Forum: Opinion
Topic: Koch bros
started by: Self-Banished

Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 05 2015,5:30 pm
I read through this in the local fish wrap, very nice article, it shines a little light on the Koch bros philatrophic endeavors. It also shows their true patriotic intentions

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And for those here that refuse to see this family in nothing other than a negative light you might want to read through this.

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Posted by irisheyes on Aug. 06 2015,7:04 am
Koch philanthropy?  Okay, I'll put it on my reading list for later this week.
Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 06 2015,7:57 am
^^You should, I'm sure someone with your views would be surprised.
Posted by grassman on Aug. 06 2015,10:03 am
It is true, I have seen on PBS a lot of times donated by the David Koch foundation. Wonderful. When you have that much money you can spread it around and not even miss it. I even heard that they will spread it around for elections. :D
Posted by MADDOG on Aug. 06 2015,10:27 am
They have a few more redeeming qualities than Soros at least.  :;):
Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 06 2015,10:57 am

(grassman @ Aug. 06 2015,10:03 am)
It is true, I have seen on PBS a lot of times donated by the David Koch foundation. Wonderful. When you have that much money you can spread it around and not even miss it. I even heard that they will spread it around for elections. :D

Jeezus! Someone could give you gold bar and you'd complain abou the color.
Posted by grassman on Aug. 06 2015,4:03 pm

(Self-Banished @ Aug. 06 2015,10:57 am)

(grassman @ Aug. 06 2015,10:03 am)
It is true, I have seen on PBS a lot of times donated by the David Koch foundation. Wonderful. When you have that much money you can spread it around and not even miss it. I even heard that they will spread it around for elections. :D

Jeezus! Someone could give you gold bar and you'd complain abou the color.

Well, if it isn't genuine, of course. :thumbsup:
Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 06 2015,4:19 pm
^^ so Koch money is fake?

Posted by grassman on Aug. 06 2015,5:07 pm
Let's just say...I don't think they live to give. :;):
Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 06 2015,8:46 pm
Not everybody does, but they could just say the hell with it and keep their money. I just find it funny that they give hundreds of millions of dollars and their name is used as a punch line by people that are completely uninformed of what these brothers do.
Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 08 2015,12:51 am
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Let's can I become an ameican philanthropist? First, I create myself great wealth through various means----cheap labor (foreign & domestic), pillage natural resources, government tax subsidies, wealth accumulation through past history of land grabs and slavery, etc. Then after ripping off a whole lot of folks I give them their money back and say "what a good boy am I".

It's like giving the thief a medal for returning a tiny fraction of stolen money.

And people actually suck this bullsh%t up!!

Posted by Botto 82 on Aug. 08 2015,6:00 am

(stardust14 @ Aug. 08 2015,12:51 am)
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Let's can I become an ameican philanthropist? First, I create myself great wealth through various means----cheap labor (foreign & domestic), pillage natural resources, government tax subsidies, wealth accumulation through past history of land grabs and slavery, etc. Then after ripping off a whole lot of folks I give them their money back and say "what a good boy am I".

It's like giving the thief a medal for returning a tiny fraction of stolen money.

And people actually suck this bullsh%t up!!

Well that's essentially the problem, isn't it? It's as though the accumulation of wealth is a virtue, regardless of means.

Regarding all that, a wise and kind man once said, "Down that road lies a mistaken idea of freedom, the right to grasp for ourselves some advantage over others. That path would be one of constant conflict between narrow interests ending in chaos and immobility. It is a certain route to failure." And, much like Ike's warning about the military-industrial complex, it was a warning unheeded by a fickle audience with a short attention span. It might as well have been delivered to a roomful of cats.

Fast-forward a year after that warning, and we had the emergence of a new breed - young urban professionals, or yuppies, which seemed so much more attractive than their far less well-off and more parochial Middle American cousins.

We don't care about our children's future anymore. That is not an opinion. It is a fact, supported by years and years of short-term profit and long-term "who cares?" thinking.

This country once had optimism, and built great things. Now we have paranoia, and the Koch brothers, and Walmart, and we can't even fix our crumbling bridges until there is much hue and cry when one of them comes tumbling down, and people end up dead.

And some of you want to worship the people that got us down this path? That's just insane.

Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 08 2015,7:18 am

(stardust14 @ Aug. 08 2015,12:51 am)
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Let's can I become an ameican philanthropist? First, I create myself great wealth through various means----cheap labor (foreign & domestic), pillage natural resources, government tax subsidies, wealth accumulation through past history of land grabs and slavery, etc. Then after ripping off a whole lot of folks I give them their money back and say "what a good boy am I".

It's like giving the thief a medal for returning a tiny fraction of stolen money.

And people actually suck this bullsh%t up!!

Pillaging? Tax subsidies(General Electric?) Wealth accumulation?? Profits are bad I take it? Land grabs and slavery? Slavery ended in the 1800's, I don't think the  Kochs were alive then. Ripping off? You mean their? Call a cop :rofl:

Did you know that a lot of their employees are Union?

And fools like you go though life in this country believing you can't advance yourselves in life. :dunce:

You poor indoctrinated idiot :rofl:

Posted by Botto 82 on Aug. 08 2015,12:36 pm
The Koch fortune was rooted in the oil industry. If you don't think that money is the result of crony capitalism and all its implied favors, you're the one who's been indoctrinated.

If the uber-rich had simply made their fortunes by playing by the rules, and paying into the very system that afforded them the opportunity to thrive, instead of bending rules and lawmakers at every turn, there wouldn't be the outrage, and this country, on the whole, would be doing a whole lot better.

There's free-market capitalism, and there's crony capitalism. Please tell me you understand the difference, and how toxic the latter is to our economy.

Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 08 2015,12:44 pm
^^your jealousy is an embarrassment, have you failed that badly in life that you feel the need to blame others?
Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 10 2015,8:42 pm

(Self-Banished @ Aug. 08 2015,7:18 am)
Land grabs and slavery? Slavery ended in the 1800's, I don't think the  Kochs were alive then.

Duh. We are lucky the Koch creeps had not yet infected society. But back then america had plenty of other creeps--- Carnegies, Rockefellers, all those benefactors of slavery and company store economics who then sainted themselves by donating libraries to the upper class, not schooling and housing to their wage slave employees, many whom could not read the unethical contracts they signed.

Some lamebrains conveniently believe this country inherited no wealth or benefits from its century of slavery and stolen lands. Just like they conveniently believe slavery, massive land grabs across the globe centuries ago have no beariing and economic benefit on today's wealthy countries. Duh.

All this "rugged individualism economics" of today greatly benefits from past crimes and current crimes.  

The Kochs are cultural crimminals, not to be envied except by like-minded wanna-bes.

Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 10 2015,8:54 pm

(Botto 82 @ Aug. 08 2015,6:00 am)

(stardust14 @ Aug. 08 2015,12:51 am)
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Let's can I become an ameican philanthropist? First, I create myself great wealth through various means----cheap labor (foreign & domestic), pillage natural resources, government tax subsidies, wealth accumulation through past history of land grabs and slavery, etc. Then after ripping off a whole lot of folks I give them their money back and say "what a good boy am I".

It's like giving the thief a medal for returning a tiny fraction of stolen money.

And people actually suck this bullsh%t up!!

Well that's essentially the problem, isn't it? It's as though the accumulation of wealth is a virtue, regardless of means.

Regarding all that, a wise and kind man once said, "Down that road lies a mistaken idea of freedom, the right to grasp for ourselves some advantage over others. That path would be one of constant conflict between narrow interests ending in chaos and immobility. It is a certain route to failure." And, much like Ike's warning about the military-industrial complex, it was a warning unheeded by a fickle audience with a short attention span. It might as well have been delivered to a roomful of cats.

Fast-forward a year after that warning, and we had the emergence of a new breed - young urban professionals, or yuppies, which seemed so much more attractive than their far less well-off and more parochial Middle American cousins.

We don't care about our children's future anymore. That is not an opinion. It is a fact, supported by years and years of short-term profit and long-term "who cares?" thinking.

This country once had optimism, and built great things. Now we have paranoia, and the Koch brothers, and Walmart, and we can't even fix our crumbling bridges until there is much hue and cry when one of them comes tumbling down, and people end up dead.

And some of you want to worship the people that got us down this path? That's just insane.

Agreed. Good post. Those who worship these demons are the ones full of envy, hoping to achieve sainthood on a pack of deceit and lies.

The Kochs' fake philanthropy is transparent, just like that of other corporate thugs of late expecting forgiveness in their guilt ridden old age. Hang em all by their toes till they rot.

Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 10 2015,10:56 pm
...The owner of the company where I work pulled up in his brand new BMW.

"Nice car", I say.

He replies, "Lemme tell you somehing. If you set goals, work hard, and act determined I can have even a better one next year...

Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 10 2015,11:47 pm

(stardust14 @ Aug. 10 2015,10:56 pm)
...The owner of the company where I work pulled up in his brand new BMW.

"Nice car", I say.

He replies, "Lemme tell you somehing. If you set goals, work hard, and act determined I can have even a better one next year...

Well then, you better get cracken, he is nice enough to provide a job for you, take risks to better the company and probably put up with your whiney ass.

I'm not a big fan of BMW cars, too high maintenance.

Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 11 2015,12:26 am
I'm not a big fan of patronizing bosses who endoctrinate employees on how "lucky" they be to have a job.

Thankfully in real life I don't have a boss with an attitude or BMW.

Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 11 2015,5:44 am
^^thankfully in real life I have a boss with an attitude :D
Posted by Expatriate on Aug. 11 2015,6:29 am
Koch Social Security Lies • Koch Brothers EXPOSED

Posted by MADDOG on Aug. 11 2015,8:36 am

(Self-Banished @ Aug. 11 2015,5:44 am)
^^thankfully in real life I have a boss with an attitude :D

But is she a good cook?  :p
Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 11 2015,4:43 pm

(MADDOG @ Aug. 11 2015,8:36 am)

(Self-Banished @ Aug. 11 2015,5:44 am)
^^thankfully in real life I have a boss with an attitude :D

But is she a good cook?  :p

:rofl:  :rofl:
Yes she is. :thumbsup:

Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 17 2015,10:11 am

(Botto 82 @ Aug. 08 2015,6:00 am)
Fast-forward a year after that warning, and we had the emergence of a new breed - young urban professionals, or yuppies, which seemed so much more attractive than their far less well-off and more parochial Middle American cousins.


Yuppies inhabit a special place outside my heart. Tools of the elite, hoping one day to be the elite. Treacherous, smooth, disloyal.

Yuppies are not stupid. In fact their cleverness is remarkable---an ability to work the numbers, sense the mood of customers and the nation, twist ethics into amazing shapes that suit their needs; and paramount is this consideration suggested by the business elite---that greed need not be relegated in the hands of a few, the mobsters, politicians, CEOs. Greed could be fully democratic, accessible and sold to the masses.

Social engineers reach consensus: greed is good for the masses. Tele-evangelists and financial gurus like Suze Orman spread the new gospel.

Thus we have the 70s and beyond. A massive migration of ethics and morals. Personal investments replace social responsibility. Today's 401k scam is center piece proof of the public's commitment to greed. Wallstreet and mainstreet america are facades of the other, almost indistinguishable, symbiotic.

The Law of Diminishing Returns may be taking hold. The market for greed may be at capacity. The earth can handle only so much greed, a disappointment to Yuppies.

Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 17 2015,2:49 pm
"The enterprises of the country are aggregating vast corporate combinations of unexampled capital, boldly marching, not for economic conquests only, but for political power. The question will arise, and arise in your day, though perhaps not fully in mine: Which shall rule -- wealth or man; which shall lead -- money or intellect; who shall fill public stations -- educated and patriotic free men, or the feudal serfs of corporate capital?"

-- Edward G. Ryan, chief justice of Wisconsin Supreme Court, address to graduating class at University of Wisconsin, 1873.

Posted by Common Citizen on Aug. 17 2015,5:54 pm

(stardust14 @ Aug. 17 2015,10:11 am)

(Botto 82 @ Aug. 08 2015,6:00 am)
Fast-forward a year after that warning, and we had the emergence of a new breed - young urban professionals, or yuppies, which seemed so much more attractive than their far less well-off and more parochial Middle American cousins.


Yuppies inhabit a special place outside my heart. Tools of the elite, hoping one day to be the elite. Treacherous, smooth, disloyal.

Yuppies are not stupid. In fact their cleverness is remarkable---an ability to work the numbers, sense the mood of customers and the nation, twist ethics into amazing shapes that suit their needs; and paramount is this consideration suggested by the business elite---that greed need not be relegated in the hands of a few, the mobsters, politicians, CEOs. Greed could be fully democratic, accessible and sold to the masses.

Social engineers reach consensus: greed is good for the masses. Tele-evangelists and financial gurus like Suze Orman spread the new gospel.

Thus we have the 70s and beyond. A massive migration of ethics and morals. Personal investments replace social responsibility. Today's 401k scam is center piece proof of the public's commitment to greed. Wallstreet and mainstreet america are facades of the other, almost indistinguishable, symbiotic.

The Law of Diminishing Returns may be taking hold. The market for greed may be at capacity. The earth can handle only so much greed, a disappointment to Yuppies.

Call me naïve but I think greedy Corporations and CEO's are the exception and not the rule. I know far more honest business owners than crooked ones. The problem is that the crooked ones get all the press as they should, not to mention it is much easier to point fingers towards an employer than at your own short comings. After all, no one thinks more highly of oneself than you.

Posted by Liberal on Aug. 18 2015,1:14 am
I wonder if stardust is lonely up on that cross?
Posted by stardust14 on Aug. 19 2015,10:43 pm
^^^Nope. Thieves to the Right. Thieves to the Left.

Gotta love the one liners. Darn, no vommit emoticon.

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 16 2015,5:19 am
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Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 21 2015,10:06 am

(Self-Banished @ Oct. 16 2015,5:19 am)
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Koch called himself a classic Liberal, that's a bit of a stretch..

You don't see anything wrong with one individual contributing
$300,000,000.00 to elect his chosen candidates to run our country?

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 21 2015,11:38 am
^^ of any more than a union spending tons of cash to influence a  vote :flame:
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 21 2015,11:45 am
Or George Soros :dunce:
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 21 2015,11:47 am
Or these folks

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:dunce:  :dunce:  :dunce:

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 21 2015,11:54 am
Here's an interesting site, seems some of them like to hedge their bets by contributing to both sides, including some well known unions. :rofl: a

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Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 21 2015,12:05 pm
Bernie Sanders
Getting Big Money Out of Politics


Freedom of speech does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government. Oil companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, Wall Street bankers and other powerful special interests have poured money into our political system for years. In 2010, a bad situation turned worse. In a 5-4 decision in the Citizens United case, the Supreme Court opened the floodgates for corporations and the wealthy to spend unlimited and undisclosed money to buy our elected officials. The Supreme Court essentially declared that corporations have the same rights as natural-born human beings.

Our democracy is under fierce attack. Billionaire families are now able to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy the candidates of their choice. These people own most of the economy. Now they want to own our government as well. The Koch brothers, the second wealthiest family in America, plan to spend some $900 million in the coming 2016 election — more money than either of our major parties spent in the last election. That is not democracy. That is oligarchy. To restore our one person-one vote democracy, Congress must pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and move toward public funding of elections.

Key actions

~Introduced the Democracy Is for People constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.
~Voted for the DISCLOSE Act to shine a light on the exorbitant amounts of dark money in our politics.
~Promised that any Sanders Administration Supreme Court nominee will commit to overturning the disastrous Citizens United decision.

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 21 2015,12:09 pm
So what's gonna be?
Trashing stroke lady till she is finally anointed
Or staying home after Bullsh!t loses :blush:

It's the republicans game to lose now.

Posted by stardust14 on Oct. 21 2015,1:31 pm
Biden out. Big boost for Hillary and the old timers club.
Posted by stardust14 on Oct. 21 2015,1:36 pm

(Expatriate @ Oct. 21 2015,10:06 am)
Koch called himself a classic Liberal, that's a bit of a stretch..

Yes, a stretch but thinking about it in today's terms not that far off base. Opulent wealth tends to negate political leanings too far one way or another. Liberalism today is barely left of center, if that.
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 21 2015,2:06 pm

(Self-Banished @ Oct. 21 2015,12:09 pm)
So what's gonna be?
Trashing stroke lady till she is finally anointed
Or staying home after Bullsh!t loses :blush:

It's the republicans game to lose now.

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 21 2015,3:00 pm
Ah, the cop out, " I'll run with my guy till he loses then switch" these two are nothing alike, one's a conieving, opportunistic narcissist and the other's a socialistic nutjob. The only thing they have in common is a "D" by their name.

With Biden out of the game stroke lady's gonna start tearing Bullsh!t apart. The only chance BullSh!t stands is to be struck by lightning like that POS Ventura did.

Th unions will probably endorse stroke lady now that No class Joe is out.

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 22 2015,8:57 am
Oh hell, maybe you'll like this guy,

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Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 24 2015,6:42 am
^^Carl Icahn, I can see how he'd be your type of businessman!
The guy is a corporate raided, an opportunist who made his money in hostile takeovers, parting out viable companies, selling off assets and leaving the companies heavily in debt!

You have to wonder how many lives of working class folks opportunists like Icahn have ruined, good people who went to work every day, gave the company their all only to see an opportunist do a hostile takeover and ruin everything they'd worked so hard for, there aught to be a law against this type of thing.

This reminds of what happened to Albert Lea's largest employer Wilsons!

Icahn isn't disclosing where his PAC money is coming from, this is called Dark Money! You can bet the money is coming
from people like Icahn who want no Government rules or interference in the gray area of the law they operate!

People like Icahn don't create jobs they destroy them, the products or services of the companies he takes over have to be increased in price to pay off the monkey on their back (Icahn) they have to cut pay and cannibalize benefits eliminate retirement plans.

Do we really want people like this controlling OUR GOVERNMENT?

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 24 2015,7:15 am
^^ do you really, really think you're entitled, guaranteed a job? Do you really think that job is your property? Jobs start, jobs end, just like that. Opportunist? What wrong with opportunity? Someone comes in, sees a situation and takes advantage of it and you begrudge him?

Wilsons burned and you can bet your ass that the pros and cons of rebuilding were weighed and sorry, AL lost out, maybe because it's located in a closed shop state, maybe because your city leadership sucks.15 years later the site still sits empty.

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 24 2015,7:31 am
^^LTV did an Icahn move on Wilson & Company, what you're talking about is the end result of a hostile takeover! Ruined lives
and communities!

LTV acquired Wilson & Company in December 1966, there were three main lines of business. In addition to the food division - basically a meatpacker - there was Wilson Sporting Goods and Wilson Pharmaceutical.

James Ling, then chairman of LTV, split Wilson into three public companies, while retaining 80 percent of the shares of each for LTV. He called this ''project redeployment,'' with the theory being that the parts were worth more than the whole.

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Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 24 2015,8:03 am
Yes, squirt me some tears but it was THEIR company to do with whatever they wanted, again jobs come, jobs go. :deadhorse: if a person doesn't like it they're free to go and start their own.

It's quite simple,(even for a simpleton like Ex) show up for work, do your job, you get a check on Friday. If you're not happy doing your job, there's the door pal.

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 24 2015,9:50 am
It's been suggested I put you on ignore, seems your hate filled immature trolling responses are damaging the integrity of the Forum.

With all your hate for Albert Lea and it's working class residents might I suggest you find yourself a twincities forum to troll.

As for how the economy of this great country works you haven't a clue!

I'm a job creator, it's people like me who worked their entire lives at good paying Union protected Jobs with expandable income, Health Benefits & Retirement, it's our continued purchasing power that drives the economy, thus creates more jobs. We're the people who buy the cars, houses, furnishings
etc. we're the ones who have savings in banks investments in pension plans.

When we let Corporate Raiders steal that it will eventually kill the economy, when we allow Republicans to legislate away worker rights, such as Collective Bargaining we undermine the very economy that supports US all..

Republicans are blind to the fact it's their greed based policy that will destroy our Nation...

< View on YouTube >

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 24 2015,10:30 am
^^Integrity, wow, I don't think you have the slightest understanding of the word. As far as harming this forum? I think I add to it and if I don't Lib's free to slap a muzzle on me at any time, it's his forum. ( c'mon, wrap your feeble mind around that)

You seem to live in the past, evident of the Mayberry clip. This is a world economy :deadhorse: and there are benefits but also pitfalls, one just needs to pull their head out ass to learn to use it to one's advantage and it's very painful to watch Albert Lea struggle with piss-poor leadership especially with the tremendous gifts they have.

Now if you want to put me on "ignore" and cower like a bitch knock yourself out. :thumbsup:

a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.
synonyms: weakling, milksop, namby-pamby, mouse; More
antonyms: hero
adjective: coward
excessively afraid of danger or pain.
(of an animal) depicted with the tail between the hind legs.

Posted by MADDOG on Oct. 24 2015,10:53 am

(Self-Banished @ Oct. 24 2015,10:30 am)
You seem to live in the past

Easy, SB.  Expat may be having < flashbacks >.
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 24 2015,10:59 am
Flashback? You mean like this? :D
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 24 2015,12:42 pm
Just like the WINO from the airport, you can't really debate a subject, so you turn to spin and insults.

I shouldn't say just like, as he was smart enough to know he couldn't compete and stays away, or the powers that be told him he was damaging the Republican Brand more than helping, and to keep his yap shut!

You just keep yapping, I enjoy making a fool of you!

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 24 2015,1:04 pm
I compete just fine, quite well actually.

When have you engaged in competition?

Posted by stardust14 on Oct. 25 2015,12:25 am
If competition/ policy/conversation among local businesses(Chamber of commerce) is anything like the crap that gets posted here in their defense...then WOW.

AL has been, still is sooooo socially conservative it's no wonder pretty much all that remains is a population that believes their goal in life is to show up to work for a paycheck. And then organize and watch the same boring info-mercial Fourth of July parade of ants each year that so explicitly and proudly displays their closed-minded thinking.

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 25 2015,4:26 am
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 25 2015,5:11 am


Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 25 2015,6:15 am
^^ wow , the last two posts? I just gotta say,ummm, what's the word I'm looking for? Disgusted? Sickened let's use both. Disgusted you and people like you sit on your ass and whine about "they've got more than I do, it's not fair!" Cry me a river :p  Sickened because this seems to be the means that Democrat-socialist like Bullsh!t and even stroke lady use to pander to the lowest common denominator voter, what a crock!

This is America, and contrary to the whiners of this world there is still opportunity. Small businesses start every day, a lot of them fail but some are successful, some flourish and even grow into large business (oh heaven forbid :sarcasm: )

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 25 2015,7:30 am
^^Well surprise surprise another post full of nothing but insults and name calling, 6357 6358 posts all the same!

Defending Democracy from the continued corporate takeover has little to do with jealousy of wealth.
The Republican Party is operating an all out attack on the working class, legislating away workers rights sponsoring trade deals that pit the American Worker against the slave labor of Communist countries.

The downward spiral in compensation for labor is what will cause the next and greatest depression.  
Over 50% of the American labor force are making $30,000 a year or less, wages I made in the 1980’s!

It’s the buying power of the American People that drives a productive economy, when the workers struggle we all struggle, Small Businessmen, union workers, nonunion workers, the whole country suffers..

With the exception of Clinton and Sanders I've heard no Politician speak of this impending disaster.
To be fair, I have heard Trump talk about the one sided  trade deals.

Our problems are a direct result of the wealthy and corporate manipulation of elected officials and the Republican(sponsored stooges) attack on workers.

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 25 2015,7:59 am
^^Wow, you really are a nutjob, defending democracy? Let me guess, you're running around the house screaming that SB has insulted you again dressed like Capt. America. :rofl: let me guess, aluminum saucer sled as a shield?

Small businessman? You have no idea what it takes to make it as one, impending disaster? Are you kidding me? Do you have a bunker? Do you watch preppers shows for ideas? (I have to admit to watching them, nut jobs are funny as hell)

Insults are easy with you, you provide boundless material. :rofl:

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 25 2015,9:51 am
50 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or equal to the median wage,
which is estimated to be $27,519.10 for 2012.

Something is terribly wrong in this country when profits are at
all time highs, wealth for for the richest equates to the 1920's.

< >

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 25 2015,11:33 am
< >
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 25 2015,3:50 pm
^^ dead link
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 25 2015,3:57 pm
^^Dead brain,

Works fine for me.

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 25 2015,4:09 pm
It wouldn't open until I logged into the forum for some strange reason.
I'll believe the Social Security statistics before some Forbes propaganda!


Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 25 2015,9:53 pm
^^I'm sure you do :dunce:
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 26 2015,6:12 am
So a far rightwinger writes a propagandist spin piece for Forbes and that somehow trumps Government Statistics in your feeble mind!
John C. Goodman who wrote this propagandist piece is a libertarian economist. He was the founding chief executive of the free-market think-tank the National Center for Policy Analysis. He is a senior fellow at the Independent Institute.

Why do you think John Goodman is telling you how to think, do you think these far right think tanks are looking out for truckers? Who pays the money to run this type of organization? Well let me clue you, it's not you or me or the working class they care about, it's the corporate billionaires that pay them to write their wool pulling tripe for folks like you who are incapable of critical thought.
Who pays for all this propagandist media that has grasped the weak minded and has them pressure our legislators to move their agenda?  

basically here's your problem in a nut shell, you can't think for yourself so you let rightwing propagandists do it for you..
That's why you're 55 years old, in-debt up to your hooha stuck in a stink truck...

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 26 2015,11:06 am
^^ and I'm sure you think (piss-poor excuse for thought) this way too. :dunce:  :dunce:  :dunce:
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 26 2015,11:49 am
Well surprise surprise another post full of nothing but insults and name calling, your posts are all the same immature crap!

Unable to defend a position or debate a subject you show your true Republican colors along with your ample supply of stupidity!


Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 26 2015,12:31 pm
^^ you tend to believe everything the gov tells you, thus your feeble waste land of a mind is going to be closed to anything that says different. You seem to have become the one with the insults, learn to use them better :dunce:

This is going nowhere, as CC says "nuff said"  :p

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 26 2015,3:32 pm
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 26 2015,5:53 pm
^^He just gets dumber and dumber all the time :dunce:  :dunce:  :dunce:
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 27 2015,4:24 am
Dumbo quote:
^^He just gets dumber and dumber all the time :dunce:  :dunce:  :dunce:

I post income statistics from Social Security proving 50% of American Workers make less than $27,000 a year and you post a propagandist opinion piece from Forbes magazine and you call the Government statistics bogus and Goodman's Forbes article gospel.  

Don't you ever grow weary of embarrassing yourself!  ignorance is bliss, you're so dumb you don't even know you're dumb.

Typical teabagger IQ, your shoe size number is higher!

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2015,4:34 am
^^you take the gov's word as gospel, what a sheep!

Go stick your head in a fence :rofl:

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 27 2015,4:37 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2015,4:43 am
I suppose next you'll say stroke lady didn't lie. :blush:
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 27 2015,5:02 am
As you well know, I'm working for Sanders these days..

As for Clinton, the Republican move to persecute her has backfired, you've embarrassed the Republican Brand!
Clinton's poll number shot up after your boys messed up their witch hunt again..

Where's the beef, charge Clinton with a crime!

I can see why you identify with these folks, you guys all just love to make fools of yourselves...

Bernie's calling, time to go to work...

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2015,5:22 am
^^You're working for Bullsh!t? I'll be curious to see the shift when he bows out to stroke lady :;): Also a lib nutjob like you working? At 5am? Sometime nefarious going on there. As I have stated many, many times and you seem not able to get it through that pudding filled cranium of yours, I'm not a repub, I tend to agree with them more than the dems, but repub? No.

Here's a neat article

< >

Interesting theory.

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 27 2015,6:24 am
Surprise surprise some more name calling from our Teabagger Freedom Party patriot but no real response
about Hillary just changes the topic again.

You do know Hartmann is a progressive don't you, the first post was a provocation that got a ton of responses to that nonsensical rightwing blather. more traffic means more payola...

If you guys don't knock off your Hillary attack she'll be the first woman President. Can't your boys find some bogus crap to charge Bernie with? We need the free press...

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2015,8:31 am
^^ you most definitely need something :rofl:

A late thought but

Maybe a sense of reality might help :flame:

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2015,9:09 am
Let's go back to the oringinal subject,

< >

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2015,10:44 am
Looks like they have a bit more to give😀

< >

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 28 2015,5:49 am
SB calls Cspan ... Sure are bunch of sick pups in this country, why is it they're all Republicans?


Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 28 2015,6:13 am
^^ Bullsh!t Sanders, the dumbass caucas :rofl:
Posted by Botto 82 on Oct. 28 2015,6:36 am
Yeah, 'cause truckstops are the biggest untapped market for relevant political opinions...  :rofl:

Get back to gearjammin'...

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 28 2015,8:16 am

(Botto 82 @ Oct. 28 2015,6:36 am)
Yeah, 'cause truckstops are the biggest untapped market for relevant political opinions...  :rofl:

Get back to gearjammin'...

You hang around truck stops? I stay away from them, too many cross dressers like you. :flame:

So automatically because I drive truck for a living my opinion is discounted, I see. So what are your qualifications??

Posted by MADDOG on Oct. 28 2015,10:19 am

(Self-Banished @ Oct. 28 2015,8:16 am)
So what are your qualifications??

I think he broke this guy into television.  :D
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 28 2015,11:26 am
Posted by MADDOG on Oct. 28 2015,11:40 am
I think expat is confused again.  Hey! Expat, this is the Koch thread not the Bernie Kook one.  :usa:
Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 29 2015,6:09 am
this thread has expanded to robber barons, that doesn't exclude the Koch Bros., just adds more of these billionaires running PAC's,  practicing crony capitalism to control OUR government for their own capital gain...
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 29 2015,6:58 am
^^ robber barons??

The cheese has slid :rofl:

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 29 2015,7:19 am
Trump even brought up Super PAC's as bad news for the nation.
Posted by Botto 82 on Oct. 29 2015,8:25 am
Seriously, Dog? Joe Matt?  :rofl:
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