Forum: Current Events
Topic: Obamas [Real] Birth Certificate
started by: Santorini

Posted by Santorini on Apr. 27 2011,8:16 pm
So the real, original, long-form birth certificate has been publicized in hopes of putting to rest all the speculation regarding Obamas birth place :dunno:


A little research and you can find fault with it!!
I researched myself and now others have found the same discrepency I found!!!

I do not get all the secrecy...why not just produce an actual birth certificate!  Why keep perpetuating doubt :crazy:

Posted by Expatriate on Apr. 27 2011,8:40 pm
Research ? If I had a degree like you claim and made less than someone on welfare as you've claim I'd spend my time searching for a new job rather than dead issues... :crazy:
Posted by Santorini on Apr. 27 2011,8:55 pm

(Expatriate @ Apr. 27 2011,8:40 pm)
Research ? If I had a degree like you claim and made less than someone on welfare as you've claim I'd spend my time searching for a new job rather than dead issues... :crazy:

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  !!!!
Check it out!

Go ahead and look up the hospital that is listed on the new improved version of his birth certificate!

In case you missed it: Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital.

Posted by Santorini on Apr. 27 2011,9:02 pm

(Expatriate @ Apr. 27 2011,8:40 pm)
Research ? If I had a degree like you claim and made less than someone on welfare as you've claim I'd spend my time searching for a new job rather than dead issues... :crazy: degree is in Science!!!!  and proud of it!!!
AND ya wanna know my certifications?????
Ya know from all the continuing ed!!

And as far as the $$$  issue you so crudely stated, someone needs to be there for those in need...and that is what I chose over $$$$ !!!  Call me an idiot because $$$$ is NOT my motivation!  sticks and stones :angel:

Posted by Expatriate on Apr. 27 2011,9:29 pm
Trump has admitted it's the birth certificate even Beck has changed his tune but Santorini stands as an Island....
Posted by Grinning_Dragon on Apr. 27 2011,9:41 pm
I dunno, it looks like the same thing that was released 2 yrs ago.
Posted by Roadhouse on Apr. 27 2011,10:07 pm
You have a degree in "science"? Uh, help me out, which "science" do you have a degree in? You don't get a degree in "science". Biology? Botany? WTF is a degree in "science"?
Posted by Liberal on Apr. 27 2011,10:13 pm
QUOTE degree is in Science!!!!  and proud of it!!!

Science? You don't think anyone believes that do you? :rofl:

I had a friend who swore that because her husband had a 4 year degree in computer science that made him a scientist. You make her look like a genius.

Posted by Newbie on Apr. 28 2011,7:11 am
< Family of Doctor who delivered Obama. >
Posted by Common Citizen on Apr. 28 2011,11:38 am
So why did Obummer wait until now to show it?  

Does Trump have that much influence?  Did he just school little boy Obama?    ???

Posted by alcitizens on Apr. 28 2011,1:11 pm
Can anyone show me a copy of George Bush's birth certificate?
Posted by stardust17 on Apr. 28 2011,1:21 pm
Who's getting schooled??  Trump comes out of this as just another sucker.

But it's a legitimate question. One story is that when this issue first arose years ago there was debate among Obama and his advisors whether to release more information. Several advisors argued to hold the cards until later. The worm....then the hook.

If so, too bad all they caught was a fat slimey bottom-feeder.

Posted by Self-Banished on Apr. 30 2011,6:09 am

(alcitizens @ Apr. 28 2011,1:11 pm)
Can anyone show me a copy of George Bush's birth certificate?

They spelled Kenya wrong.
Posted by irisheyes on Apr. 30 2011,7:47 am
Wait til Trump finds the real one, he'll have 2012 in the bag.   :sarcasm:
Posted by grassman on Apr. 30 2011,7:51 am
:rofl: Now that's funny! :rofl:  :rofl:
Posted by Common Citizen on May 02 2011,8:30 am

(alcitizens @ Apr. 28 2011,1:11 pm)
Can anyone show me a copy of George Bush's birth certificate?

Why don't you find it yourself?

Typical liberal, always asking someone else to do things for them.   :rofl:

Posted by nedkelly on May 02 2011,12:11 pm

(Common Citizen @ May 02 2011,8:30 am)

(alcitizens @ Apr. 28 2011,1:11 pm)
Can anyone show me a copy of George Bush's birth certificate?

Why don't you find it yourself?

Typical liberal, always asking someone else to do things for them.   :rofl:

It was OK for Trump to ask for the President's birth certificate...

The Donald and the rest of the birthers must be a nest of liberals...   :rofl: ... :p ....ned

Posted by stardust17 on May 02 2011,12:19 pm
Trump a liberal mole?? Nice work Donny!!

And he found osama's certificate too!

Posted by GEOKARJO on May 02 2011,1:03 pm
< >
Posted by Glad I Left on May 02 2011,1:42 pm
After a week when Obama released his long-form Hawaii birth certificate, he said Trump could now focus on the serious issues, from whether the moon landing actually happened to "where are Biggie and Tupac?"

Well played Obama.   :rofl:

"Donald Trump often talks about running as a Republican, which is surprising," said the Saturday Night Live actor, entrusted with providing some of the comedy for the evening. "I just assumed he was running as a joke."

Ditto to Seth :rofl:

Posted by Santorini on May 02 2011,6:21 pm

(Roadhouse @ Apr. 27 2011,10:07 pm)
You have a degree in "science"? Uh, help me out, which "science" do you have a degree in? You don't get a degree in "science". Biology? Botany? WTF is a degree in "science"?

Human Biology with minors in Chemistry and Physics
Posted by Santorini on May 02 2011,6:28 pm
and you people on this forum are a nice respite for me!
Posted by Liberal on May 02 2011,8:52 pm

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  !!!!
Check it out!

Go ahead and look up the hospital that is listed on the new improved version of his birth certificate!

In case you missed it: Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital.

Your degree in "science" helped you research the hospital name? :rofl: :dunce:

I don't have a "science" degree but google images show COLB's from the same week that Obama was born and the hospital appears to have the same name on those COLB's too.

Posted by This is my real name on May 03 2011,6:58 am
Here's another certificate...
Posted by jrhanson_75 on May 03 2011,9:14 am
This is just a silly topic!
Posted by Santorini on May 03 2011,3:52 pm

(jrhanson_75 @ May 03 2011,9:14 am)
This is just a silly topic!

WHY would you think this is just [a silly topic]!!
Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 12 2013,1:48 pm
More loose ends gone
The Hawaiian health official who verified the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate died in a small plane crash.

The plane, carrying a pilot and eight passengers, went down Wednesday in the water a half mile off the Hawaiian island of Molokai, the Maui Fire Department said. The lone fatality was Loretta Fuddy

Fuddy, 65, made national news in April 2011 when she verified the authenticity of certified copies of President Obama's birth certificate.


Posted by Liberal on Dec. 12 2013,2:07 pm
Good thing they got to her quickly so she didn't get a chance to spill the beans.
Posted by the breeze on Dec. 13 2013,9:22 am
Obama’s Real Birth Certificate Surfaces! “Born In Kenya” According To Obama’s Own Promotional Book.Constitutional Crisis LOOMS – Obama’s real BIRTH Certificate Surfaces Published on Dec 7, 2013 This video offers enough proof, if all parties in this video will, and do testify, or are given opportunity to swear, and, or, give affidavit, as they all will do, or have already done. Any court of law would and must determine that Barack Obama is indeed not a natural born citizen of the U S of America and is thereby disqualified to be the President. All parts of the law and legislation enacted while Barack was president will and must be made void. I believe that the courts will have to hear this case but will prolong the entire thing until he is out of  

                < >

Posted by Glad I Left on Dec. 13 2013,8:00 pm
Oh good lord, not this crap again...
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 14 2013,5:46 am
What's a prepper? :sarcasm:
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