Forum: Current Events
Topic: mayhem in mrytle
started by: fresno

Posted by fresno on Dec. 07 2003,2:46 pm
anybody know who this Taylor character was that assualted those people south of albert lea and at the jail? is he related to timberwolves owner?
Posted by Gordon Lightfoot on Dec. 07 2003,3:10 pm
What's the problem? He was just doing legal drugs that had their proper taxes paid. Alcohol. He just wants to take over Werke's bar and serve more drinks to old drunks like George.

What's wrong with that. That be-otch deserved to be slapped for getting in his way when he was drunk and had to get nowhere fast She should have known better and yielded to speeding, upset drunks.

Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 07 2003,4:13 pm
Are you joking?  Maybe you'd feel differently if it happened to someone you know.

What's this about the deputy "accidently" firing in the wrong direction?  It must have been a warning shot.  If a cop goes around shotting by accident he shouldn't have a gun.

Posted by fresno on Dec. 07 2003,6:08 pm
hey gordo u can't be serious can u? i hope not?
Posted by poe --Masta poe on Dec. 07 2003,7:16 pm
We got Barney, can't get the gun out of the holster, yet they want deputies to have machine guns! LOL :laugh:

But of course, we all know that didn't happen. What happened is the department is covering or making excuses for a employee who fired his gun wrongly.

Posted by mike tice on Dec. 07 2003,9:04 pm
heard he fired his gun thru the window.
Posted by Mamma on Dec. 07 2003,9:48 pm
hey Gordon I thought that Kevin's place was alcohol know something we don't???
Posted by Madd Max on Dec. 07 2003,10:48 pm
Myrtle Minnesota, Gateway to danger.  :)
Posted by guest on Dec. 08 2003,11:28 am
I heard from a friend who knows about the situation that the guy hadn't had a drop to drink.  He was probably on some kind of narcotic as well as being off medication he took for emotional problems.  It also sounds like the accidental firing of the deputies gun, and from what my friend said, it was just that, scared the guy and saved the deputy from having to fight with this joker for several minutes until more deputies arrived. If he was going to fire a warning shot do you think he would have shot out his own window?  I'm sure you'd be pretty keyed up too if you got ran off the road at 80+ mph.
Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 08 2003,6:42 pm
Yes, I'd be "keyed up", but I also know enough to leave the safety on until I'm ready to shoot.

Guns don't kill people, people who shoot by accident in the wrong direction kill people!   :laugh:

Posted by Ole1kanobe on Dec. 08 2003,9:51 pm

 Posted: Nov. 13 2003,4:47:pm  
"We need more firepower for the deputies' protection and for the public's safety," Sheriff Mark Harig said.

The .40 caliber pistols and shotguns that the deputies use have only a 75-yard range, he said, but an AR 15 has a range of several hundred yards.

Now there are some words of wisdom.
So since AR 15's will travel further, that means for every missed shot, more of the general public is put into harms way.

Damn, that's so close it's scary...  ???

Posted by minnow on Dec. 09 2003,12:35 am
You know, I really have to stop and ask myself how many times I've had to say "I told you so" while posting to this forum.

Harig should be retired and be spending his time riding his motorbike. He's not really fit to be Sheriff. He's not a leader...just lucky to win a virtually uncontested race. Honestly, we don't need that kind of Sheriff around these parts.

Posted by Angel on Dec. 09 2003,3:15 am
Minnow what does this have to do with the sheriff. Make your own thread to spout your stupidity. He doesn't ride the harley and not do his job.
You smoke pot. It's all good. We get it. You of all people wouldn't know who is fit to be sheriff or not. Why don't you think we need him as sheriff? He on to you. :p

Posted by da minnow on Dec. 09 2003,5:20 am
WE? So we speak for everyone now...

You only speak for yourself and you don't even do that well.

"You smoke pot. It's all good. We get it."--->What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?

We... :blush:

Posted by Kid Dyn-o-mite on Dec. 09 2003,5:26 am
Of course. What if he said to you, "You drink alcohol. It's all good. We get it."
What would that mean to you anyhow?

Posted by amazed on Dec. 10 2003,2:46 am
:blues: ok, i have been gone for a while. you mean to tell me that some hillbilly deputy shot out his own window???? well one positive side is that barny must be a pretty quick draw to get that one bullet out of his pocket and shoot it before the crazed man got to him.

if that deputy thinks that the accidental firing of a weapon saved him from fighting i would be scared to see him walk into a bar fight.......with his new machine gun.

it makes me even more scared that i heard this is the same deputy that a few days prior crashed into his partner while responding to a call by clarks grove...good god. and guys like this are supposed to protect us.

Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 13 2003,9:06 am
Amazed, you're worried about the deputy.  You better be more concerned with the county attorney, days ago Nelson let him go after he posted bail.
Posted by Tiger on Dec. 13 2003,11:49 am
Stear clear of this guy!!  He's wierd.  He was hanging around a couple of businesses uptown the day before he beat the woman up.
Posted by kid dyn-o-mite on Dec. 13 2003,9:34 pm
He seems like a partner cut from the same cloth as Werke.
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