000 dollars a year in compensation. That puts their salary package at well over 32,000 dollars a year for a part time job.

Number 1, I dont know any employers anywhere that offers insurance to part time employees. There may be some that offer it to an individual, but not family insurance.

That puts us at at least 160,000 a year for 5 parttime jobs. Show me any business anywhere in this state that does that and I will show you a business that wont be in business very long.

O, I forgot, the county is out of money. If they manage the way they pay their parttime employees the way they do the rest of our business, its no wonder there isnt any money.

32,000 is about twice as much in compensation as we should be paying.

Pay for county commisioners should be around 10,000 at the most. Single coverage insurance at the most.

Do you people realize that our county commissioners make more money than some states full time legislators?

Posted by RET on Jul. 14 2004,8:48 am
As a recent retiree of the County, I can state quite clearly that if you do not take the insurance you get nothing from the County.  When I started with the County Health Insurance was provided free of charge to the single employee.  Within two years of employment the powers that be changed it to a cost system.  Less than 3 years ago the County changed health care coverage again and alot of employees had to seek coverage through their spouse as it was no longer cost efficient through the County.
Posted by Liberal on Jul. 14 2004,10:24 am
Hoosier, I don't know anything about the insurance. Since my wife works at ALMC my family gets insurance through there and I also keep a supplemental policy on just myself to cover whatever the other policy doesn't.  I'm sure I've heard that the commissioners pay nearly $5K a year out of pocket for premiums. Not a very good deal considering I don't pay that for 2 policies.

This isn't a normal part time job.  Since I've filed my phone rings off the hook with people wanting to know where I stand on certain issues or to just vent about the incumbents. I even got a call at 10:30 on friday night from a rather infamous local. The person called my parents house first and woke them up because he thought my father Tom Hayson was the one running. He seemed like a nice enough person and really just wanted to vent about the incumbents. So, even though you're right that it is a part time job, it's a part time job where you literally have thousands of people you answer to.

Also Scott County commissioners are paid $41,000 a year, Olmsted County pays theirs $32,000 a year and Dakota, Anoka, Washington, St. Louis and Carver all pay about $40K a year according to this MPR story.

< >

And all 6 of those counties have less per capita debt than Freeborn county does, so, even though we pay less we are in worse financial shape than they are.

Posted by hoosier on Jul. 14 2004,10:46 am
I understand what you are saying Liberal.

I just think that our elected officials shouldnt give themselves more money for a parttime job than most of the people they represent get for a fulltime job.

20,000 a year is 10 dollars an hour for working 2000 hours.

I support your run for office Liberal. But are you telling me that you think commisioners should make more?

Or is it bought right?


My point is that there aint many people in Freeborn county making over 10 bucks an hour.

If the average parttime worker gets 20,000 grand plus benifits a year, I would have no proplem with the pay the commissioners get.

Myself, I dont think any commissioner new or old should get a raise until the courthouse is paid for.

Make the same sacrafices that families have to make everyday. We cant give ourselves raises when ever we want more money.

Liberal, not picking on you. Still support you for the job, pay will just have to be something that we disagree on.  :D

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 14 2004,10:54 am
Hoosier, there is something to be said about their pay.  Would you put in the hours they do, (remember they also have workshops to attend, human services meetings, and committee meetings to go to.  On top of that, many township meetings are attended along with some city council meetings.  And I don't mean just Albert Lea, but Conger, Emmons, etc.

Then, as Liberal stated, the phone calls all day and night, the complaints from people, and don't forget about public scrutiny.  The commissioners will never please ALL their constinuents all the time.  And then there are people like me.  :D

No, personally, I don't think we could find good, caring candidates if the pay was that low.

Pick another number.  :p

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 14 2004,11:55 am
One more thing I have to say to better clarify myself.  The commissioners gave themself a raise this year, and I definitely do not believe they should have done that.  Not after what they did to the county and because of our constrained budget.
Posted by hoosier on Jul. 14 2004,4:28 pm
Maddog, if it isnt enough for them or you, DONT RUN! Its pretty simple. If you look at the want ads and see a job you would like, but it doesnt pay enough, DONT APPLY.

And yes Maddog, I would do it for much less than what they make now.

And what is to be said about their pay? Thats its to much?

What ever happened to making a little sacrafice to serve your community?

My god, we cant even get parents to coach their own sons baseball team in this town unless they get paid for it.

To tell you the truth, I could care less how much time they spend on their job, or how many phone calls they get every night. If thats a problem, DONT RUN!

Pretty simple aint it Maddog?

Your little theory that if you dont pay more than this you wont get good people to run is nonsense. Look at the president?

15,000 per year for commisssioners.

Nothing for Watershed Board members.

Everyone wants a better community to live in. But only if they get paid the right amount. BULL$HIT!

You want me to run for commissioner and give my whole salary back to the county, or donate it to charity?

I would. I would not expect anyone else to do this. But I also wouldnt expect people running, or people supporting others to run to think that the job of county commissioner is so much more work, and more time and hassle than people in this community that struggle from paycheck to paycheck every week busting their @ss in a fulltime job.

Again, want to complain about the hours, the phone calls, the pay? Thats what I have heard so far, doesnt sound like much is changing.

But if you want to continue telling people how hard the job is, that it should pay more, I dont think you are doing much to drum up support for you candidates. I may be wrong, wouldnt be the first time.

And no, before you ask, I wont shut up on this issue just because Liberal or others that we support are running. I dont opperate that way. When it comes to politics, I have no friends, only the peoples interest in mind. I would be on my own mothers @ss if she was saying the samething as you.

Besides, I truely dont think Liberal would respect me if I backed away from my opinions because he is running. Neither will I shy away from getting on his @ss when I think he needs it.

Thats why I support Liberal(Chad), because he doenst expect me to blindly support him because we are friends. And he knows that I wont.

Neither will I blindly support any candidates you have come up with on the forum, just because you say so and I support the things you do.
My only loyalty lies with the people, period.

You got me started Maddog, LOL. Again, no disrespect here, no hard feelings, but you have to understand that I was one of the county boards biggest critics. Just because I might have some friends on the board in the future isnt going to change that. Thats the problem we have now. No one wants to hold their friends or family members to the same standards that they expect from all others.

Its to much money for a parttime job. Even if we succeed in getting rid of the three idiots running for reelection. Aint no one worth over 20 grand for a parttime job.

You know I am an @sshole, what did you expect? LOL  :D  :D  :D

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 14 2004,5:18 pm
I really don't think the amount of pay matters much to the candidates running.  We both know there are bigger issues here.
But if you want to continue telling people how hard the job is, that it should pay more, I dont think you are doing much to drum up support for you candidates.
 Fact is, I basically said they should be paid a little less.
The commissioners gave themself a raise this year, and I definitely do not believe they should have done that.
Nothing for Watershed Board members.
You got me here, are you saying the watershed board doesn't get paid, or shouldnot get paid.  I'm going to take it as the latter.  I tend to agree with you there, but that's probably because they tended to leave a bad taste in people's mouths.  But rightly so, I do think they should get paid compensation for their time, but $55 a crack every time they meet (which often times is several times a month.) is B.S.

Get on my or Chad's a$$ if you don't like something we're doing, of course, I know you.  :D  Anyway, glad to hear you're opinionated.  :D  :D

Posted by GEOKARJO on Jul. 15 2004,9:12 am
Aw far as thier raise goes, after deciding to builk us for 40 million what a few thousand more.
Posted by Frustrated on Jul. 15 2004,9:51 am
I still think this thread should have been entitled "Commission Re-elections"...
Posted by spike on Jul. 15 2004,12:23 pm
Usually when a pay raise is voted in, it doesn't go into effect until the next term or until the people who voted for he pay increase have left office.
Fill me in here, I don't know anything about this, anyone know the facts behind the commissioner's pay increase?

Posted by Liberal on Jul. 15 2004,1:49 pm
They gave themselves a 3% raise in 2002 that amounted to under $600 a year along with every county employee.


Commissioner Belshan offered the following motion:

MOVED, to keep the Commissioner’s salary the same as the previous year at $19,333.71 and

FURTHER MOVED, to offer health insurance with the same premium paid as other county employees.

Motion died for lack of a second.

Commissioner Behrends offered the following motion:

MOVED, to approve an increase of $580.00 for Commissioners, and

FURTHER MOVED, to offer health insurance with the same premium paid as other county employees.

Motion seconded by Commissioner Mathiason.

Commissioner Springborg offered the following motion:

MOVED, to amend the previous motion for Commissioners and add

FURTHER MOVED, to authorize the Deferred Compensation Match up to $1,300 a year.

The motion to amend died for lack of a second.

After discussion a vote was taken on the motion for the Commissioners salary and the Chair declared the motion approved.

Commissioner Belshan requested the Board be polled and vote was 4 yes votes from Commissioners Mathiason, Behrends, Springborg, and Mullenbach and 1 no vote from Commissioner Belshan.

< >


Commissioner Behrends offered the following resolution:

Resolution 01-195
[2002 Cost of Living Increase]
WHEREAS, the Freeborn County Commissioners have met with several catagories of Freeborn County employees, and

WHEREAS, the Freeborn County Commissioners have evaluated the economic conditions of the State of Minnesota and US Economy, and

WHEREAS, the Freeborn County Commissioners have compared the cost of living allowance increase proposed and approved by surrounding and comparable Minnesota counties,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this 18th day of December 2001, that Freeborn County adopts a 3% across the board cost of living allowance for all categories of employees working for Freeborn County beginning on January 1, 2002.

Resolution seconded by Commissioner Mathiason. After discussion a vote was taken and the resolution was unanimously adopted.

< >

The next year they apparently took another raise to bring it to $20,511.12 (couldn't find it in the minutes) and the next year they took no raise and only gave the county employees 1% in 2004 and 2% in 2005


Administrator Ronald Gabrielsen advised the Board that the elected officials’ salaries for 2004 needed to be set, as well as non-union employees.

Commissioner Belshan offered the following motion:

MOVED, to approve no increase in salary and to set a 2004 salary of $20,511.12 for Freeborn County Commissioners Mark Behrends, Dan Belshan, Glen Mathiason, Dave Mullenbach, and Dan Springborg.

Motion seconded by Commissioner Mathiason. After discussion a roll call vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved with 3 yes votes from Commissioners Belshan, Behrends, and Mathiason and 2 no votes from Commissioner Mullenbach and Springborg.

< >


MOVED, to follow the Labor Management Committee recommendation of a two year contract approving a 1% increase in salary for the year 2004 and a 2% increase in salary for 2005.

Motion seconded by Commissioner Mullenbach.

After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved, Mullenbach, Behrends, Springborg aye, Belshan, Mathiason nay. Commissioner Belshan noting for the record with budget uncertainty the Board should go with a 1 year contract.

< >

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Jul. 15 2004,8:28 pm
Aw far as thier raise goes, after deciding to builk us for 40 million what a few thousand more.

Posted by hoosier on Jul. 16 2004,8:48 am
Maddog, I did mean that I dont think the watershed board should get paid.
Spike, I was at the meetings that they gave themselves a raise, it starts with the people in office at that time. On the national level, congress is not supposed to be able to give themselves a raise. They vote(they actually put in a clause that if they do nothing now, the raise is automatic, no vote.) for the next congress. But with well over 90 percent of incumbents being reelected, it still amounts to giving themselves a raise.

But like I said, what is the amount that it takes to get people to do something for their community? We have people on school boards in the area that think they should be paid. Bull$hit!

As far as the county board goes, why not pay em 50 cents a head for everyone in the county? Comes out to around 15,000 a year, right? You want a raise? Stop taxing people to death and make the county grow in population. I know, I know, basing a politicians pay on their performance might actually make them accountable, and they dont want that.

But lets face it, if the county board was privately employed, and the budget was in the same shape as our county budget, they would have all been fired long ago. That is all but Dan Belshan.

I got no problem paying them, but they shouldnt be paid more for a parttime job than than most of the people they represent get for a fulltime job. Bring in some business that pays a good wage, increase the county population that will also increase tax collections, and I got no problem with em making 20,000 a year. But only if the population is at 40,000.

And Maddog, I agree, there are bigger issues. But I dont want to see another Craig Nelson in the people running for commissioner. I would like to know what the candidates think of the pay, what if anything they would do about it if elected.

I also agree that it was a very bad call on the part of some of the commissioners to vote themselves a raise the last time. They take no responsiblity for the financial situation they have put us in. How can we be this short of money(I know, the courthouse) and the people responsible for our money can actually look at each other and say, "You know what boys? We deserve a raise anyway. Cause it isnt what you do, its just the fact that you did something."

Base their pay on performance, 50 cents a head!   :D

Things will never get better until you tie the polticians prosperity in with ours.

Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 18 2004,8:30 am
Obviously, one person has decided not to file, not that it makes any difference to me.  That's because our own Liberal choose to file.  Perhaps the other person knew what he was up against after Chad choose to file.  We have a good person who has a great chance to take out the incumbannt, especially if we stand behind him.

I don't know how many of the forum readers live in his district, but look,, if it wasn't for Liberal, we wouldn't have this this forum.  We need to rally behind him and take this campaign to a new level.  To he11 if he's not in your district, when he has a fund raiser, let's support him.

We all know where he stands on issues pertaining to this county, lets run the current county ba$tard out of this county.  If you've never seen what a Hitler this SOB has been, I invite you to come to a count board meeting to see.  Although Behrends is no longer chair person, sometimes he still thinks he is.

Springborg is history and he knows it, but the rotten S.O.B. that needs to go this election is Behrends and we all know it.  Let's gang up on the ba$tard and run his a$$ out of the county.  

My vote would be for Liberal.  Sorry for the uncalled for language, but, it's him or us.

Posted by DrBombay on Jul. 18 2004,9:52 pm
That's the right idea Maddog, lets get the fundraiser set up and get going.  Liberal will need yard signs (spendy) and the first day they can be set up is August 1st.  The sooner the better.
Posted by Madd Max on Jul. 19 2004,12:02 am
I am starting to feel the wind of change blowing in the air.  :rockon:
Posted by MADDOG on Jul. 19 2004,8:12 am
From my own post
Obviously, one person has decided not to file, not that it makes any difference to me.
 I take that back, I got a call this weekend from this person.  He is filing.  One more person available to take out Behrends.

Posted by Liberal on Jul. 20 2004,5:08 pm
Filing closed at 5pm today so here's the final list of candidates.





Posted by Newbie on Jul. 20 2004,6:32 pm
Looks like I have 3 to choose from since I know I won't be voting for Springborg or Shoff.  I just hope they won't end up being my only choices.
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