Forum: Current Events
Topic: The Dreaded Call
started by: GEOKARJO

Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 10 2009,12:01 pm
I received a call from the Army this morning my son was injured while on road clearing operations. He was riding in the gun turret as gunner, when the vehicle flipped over.
He re portably has a broken leg and a back injury. I was given no information on the other guys in the vehicle. It is thought the cause of the accident was an IED buried in the road outside Fob Salerno Afghanistan.

Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 10 2009,12:45 pm
That would be scary news to get.  Hope his recovery goes well.
Posted by peachtart on Dec. 10 2009,12:47 pm
thank god hes ok,,,hope there all ok.
Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 10 2009,2:37 pm
Not Confirmed sorry
Posted by hymiebravo on Dec. 10 2009,7:09 pm
Don't they usually have a chaplain or somebody come tell you in person, when somebody dies?
Posted by nphilbro on Dec. 10 2009,8:09 pm
This is a scary time. I wish you guys the best. We've been through it here a number of times with friends and children of friends. I know that information is very slow to come out- even to spouses. Let us know when you get a confirmation on his condition.

Your family is in my thoughts.

Posted by hymiebravo on Dec. 10 2009,8:16 pm
Yea; I guess I didn't think about there being other kinds of "dreaded" calls.

That would suck; being left in the lurch like that.

My best wishes too; I hope everything turns out alright.

Posted by Common Citizen on Dec. 10 2009,8:39 pm
I hope everything is ok, George.  You have a brave son as the turret position is not for the faint of heart.  Prayers are with your family.
Lord have mercy.

Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 10 2009,9:13 pm
My sons condition is confirmed I started to post the condition of the other soldiers in the vehicle, however I removed it as I have not received official conformation as to their well being.
Posted by ControlledHyperness on Dec. 10 2009,10:02 pm
Thanks for letting us know about your son Geo. Please know that your family is in my prayers, as well as those GI's that were with him. Also, please pass on my thanks to him, as without guys like him, we wouldn't have the freedoms that we have (left :D ).
Posted by Expatriate on Dec. 11 2009,9:57 am
You have my sympathy on your son's injuries George, it must be extremely difficult to be a parent at home when the child is injured so far away..
But it should be Afghani soldiers patrolling those roads, Afghani soldiers fighting for their homeland and government..
The parallels between the Vietnam conflict and our current involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan are far to similar..


Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 11 2009,10:12 am
All is well with Robert. I talked to him last night around 1 am. His injuries are not as bad as they were thought to be. He is a little banged up has ringing in his ears, but is feeling good. Every one else that was in the vehicle are doing well too. Praise God! Thank you everyone for all of your prayers and support. They where clearing a road for a convoy the terrain was so rough the forward mine clearing devise was not coming into contact with the road which let the armored vehicle pass on top of the IDE blowing the back end of the vehicle off flipping the vehicle throwing my son from the turret. I am not happy with the Army contacting us and not having the facts but the again they never did find the WMD's  :D
Posted by busybee on Dec. 11 2009,9:53 pm
So glad to hear your son is ok!!!   :cheer:
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