Forum: Current Events
Topic: 33.3 percent of this forum are potheads
started by: GEOKARJO

Posted by GEOKARJO on Nov. 24 2003,1:24 pm
I guess we can pick you out by your no nonsense posting :laugh:
Posted by LisaMarie on Nov. 24 2003,1:30 pm
Geo, you know what they say when you assume.....
Posted by GEOKARJO on Nov. 24 2003,1:47 pm
Lisa I have admitted facts please see my poll in current events what I do for amusment in Albert Lea
Posted by LisaMarie on Nov. 24 2003,2:27 pm
I'm not disputing the 33.3%, it's the "I guess we can pick you out by your no nonsense posting" that I question.  So, you can automatically tell the potheads just by what they post?  ???
Posted by Pothead? on Nov. 24 2003,3:23 pm
Try again, geo, there are more ways to get high than pot.  Some might say they are simply getting high on life, enjoying time with family, etc.  Your poll did not specifically ask if these people sat around the house smoking pot.  :p
Posted by The Advocate on Nov. 24 2003,3:54 pm
Well I am insulted by the pothead references.  I do not take drugs of any kind.  I come on this forum for information that I am unable to access anywhere else. There are some excellent sources here and those folks that want to muddy this forum are also alive and well.  It is easy to confuse the  legitimate posters who have real issues  with  some of the nonsensical folks that post.  But there are people in the community that are afraid of what is being written here.  When Jim Hanson or Liberal writes, one tends to listen.  This  forum has a momentum going and what better way to  disrupt that momentum than to start writing about trivialities?  Who gives a hoot about folks that sit around and smoke pot?  But the insinuation is always there isn't it?  What better way to discredit those that post here than to lump them all into a bunch of pothead druggies?  I think that many of the so-called potheads are people that in reality do not do drugs and just want to spearhead a drive to take down this forum.  Think about it.  Don't play into their hands because most of the folks here have really great ideas.
Posted by GEOKARJO on Nov. 24 2003,3:55 pm
Pothead your nickname says alot to back up your reasoning.I might be more open minded if your nick was jesus freak :D
Posted by Mayor Jean on Nov. 24 2003,3:59 pm
Looks like your war on drugs is really working GEO!
Posted by LisaMarie on Nov. 24 2003,4:01 pm
So only jesus freaks are worthy of your attention?
Posted by GEOKARJO on Nov. 24 2003,4:06 pm
lisa I felt like stirring the pot this morning so I posted this thread, as far as nicks go I would have posted many more worthy of my attention such as "loving mother" but this is  thread that will be short lived, unworthy of anyones attention, unless of course, you are offended by it. :p
Posted by Jesus Freak on Nov. 24 2003,4:41 pm
Try again, geo, there are more ways to get high than pot.  Some might say they are simply getting high on life, enjoying time with family, etc.  Your poll did not specifically ask if these people sat around the house smoking pot.
Posted by Hanna on Nov. 25 2003,8:49 am
I agree with the Advocate. I come on this forum to gain useful knowledge of events and issues that I may be lagging behind in. But sometimes the subjects found here make one want to "take a couple weeks off" from the forum. It's almost to the point of being like a soap opera, check it a couple times a month and you still get this jist of what's going on. It is understandable why many in the general public think this forum is not-so-credible. Sometimes I read and just shake my head. I'm glad to be part of the other 66.6% in this case.
Posted by cpu_slave on Nov. 25 2003,11:33 am
I guess that puts me into the remaining .1%   :laugh:

Listen George, not everyone who smokes pot is a pothead, just like not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic, not everyone who shops is a shopaholic, not everyone who indulges is fast food is seriously obese, etc.  Making generalizations like the title of this topic is certainly not warranted.  

By the way, on your poll there should have been a 'other' category, because what I happen to enjoy was not listed.

Posted by Tiger on Nov. 25 2003,1:00 pm
What is it that you enjoy CPU???
Posted by minnow on Nov. 26 2003,8:11 am
"33.3 percent of this forum are potheads"

Are you bragging or complaining...?  :laugh:

Posted by cpu_slave on Nov. 26 2003,4:38 pm
What is it that you enjoy CPU???

I enjoy all kinds of things not on the list.  For example:

Hiking-Trail Walking
People Watching
Arguing on the Internet  :D

But most of all, my favorite activity is three letters long, and starts with the letters SE_   :blush:

Honestly, there is not one thing anyone has listed that can not be done anywhere other than A.L., so I would like to hear from people what they would like to have available to do in this town that is currently NOT available?

Posted by good one slave on Nov. 26 2003,5:44 pm
Quote (cpu_slave @ Nov. 26 2003,4:38:pm)
Arguing on the Internet  :D


Posted by cocainecowboy on Nov. 26 2003,7:32 pm
We need real entertainment---like live music options or maybe a REAL concert once and awhile?  If you want any real music options you are driving to the cities, rochester or mankato.

Some decent shopping---home depot and wallyworld are a small start but face it albert lea shopping stinks

A movie theater with big screens and stadium seating

Real restaurants---seafood, Italian, steakhouse

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could  shop at  bestbuy or hot topic, eat supper at red lobster or olive garden, go to a cool concert or movie on a BIG screen with stadium seats then go out for a couple drinks after the show?

There is just no vibe in albert lea---never has been and probably never will.

Posted by nattiejean27 on Nov. 27 2003,2:39 am
Good points Cocaine.  For Heaven's sake, there isn't even a freaking zoo around AL! LOL

It's crazy how much pot gets brought up in this forum. Who gives a poo. Too bad too many of you (not most I realize - phew) have such a bad stigma about it from your "high school days". It can be an elightening stimulant when treated respectfully.

But most of all, my favorite activity is three letters long, and starts with the letters SE_

:rockon:  :blush:  :laugh:

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Nov. 28 2003,3:59 pm
Only 1 flaw that I can see in this thread's subject line, the poll that was taken is in no way secured from people 'stuffing' the ballot box. Much like people did with some polls on the Tribune web site. All you have to do is delete your cookies (which is way better than tossing them  :p ) and you can vote over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Basically as far as anyone knows that poll could have only been taken by a single person, although I doubt that was the case.
You just can't use a poll such as this to be scientific about anything.

Posted by cpu_slave on Dec. 01 2003,10:38 am
We need real entertainment---like live music options or maybe a REAL concert once and awhile?  If you want any real music options you are driving to the cities, rochester or mankato.

CC- “real entertainment” is real subjective, as one persons music is another persons noise.  Besides, you are not going to get a bunch of Albert Lea local-yokels to shell out the kind of money it would take to get a national performer here.  Where would they play, the fairgrounds?  The arena?  The armory?  Just drive to Owatonna and the Jungle has plenty of live music, and if you wish A.L. had that kind of night life then by all means jump through the hoops the city and county have laid out and open yourself up a nice little entertainment hotspot.
Some decent shopping---home depot and wallyworld are a small start but face it albert lea shopping stinks

And again, “decent shopping” is subjective as well.  Anything I want is a click away via the web, and there are already many businesses here that offer items people look for.  Let’s face it, Albert Lea does not have the numbers to support business chains like Best Buy, Circuit City, Red Lobster, etc. and placing these businesses in Albert Lea would be akin to placing a Toys-R-Us store in Myrtle, and it just is not going to happen, especially with the rise on online shopping.
A movie theater with big screens and stadium seating

As for the extravagant movie theater, sure all the extras would be nice but how much do you think people will be willing to pay to go there?  Are you willing to pay $10 to $15 a show just for stadium seating and larger screens?  There have been times I have went to a showing and there were maybe a dozen people in the place, so do you think all the extras will bring the masses?  
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could  shop at  bestbuy or hot topic, eat supper at red lobster or olive garden, go to a cool concert or movie on a BIG screen with stadium seats then go out for a couple drinks after the show?

You can, as everything you have described is relatively within an hours drive.  The only way you are going to see businesses like you described here is if you can grow the population 5x, and we have yet to get employers here to support the current population.  

Let's face it, Albert Lea is not going to grow into some metropolis, so if your desire is to live in a larger town you will have to move to one.

Posted by Frustrated on Dec. 02 2003,2:03 pm
George - Are you the same boozer I see hanging at Eddies Bar most anytime I go in there?
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 02 2003,5:51 pm
33.3 % ?
looks like many of the players I used to coach are visiting this site.

Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 02 2003,6:44 pm
Frustrated I AM THE SAME GUY, working behind the bar SERVING YOU rotating the stock, ordering the inventory as I sip on my Glass of water. I have worked down there close to 10 years.
Posted by fresno on Dec. 02 2003,6:51 pm
fat albert is that really u, i remember a few years back when somebody wrote on the interchange in Twin Cities off of 494 in the snow "FIRE DENNIS GREENS FAT ASS" with a snowmobile. it was on KQRS also, how do u like it when people call u RE-RUN?.
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 02 2003,7:02 pm
yes fresno it is me.  Glad to see some of my many fans around this forum.  I have not been around much, been busy taking the high road with my hand on the plow.  
I would rather be called Sheriff but re-run is OK too.

Posted by minnow on Dec. 02 2003,7:35 pm
Geo, serve drugs for a living eh?
While you wage war on other drugs...

The correct title for you is ---->redneck

Posted by 420 on Dec. 02 2003,7:50 pm
minnow, I think you meant to say ------>Hypocritical Redneck
Posted by zero on Dec. 03 2003,12:15 am
nothing wrong with a little smoke once and awhile.
Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 03 2003,11:09 am
It's Alright to be a Redneck, It's Alright to drive around in a big ole truck....
Alan Jackson, Yee Haw!!!!!!

Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 03 2003,11:10 am
BTW My drugs are legal and taxes are paid.
Posted by fresno on Dec. 03 2003,12:27 pm
hey fat albert u drive a plow?
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 03 2003,6:12 pm
fresno, thanks for the support.
No, the Sheriff does not drive a plow.  I am a football coach, I used to coach for the Vikings back in the 90's.  The Sheriff is currently looking at a coaching position in Atlanta for next season.

Again, thanks for the support everyone, see you all on the HIGH road, that's where I will be.
:rockon:  :rockon:  :rockon:  :rockon:  :rockon:

Posted by Prickly Legs on Dec. 03 2003,7:45 pm
oops...disregard...thought I had something brilliant to say, but I changed my mind....
Posted by dog on Dec. 03 2003,11:23 pm
Quote (GEOKARJO @ Dec. 03 2003,11:10:am)
BTW My drugs are legal and taxes are paid.

awww, that makes it all right then.  if the government says it is ok then it must be ok.  why would our governemnt ever lie or mislead us.  drink up everyone!  it's legal!
Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 04 2003,1:14 pm
Hey minnow check me out in my real Red Neck formal dress < RED NECK PIC >
Posted by Rodney King on Dec. 04 2003,7:48 pm
Can't we just all get a-bong?
Posted by fresno on Dec. 07 2003,12:38 pm
hey re-run, is that really u? your the old vikings coach, or are you somegoof ball just trying to be funny?
Posted by fresno on Dec. 07 2003,12:51 pm
hey re-run why do they call u the sherriff? and do u know MR.T?
Posted by fresno on Dec. 07 2003,12:52 pm
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 08 2003,3:44 pm
Thanks for the support and posts fresno.  The Sheriff came into the city to clean up the mess left behind by the previous regime.  When the Sheriff rolled into the city, he told the media that there was a new Sheriff in town.  This is the same media that conspired to run the Sheriff out of town.  The Sheriff doesn't think too much of the media.  Very similar to what Freeborn country residents think of their government.
Thanks again for the support by all.

Posted by fresno on Dec. 08 2003,3:48 pm
yeah the leaders in freeborn county really suck crap, they really know how to bankrupt a town. especially ron gabrielson and the 4 county commissioners, except Belshan hes the only smart one. They don't know Red From Hell!
Posted by Matt Dillon on Dec. 08 2003,3:49 pm
After 14 years of violence, corruption, and ridicule of the law and government, alcohol prohibition was finally repealed. Who remembers those Americans who refused to drink a single beer for those fourteen years? Who praises them? Why?
Posted by fresno on Dec. 08 2003,3:56 pm
i just want to know if thats really dennis green or somebody who thinks there pretty clever? if your dennis green, what position did rick fenney play, what position did steve jordan play, and alfred anderson? and joey browner?
Posted by fresno on Dec. 08 2003,4:03 pm
hey re-run u related to MEAN JOE GREEN who used to play for the Steelers in the 70's?
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 09 2003,12:12 am
Thank you Fresno for the support.  Of course the Sheriff remembers the Viking players of days gone by.  
Rick Fenney, although he left football (1991) the year before the Sheriff took over, a great running back from Washington, thank you Rick Fenney.
The same can be said for Alfred Anderson, a great running back from Baylor.  Alfred left the year before I became the new Sheriff in town in 1992, thank you for the memories Alfred Anderson, I only wish you could of kept your shoe on back against the St. Louis Ram in 87.
Steve Jordan, a great tight end from Brown who will go down as one of the top 5 best TE the Vikings have ever seen.  Thank you Steve Jordan, a class act.
Joey Browner, safety from So. Cal.  Joey only played for the Sheriff for one season but I do recall Joey as being a very intese professional.  Thank you for the hard work Joey, you were a great football player.

Thanks again to all for the support, to you fresno and the rest of my fans on this board, thank you.

Posted by Les Steckel on Dec. 09 2003,1:11 am
From one class act to another, hats off to Coach Green for being a true professional.
But I do have one question.
In '87, were not the St. Louis Rams the Los Angeles Rams, and the Arizona Cardinals the St. Louis Cardinals?
Could the media be responsible for this confusion?
Or could it be that Coach Green is taking the high road a little too often these days?
Just wondering.
Thank you.

Posted by Joan on Dec. 09 2003,10:13 am
Sorry, haven't posted in awhile and didn't take time to sign in but .....
Hey Mr. Green, here's the test.  I had the privelege to hear you speak at a Success Seminar a couple years back.  You started your speech with an adage you expected all your players to follow.  What was that rule?

Posted by Joan on Dec. 09 2003,10:14 am
Ok more than a couple years ago.... semantics, semantics  :p
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 09 2003,5:20 pm
Quote (Guest @ Dec. 09 2003,1:11:am)
In '87, were not the St. Louis Rams the Los Angeles Rams, and the Arizona Cardinals the St. Louis Cardinals?
Could the media be responsible for this confusion?

Thank you Coach Steckel, I am not a big fan of your coaching but I appreciate the comments as always.
You are correct on the Arizona and St. Louis points, thank you for the correction.  Just like the old coaching days, the Sheriff always appreciates the criticism.  Whether it is taking a knee back in 98 or drafting Dimetrus Underwood, the Sheriff was always accountable to the media and his many, many fans.  Thanks for the support and the love given to the Sheriff by the all my fans here in Albert Lea Minnesota.

Thank you

Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 09 2003,5:22 pm
Quote (Guest @ Dec. 09 2003,10:13:am)
Sorry, haven't posted in awhile and didn't take time to sign in but .....
Hey Mr. Green, here's the test.  I had the privelege to hear you speak at a Success Seminar a couple years back.  You started your speech with an adage you expected all your players to follow.  What was that rule?

Thank you for the comments Joan, always nice to hear from another on eof my many fans.  I hope you enjoyed the Success seminar and fulfilled all your dreams of being a success, similar to the great success the Sheriff has become.  I do remember the event, as I recall it was back in the late 90’s at Target Center.  The situation is this Joan, when the Sheriff walks into Target Center 5 minutes before he goes on stage he is handed note cards and told to watch the teleprompter to read whatever canned speech the folks at Success Seminars would like the Sheriff to read on that given day.   The Sheriff is just too busy modifying his system to get the most out of all of his players to write a speech.  And as everyone knows by the Sheriff’s coaching record, the Sheriff had a great system and truly is a success.
Thanks again for the support.

Posted by Torked on Dec. 09 2003,5:31 pm
People like Dennis Green are ruining this site with their snide inuennodos and sarcastic one-liners.  This is a really good informational site and you are contaminating it with your pollution, Oh and let's not forget that mental moran, Minnow.
Posted by panama on Dec. 09 2003,5:40 pm
And what did you add besides your sniviling whine?
Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 09 2003,5:50 pm
torked, tend to agree with you.  There are posters who have nothing better to do, but
let's not forget that mental moran, Minnow.
 even minnow has his good days.  :D   It seems I have my own "cross to bear" with one guest in here.

Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 09 2003,7:36 pm
Quote (Guest @ Dec. 09 2003,5:31:pm)
People like Dennis Green are ruining this site with their snide inuennodos and sarcastic one-liners.  This is a really good informational site and you are contaminating it with your pollution, Oh and let's not forget that mental moran, Minnow.

Thank you Torked for the candid comments, I appreciate the support and can tell you are a big fan of the Sheriffs, thank you.  The Sheriff has to lay the blame on this boards dimise  solely on the media.  By running the board the way they did, the media ruined the board at the Tribune and pushed all of the riff-raff over here.  Very similar to the time when the media tried to run the Sheriff out of the Twin Cities over my years.  It took them 10 years but they finally succeeded.  Thanks for being a fan Torked and I hope we can exchange thoughts and ideas again soon.  To everyone else, thank you for your continued support.

Posted by not torked on Dec. 10 2003,1:10 pm
I think Denny's posts are great and Denny you are welcome for the continued support.   :D
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 11 2003,5:17 pm
Quote (Guest @ Dec. 10 2003,1:10:pm)
I think Denny's posts are great and Denny you are welcome for the continued support.   :D

Thank you not torked for the support.  I will put you down as another fan of the Sheriff's.  You see, the Sheriff has his hand on the plow, and when your hand is on the plow you keep looking forward and that is what the Sheriff indends to do.

F- faith
F- family
F- Freebown county

Thanks again all for the continued support.

Posted by fresno on Dec. 23 2003,11:50 am
hey sheriff what did u think of Brett Favre's performance huh? against the Raiders. 311 yards in the first half alone? especially after losing his father, in my book Brett Favre is the best quartback in history. he never quits, he is tougher than nails!!!!!!
Posted by fresno on Dec. 23 2003,11:51 am
Posted by BeBack on Dec. 23 2003,3:20 pm
Hey Fresno, what type of cheese ya been eaten.  Brett done good but if I were you, I'd be layen off the guda.
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