Forum: Current Events
Topic: Non Custodial Parents Non Rights
started by: GEOKARJO

Posted by GEOKARJO on Jan. 13 2004,3:59 pm
:( The christmas presents still lay on the floor were the tree once stood. In July Mom moved away and has not provided any contact information. One accidental meeting allowed for plans to be made for saturday after christmas visitation, however a call on that day Mom saying it wouldn't be possible. Caller id allowed me a cell phone number but she will not provide a location twice turned down asking for vistation. A visit to human services was a loss cause.

Her name is Star and she will be 5 in March Blond Hair, Blue Eyed, Daddy wants to know her address so he can serve Mom with Visitation Order from the court.

Possibly in the Wells Area


Posted by Non-custodial parent on Jan. 13 2004,8:39 pm
I too, was a non-custodial parent for years.  The ex became a multi-millionaire just a few years after the divorce, hence, my childs' and my life became a nightmare.  The control this person extolled over us was constant and overwhelming.  To this day, my child prefers not to associate much with her father.  We are extremely close and now she chooses to spend much of her free time with me and I believe she has forgiven both her father and myself for the heartbreak our divorce caused her.  Be there for your children even if the going gets rough.  Stay the course sir, and you will be rewarded for your diligence when your children become older. My life is so very full and the love this child gives me is now a dream come true.
Posted by watcher on Jan. 14 2004,8:30 am
I could go on and on about this subject. I am a non-custodial father, my ex met another man and filed for divorce. When I went to court I was told that I would have to prove my ex of being an unfit mother to even stand having a chance to gain custody of my kids. So I did not fight to much in the divorce. After 2 years of being with her new husband I was informed that she would be moving out of state with my children. Again I went to see a different lawyer, I was told that all she would ne to prove was that she would be bettering her, her husband or the kids life to move them out of state. I bargained with her to get better visitaion in the summer. Fast forward 4 years later- I do get to see my children in the summer but the times that I miss always wear on me( I miss them everyday). But now everytime my ex wants somthing to go her way she threatens to take me to court to raise the child support that I pay each month. I dont mind paying the support but I dont like be threatened every other month. I pay the support even when my kids are here. Sorry I just get really worked up about the whole child custody scenerio. :(
Posted by GEOKARJO on Jan. 15 2004,12:00 pm
Thank you so very much for the address. God Bless you
Posted by ironmaiden on Jan. 15 2004,5:17 pm
Never been in a battle before but have witnessed too many with the children being used as pawns. Wish more Judges could see it, and do something about it.
Posted by Ole1kanobe on Jan. 16 2004,12:53 am
I don't think the judges are as much of the problem (although they do contribute) as the current laws are.
If you sit down and actually read the current laws, some of them seem ridiculous; even more-so if you have history of the laws to see how things have gotten worse and worse.
If child support was not such a good business, it probably wouldn't be so hard to get the state legistlature to change some of the laws.

Posted by Been there done that on Jan. 18 2004,6:05 pm
Obe 1 I totally disagree with you.  Judges have what is called "Discretion"  they do call the shots.  The child support laws in Minnesota are interpretive at best.  Any child support officer in the state can tell you that there are at least 3 different ways to determine support within the state guidelines.  In every single scenario of the 3 there is a different outcome.
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