Forum: Current Events
Topic: Blue Zones
started by: gjr

Posted by gjr on Dec. 11 2009,4:01 pm
Nice mention of Albert Lea and the Blue Zones project on The Doctors on KARE 11 today!
Posted by Admin on Dec. 11 2009,4:48 pm
Speaking of Blue Zones does anyone know who a person would contact to get information on that?  I got an email from a person that wanted to use the Blue Zones for a big church and I don't know who to send it to.
Posted by pantalonesverdes on Dec. 11 2009,4:52 pm
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or have them contact City Hall to be pointed to a more specific direction?

Posted by hymiebravo on Dec. 12 2009,3:31 pm
It would be interesting to see how profits in things like the local supermarket produce sections are benefiting from the seeming new found exuberance around healthy eating.

I do think it's a great idea. How this was marketed several times  in the national media was very impressive, too. IMO

But is eating healthy and being healthy ultimately going to remain in the domain of people of substantial financial means?

Really to a great extent too, it already is isn't it?

Posted by Liberal on Dec. 12 2009,4:11 pm
Can someone explain what a Walking Moai is aside from the famous Moai statues on Easter Island that according to legend could walk.

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The only Okinawan Maoi I've ever heard of is this one

Moai is an Okinawan custom where a group of people gets together once a month and pay a fixed sum of money to a common pot that each of them can take in turn. Many local mid-size and small company owners also use moai as means of raising money when bank loans are hard to get.

Posted by Wareagle11B on Dec. 12 2009,6:06 pm

(Liberal @ Dec. 12 2009,4:11 pm)
Can someone explain what a Walking Moai is aside from the famous Moai statues on Easter Island that according to legend could walk.

Apparently someone got the custom screwed up since what the article in the fish wrap says is nothing like what you have found Liberal.
Posted by Grinning_Dragon on Dec. 13 2009,9:56 am

(Liberal @ Dec. 12 2009,4:11 pm)
Can someone explain what a Walking Moai is aside from the famous Moai statues on Easter Island that according to legend could walk.

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The only Okinawan Maoi I've ever heard of is this one

Moai is an Okinawan custom where a group of people gets together once a month and pay a fixed sum of money to a common pot that each of them can take in turn. Many local mid-size and small company owners also use moai as means of raising money when bank loans are hard to get.

It is an induced hallucination brought about by eating tasteless food with a very uncanny distinction to cardboard. :rofl:
Nothing wrong with eating right but lets not get carried away and sacrifice the rich flavor and food cooked with lard, butter or bacon.  It must be a balancing act.  It is ok to indulge every once in a while.  Really it is.

Posted by hairhertz on Dec. 13 2009,10:33 pm
looking for an indulging moai
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