Forum: Current Events
Topic: Mayor Eaton doesn't want to hear it
started by: Liberal

Posted by Liberal on Jan. 26 2004,12:50 pm
Last council meeting Roger Bok was up at the rostrum speaking and was ruled out of order for nothing more than offering his opinion about the dept heads.


Roger Bok: that we have a lot of very good workers in this community and it’s the supervision that ain’t doing a very good job. And I can show you that right out there.

Mayor Eaton: Roger, you’re out of order. That’s enough.

Roger Bok: no, I’m not out of order you are.

Mayor Eaton: no, thank you for your comments.

most of the exchange in the transcript was left out of official minutes so R. Bok asked the city clerk for an exact copy.  The city clerk took a day to print out the two pages and then made Bok pay her $10.75 for the two pages.

Here are the two pages of the transcript that shows exactly what was really said.

< Page 1 Pdf Format >

< Page 2 Pdf Format >

< Both pages in one MS word document >

Here is a copy of what happened according to the abreviated minutes


Roger Bok, 1012 Cato Drive, told the Council that he was the individual who told the man to shut up and noted that the man apologized to the Mayor.  He also suggested that residents take their Christmas trees to the transfer station rather than dumping them in the old wastewater treatment plant area.  He noted that the residents could also deliver their trash to the transfer station rather than paying for a clean-up day.

So according to the official minutes R. Bok was never ruled out of order or forced to quit speaking ???

This is exactly why we need video equipment.

Posted by minnow on Jan. 26 2004,1:00 pm
But you don't seem to understand the burden that'd put on us. The asbestos alone will cost us millions...then there's the equipment upkeep, a seperate building to house the mics and cameras and get the picture. It'll cost millions to record the meetings... thankyou...

The city is just looking out for your taxes... :laugh:

Posted by GEOKARJO on Jan. 26 2004,1:25 pm
Ever hear of wireless, it is the latest thing, and would prove more cost effective.
Posted by Nose for News on Jan. 26 2004,1:33 pm
What a difference in Cities (One embraces change the other opposes change)

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Council's meetings are 'live'
By Lee Bonorden/Austin Daily Herald

  The Austin City Council went "live" Monday night.

The first regular meeting of the new year marked the debut of the live broadcast of Austin City Council meetings.

According to Mayor Bonnie Rietz, the telecasts will be broadcast the first and third Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m. "as they happen."

Previously, council meetings were broadcast on a taped-delayed basis each Saturday and Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. respectively, on the local public access channel provided by Charter Communications.

Rietz said the live telecasts were expected to generate more awareness among the citizens who watch them for local government.

"We have the capability of televising live the Austin City Planning Commission meetings, too," Rietz said. "And, the Austin Board of Education meets in council chambers, too, so those meetings could also be broadcast live."

The local access channel is number six for Charter Communications cable television subscribers.

On the initial live broadcast Monday night, citizens saw four long-time city employees honored upon their retirement.

Posted by GEOKARJO on Jan. 26 2004,1:35 pm
Ya think they did a legitimate 20,000 dollar study or was just someone's uneducated guess.
Posted by guest on Jan. 26 2004,3:14 pm
If the minutes are normally abriviated then I am sure the clerk had to take the recording of the meeting out and retranscribe the section that Bok requested.  Why shouldn't he have to pay for it?  I personally do not think everything should be free.  If someone wants something like that they should expect to pay for it.

Now onto the tone of the mayor.  I do not see where Bok was out of line.  He did not specifically address or name any individule.  I can see if he named a particular person and then ripped on them, this was just general things that Bok wanted pointed out as areas that the City needs to work on.  We should be able to do that and I would hope more people would start.  At least then we would know that some people care enough about the community to point out where it needs improvements.  

"Our critics are our true friends, for they do show us our faults." Ben Franklin

Posted by Mr. Fun on Jan. 26 2004,3:46 pm
Mayor Jean-the same person who claims that the regional shopping mecca of Albert Lea draws in peple from 50 miles away.
As usual she is out of touch & out of line.  Although I must say, she fits right in with the Albert Lea circus.

Posted by Quotable Quotes on Jan. 26 2004,4:47 pm
"There's a sucker born every minute."

                 ---David Hannum

Posted by what? on Jan. 26 2004,7:06 pm
So guest, you think that anyone that wants the ACTUAL meeting minutes should have to pay for them?!! Are you serious? It is jobs like this that those people are paid for, so are we to pay people wages to not do their job and instead suplement their wage cost with even more taxpayer money?
Lord help us all.

Posted by Montyman on Jan. 26 2004,9:25 pm
I listened to City Council meetings for years just to hear Roger Bok speak.
He was always entertaining, to say the least, especially when Marv Wangen was the Mayor.
It seems that nothing has changed. Minutes cannot do justice to his vocal intonations and inflections.

He even has moved up in the world, by attending a meeting of the Minnesota House Transportation Committee last year.  The Chairman thanked him for attending, adding that "Mr. Bok, you're my kind of people.  We all need to hear more from you."

After hearing that from the Chairman, Mr. Bok appeared to be a bit smug and sat down.  Perhaps the Chairman really knew how to handle people, ya think?

I don't know if I agree for having to pay for minutes, but the Council could set such a policy if they wished, i believe.

Wireless equipment is getting better and better and could prove to be a good option for the City and County as well.

Posted by The City on Jan. 27 2004,7:39 am
We know there are much cheaper options silly. This isn't about equipment. It's about not being criticized by the public fools. You folks will buy anything you're fed admit it.
Posted by LaLaLa on Jan. 27 2004,7:43 pm
whether you like Roger Bok or not, he definately has  a history with the council. And, some may view Dan Belshan the same way. I personally have always admired the rebel who does not follow the lambs to the slaughter or untruths and closed meeting decisions in our good ole town.
Posted by hoosier on Jan. 28 2004,9:57 am
I have no problem with people having to pay for the minutes if they request them. I believe this is a common practice almost everywhere. I would dispute the cost though, over 10 bucks? I believe the price has to be reasonable, but then again, who decides what is reasonable?
Posted by MADDOG on Jan. 28 2004,10:44 am
When I requested the Freeborn County Employee Handbook, I had to pay $.50 per page they copied.  Had no problem with that.
Posted by guest on Jan. 28 2004,10:46 am
Remember maddog, the county simply had to make photo copies of a document that was already produced.  The City had to transcribe from tape the actual word for word account of what was said.  There is a little more work involed than simply running a copy then.
Posted by MADDOG on Jan. 28 2004,10:48 am
True guest, but I half expected Gabe to hit me over the head with a high cost, just to spite me.  :D
Posted by jimhanson on Jan. 28 2004,10:50 pm
When I requested the Freeborn County Employee Handbook, I had to pay $.50 per page they copied.
How many pages were there?  

Why didn't the County just SELL you a handbook?  They have them on hand for all the new County employees they're hiring for the new jail! :D   I've got to believe it would cost less than 50 cents a page--and take up LESS employee time, to boot!

Unless, of course, Gabe WANTED TO DISCOURAGE YOU FROM HAVING IT--nothing like kicking up the price to do that! :D

Posted by hoosier on Jan. 29 2004,8:41 am
Jim, good point, that was why I mentioned that the cost had to be reasonable. I have seen this thing on 20/20 once where a city was trying to keep people from getting the info they wanted, so they charged outlandish prices for any copies. But there is a law that is supposed to limit what they can charge, I believe. I dont think they can charge you for their time, but just the office material that they use. Of course, this would be a good law, so it probably isnt this way here in Minnesota, that would makes to much sense
Posted by MADDOG on Jan. 29 2004,8:59 am
Jim, it cost me $15.50, so that would make 31 pages.  I requested it because it stated in there what the penalty is for county employees acepting gifts. (food and beverage, BKV thing)
Posted by hoosier on Jan. 29 2004,9:08 am
If there is a law or statute detailing how much they can charge per copy, Im sure the people we have at the courthouse have no idea what it is, or even if there is one. You all know the drill by now dont you? Ignorence of the law! The people we elect and employ with tax payers money can get away with it, but you and I cant.  :angry:
Posted by Liberal on Feb. 03 2004,7:09 pm
Roger Bok was called out of order again at the last meeting. When Mayor Eaton was asked why she called Roger out of Order she said,  "You were talking to loud"


Council Meeting Transcript
January 26, 2004

Mayor Eaton: Yes. State your name and address.

Roger Bok: Good evening. My name is Roger Bok, 1012 Cato Drive. On this, ah, historic museum ... why doesn’t that all go the County and they can assess every piece of property? Why should Bev come here a couple times, you know, ask for money there’s 28 townships out there. Then she runs out there and looks for money. Did she go down to the County this time, or not? I would like that found out.

Mayor Eaton: Well, Roger, I think you can ask Bev if you would like to.

Roger Bok: Well, you’re the mayor, I would like to have you do it.

Mayor Eaton: Well, Roger, I think that that is going to have to come from somebody else.

Roger Bok: And the other thing is, after the last meeting I went down and I got a copy of some minutes. (pause) Two (2) pages of minutes: ten dollars and seventy-five cents. Now I would like a good explanation on this!

Paul Sparks: Well, first of all, I don’t know ... let me finish what I’m going to say before you start

Roger Bok: Alright go ahead.

Paul Sparks: contradicting me.

Roger Bok: I always let you

Paul Sparks: They aren’t minutes. They are a verbatim transcript of a portion of the meeting. Minutes are a synopsis of what occurred in a meeting. That’s a verbatim transcript and that required someone to transcribe the tape for the portion of the meeting that you requested. And that’s labor and that’s what we charged you for.

Roger Bok: Can I talk now?

Paul Sparks: Oh, certainly. I just wanted to answer.

Roger Bok: OK. Ok. Now I’ll talk, then you answer afterwards. Now, Minnesota Statute says ‘minutes will be available two (2) days after the meeting’ here. Now, so I walk

Paul Sparks: What Statute ... oh.

Roger Bok: I’m talkin’ now be quiet a minute.

Mayor Eaton: Roger?

Roger Bok: I walk into there. I ask for the minutes. I should read ‘em and I say I want a copy of this and I want a copy of that. When I get a copy of anything else it’s ah, 30 cents a copy.

Paul Sparks: But that’s a ... that’s not the minutes. That’s a verbatim transcript of the meeting a portion of the meeting.

Roger Bok: Can I talk now?

Paul Sparks: No, I’m just telling you what that is. Now my question is what was the Statute number? Would you mind telling me the recitation?

Roger Bok: Well, ah, I have all these answers, Paul, and I think it’s time a few other people start looking this stuff up.

Paul Sparks: We don’t know where that Statute is. It doesn’t exist.

Roger Bok: Would you like to rap the gavel, Jean Eaton?

Mayor Eaton: Yes, Roger

Roger Bok: You’re getting ready?

Mayor Eaton: I’m getting ready.

Roger Bok: Uh-huh. That’s right. You should read the rules.

Mayor Eaton: Roger? Watch it.

Roger Bok: Oh, you better watch it, too.

Mayor Eaton: (gavel raps) You’re out of order!

Roger Bok: Thank you.

Mayor Eaton: You are out of order, Roger!

Roger Bok: Thank you very much.

Mayor Eaton: Please sit down.

Roger Bok: No! You are out of order.

Mayor Eaton: Recess!

Roger Bok: Mmm-hmm.

Posted by wowzers on Feb. 03 2004,7:23 pm
absolutly incredible.
Posted by Montyman on Feb. 03 2004,9:30 pm
This has been going on for years, Liberal!
What's your point?
Remember, I do respect your opinion.

Posted by Info Man on Feb. 03 2004,9:32 pm
Maddog - < >
They can build a modern jail but don't know what they have available on the world wide web.

Posted by minnow on Feb. 03 2004,9:32 pm
The point!? Well, it's not to except it like you do!

Typical Albert Lea Trash...

Posted by guest on Feb. 04 2004,7:54 am
If Mr. Bok did not address people in the rude manner inwhich he does he would get much further.  I am not saying that he does not bring up valid points, just that he is not very tackful.  He seems to be a bitter old man that is just looking to argue with someone.  Why didn't he answer the question that Mr. Sparks asked of him?  Because he was making things up.
Posted by MADDOG on Feb. 04 2004,8:42 am
Thanks, Info Man, but I already had the handbook.
Posted by minnow on Feb. 04 2004,9:50 am
True Guest, but the board is no better and could be described the same way. It's the blind leading the blind.
Posted by The Advocate on Feb. 04 2004,9:05 pm
Does the Mayor, City Council and City Manager have a clue concerning the Freedom of Speech lawsuit against the County?  They are traveling down that same slippery slope and could be in the same boat.  Remember, they too ,have only used Rule 19 on Roger Bok and no one else, hence ,making an excellent case for the MCLU. Remember, Roger has a right to speak, and who is to say, if the volume of his vocals are any louder than anyone else that has ever addressed the Council?  I wonder.  Who is to judge content?  Who is to judge rambling?  The County and the City Council would be wise to require each individual to sign a form that states that individual will not scream at, use excessive swearing, threaten the Council or Commissioners prior to addressing them and then set a 5 minute limit on their address.  The individual would be able to say basically whatever they want and to repeat as often as they like.  It would be their time to address the Board.
Posted by usmcr on Feb. 05 2004,7:15 am
does anyone have a clue wheter the 5 minute rule is applied to all speakers at the city council or is it used to applly to just those they want to suppress? if a person is going to address the council they should state their opinion with out asking any questions as once that is done your 5 minutes are history! it would seem that the 5 minute rule would apply to everyone regardless of who they were or what the topic might be about.
Posted by Liberal on Feb. 05 2004,7:43 am
That's part of the problem, there is no consistency.  Depending on who you are and what you are talking about they will let you talk as long as you like, they will even answer questions if it's from the right person.
Posted by truth on Feb. 05 2004,9:01 am
Exactly, both the city of Albert Lea and the County both selectively enforce their 'rules' which I think is nothing more than open discrimination. What's worse is that they knowingly do this as if to flaunt the fact, like they are above the law. I think that is why so many people have a problem with Freeborn County government.  :(
Posted by Frustrated on Feb. 05 2004,11:30 am
Is someone actually transcribing these meetings?  If so, that's expensive.  Audio or video recording would be much cheaper.
Posted by minnow on Feb. 05 2004,12:20 pm
Don't you see...they're fighting that and Dan Belshans request to have meetings taped tooth and nail.

They're making up excuses why they can't tape because they know if light got shed on their actions they'd be crucified by the public.

Are these the misfits and losers we want running our government?

Posted by joker on Feb. 05 2004,12:28 pm
and mayor jean wonders why this city sucks and why people are so negative.

Posted by Gabby on Feb. 05 2004,12:29 pm
It sounds to me that what needs to be done is hog tie the whole bunch of them and set them outside the county offices. That way the MCLU can load them up in the same paddy wagon they send down for the good old boys.
Posted by fresno on Feb. 07 2004,1:12 pm
they need to impeach all the county commisioners and county administrator, except Dan Belshan, it is as simple as that, problems in freeborn county would drop drastically. no more turmoil. and maybe add a sixth commissioner, they need an even number of commissioners or else drop one district.
Posted by Montyman on Feb. 07 2004,6:54 pm
Minnow---aren't all the City Council meetings on the radio?
They used to be.
Dan Belshan is not on the City Council, you know.

Posted by minnow on Feb. 07 2004,7:51 pm
I thought you were from Iowa?  Hate to tell you but that means you can't vote here.
Posted by Nose for News on Feb. 14 2004,5:51 pm
More info to the public on TV

Citizens' Voices talk on cable TV

MANKATO February 12th, 2004— The first of three community round-table discussions is playing on public access cable TV channel 13.

Part of Citizens' Voices, a program called "Now that we've got it, what do we do with it?" addresses changing relations between government, nonprofit and private sectors. The cable program runs on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 p.m.

John Pratt of the Minnesota Council on Foundations, is featured in the show, and Tony Filipovitch of Minnesota State University serves as a group facilitator. The mission of Citizens' Voices is to engage citizens in education, discussion of issues and community problem-solving in a proactive, positive manner.

Posted by BS Fighter on Feb. 14 2004,6:13 pm
Quote (Guest @ Jan. 27 2004,7:39:am)
We know there are much cheaper options silly. This isn't about equipment. It's about not being criticized by the public fools. You folks will buy anything you're fed admit it.

Public fools?  THAT's BS.  You City officials would'nt have jobs if it was not for the PUBLIC FOOLS.  How arrogant, do you think those of you in government are like Lords and Lady's in old Europe.  We threw those bums out, and we public fools can do it to you.  Let the man talk for his time without interruption.  If he is such a fool, people will know it.  It sounds like you are all afraid that he isn't a fool, and will expose that you are.

Thank you :rockon:

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