Forum: Current Events
Topic: AL Traffic Flow
started by: truckwriter94

Posted by truckwriter94 on Apr. 17 2004,10:29 am
I probably just didn't look hard enough, but hadn't found much concerning the roads around here.
It makes me sick how crooked the local government is when it comes to road upkeep. I've been told by countless people that gov. study numbers were messed with in order to get stop lights put where ever the city wants them. Apparently they haven't figured out that we need stop lights between Fountain street and that new mini-mall by the lake. That area is dangerous.
It's really sad, but the city has to waste $ in order to get more from the state. For instance, the road in front of my house was in good condition. The city created problems by resurfacing it. Now the plumbing leaks and water comes up through the tar. The old saying "Why can't they just leave a good thing alone" comes to mind. To top it off, my property tax became even more outrageous. I now pay tax on a 90K value when my house is barely worth 62K. Why couldn't they just go to the poor side of town and fix roads that actually needed to be fixed? Because they could get more $ out of people like me!
I think a child could figure out how to get Main street to stop flooding every year. It's called a drainage system, people. Come On!
Some of the RR tracks around here are enough to brake your neck, if not your shock absorbers.
That motorcycle death near WalMart was sad. I don't wish death on anyone. That whole road system is a complete joke and it has sink holes all over it. What I really wanted to say here anyway, is that I believe in helmets. I won't even let my children ride around on their bikes without them.

Posted by Clovis on Apr. 17 2004,1:50 pm
Good points, truckwriter.  I hate AL driving for many of the reasons cited.  Driving down past the gas station/Taco Bell and the strip of stores with Blockbuster and the liquor store makes me tense up because people just don't pay attention at the stop sign across from the gas station OR coming out of the gas station/strip mall.  

While we're at it, I also find I-35 from Albert Lea to the MN-IA border to be one of the worst stretches of interstate highway that I've ever driven.

Posted by truckwriter94 on Apr. 19 2004,6:27 pm
I-35 mile markers 0-12 is the worst section of that particular road. It's not even that bad in Texas. Anyway, I've been told by certain construction workers in A.L. that this section was scheduled to be replaced between 2004 and 06, but it got pushed back from budget cuts.
Posted by Clovis on Apr. 19 2004,6:34 pm
I think parts of I-70 might rival it.  Have you ever had the "pleasure" of driving it between KC and St. Louis?  Especially the last couple hours before St. Louis. Those REALLY suck.
Posted by truckwriter94 on Apr. 19 2004,7:02 pm
Yeah, you've got a point. You know, now that I think about it, the gov. said (during the 80's and early 90's) that I-90 was the worst freeway in the whole country. I've driven some roads that could prove that wrong, but they're taking their sweet time fixing it.
Posted by Clovis on Apr. 19 2004,7:16 pm
Hehe.  As usual... Why fix something that needs fixing when we could have... $600 toilet seats at the Pentagon?  Or a $900 wrench?  I'd never heard that someone actually said it was the worst freeway in the country.  Makes sense, though.
Posted by truckwriter94 on Apr. 19 2004,7:44 pm
Yeah, I wish they would just admit that they're wasting $ on top secret crap. Who in their right mind would spend that kind of money on seats?
Posted by GEOKARJO on Apr. 20 2004,10:16 am
A six hundred dollar toilet seat is code for a new secret infered aiming device or a 900 dollar hammer is a top secret body armor. these things are not so secret today but just an example of how secrets are kept.
Posted by truckwriter94 on Apr. 20 2004,10:57 am
The wife says if she pays $600 for a toilet seat, it had darn well better wipe her a$$ and clean the bathroom, too! :laugh:
Posted by Clovis on Apr. 20 2004,3:49 pm
LOL - no kidding!!  And if it were a $900 wrench, it'd better be the one tool that will fix absolutely everything - and come with all the attachments, no extra costs :D
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