Forum: Current Events
Topic: World war three
started by: Self-Banished

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2023,7:08 am
Seems we’re getting more involved.

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Here we go, distraction, distraction, distraction

Posted by Expatriate on Oct. 27 2023,9:23 am
^^^ Don't worry you and cadet bone spurs can hide in the bunker...
Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 27 2023,6:13 pm
^^ just three long years ago comrade Dick Whistle

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Now, Gropey appeases Iran as they speak at the United Nations yesterday

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Weak leaders make hard times.

Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 29 2023,8:19 am
As it spreads🧐

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Posted by Self-Banished on Oct. 31 2023,6:40 pm
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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 01 2023,6:30 am
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Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 02 2023,5:55 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 02 2023,6:21 am
^^ as usual, your sources are suspect

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Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 03 2023,4:48 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 03 2023,6:32 am
^^ …and Hamas comes in and slaughters them.
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 04 2023,6:04 am
^^ @ Fatso

There's enough blame to go around...

Netanyahu was in legal/political trouble, I'm not sure this isn't a wag the dog!

Take a look at the ever expanding Israeli Map, the annexation of Palestinian
territory forcing Palestinians out of their homes..Trump crickets..

I believe the original agreement called for Jerusalem to be a neutral city.
But Trump in his infinite wisdumb moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and decided to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital!
Trump's move was a total slap in the face to Palestine, Trump managed to destroy years of diplomacy in the middle east during his short 4 year wreck the world Presidency...

Hamas had something like 27% support among Palestinians, I'd say it's probably at a 100% now...

Whoever thought you could create a Jewish homeland because of religious ideology was shortsighted to say the least.

Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 04 2023,7:44 am
^^ 100% eh, then I won’t feel bad when Israel kills 100% of them :thumbsup:
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 05 2023,5:42 am
^^^ you've definitely found your home in the MAGAt movement.. :dunce:  

Our Greatest Internal Threat…Will It Consume Us?
Hateful incidents targeting both Muslims and Jews have been on the rise over the past month. It’s vile racism backed up by people in powerful positions, from Trump to Marjorie Taylor-Greene to Brian Mast. Mast was on the House floor yesterday when he compared Palestinian civilians to Nazis. Where does it end? As Dean Obiedallah writes, “It’s essential that we don’t lose our humanity.”

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 05 2023,6:06 am
Will we make it through Biden’s term?
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 11 2023,6:58 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 11 2023,7:56 am
^^ details🤨

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Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 12 2023,5:52 am
Is This Shocking Letter From Inside Trump’s Gulag America’s Future?
History has shown us repeatedly what happens when tyrants take education away from the public. Can the Republican led war on public schools turn generation Z, from Doomers to dumber? OR, will we learn from history so as not to repeat it?

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 12 2023,7:18 am

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 12 2023,11:07 am
If we’re lucky, we can get rid of this cunt

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 13 2023,4:57 am
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Sounds like a pedocrat tactic. :blush:

Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 14 2023,5:02 am
^^ Move back to Moscow with the other fat bitch...

'We Are Cowardly' A Scared Ketchup MAGABOT Music Video (Song Parody by Founders Sing)

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 14 2023,7:02 am
^^ sorry, lived here all my life👍

You could move back to Canada though :blush:

Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 14 2023,2:50 pm
sorry, lived here all my life

That's what every Russian troll claims Comrade Fatso..

Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 14 2023,7:31 pm
^^ and yet here we are, on the very brink of world war with a geriatric moron at the helm.

Trump was nominated for a Nobel numerous times for his peace efforts in the Middle East.

Feeling pretty fucking stupid comrade whistler of the dicks? :dunce:

Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 15 2023,4:33 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 15 2023,5:07 am
^^ nope, just a common criminal.
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 15 2023,5:22 am
^^^ baloney  :dunce:

Let's talk about why Russia hasn't quit....

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Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 19 2023,6:28 am
Evangelicals Are Cheering the Gaza War as the End of the World
Thousands have died in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Some far-right Christian leaders believe the bloodshed portends the second coming of Christ

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 19 2023,4:21 pm
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 20 2023,7:03 am
^^ And who sent Hamas to attack Israel at this point in time?

It's a second front to detour American Support form the Russian Ukraine invasion...

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Russia’s relationship with Palestine, Israel

Russia’s current ties with Israel and Hamas are predated by decades of Soviet relations.

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin welcomed the establishment of Israel in 1948, hoping it would become a pro-Moscow socialist nation.

But after Israel aligned itself with the West, Soviets began forging ties with Palestinian leaders – and trained hundreds of fighters in KGB schools.

Thousands more Palestinians studied in universities all over the USSR, from Tallinn to Tashkent – and one of them was Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

He wrote a PhD dissertation titled “Hidden Face: a connection between Zionism and Nazism” in Moscow in 1982 under Yevgeny Primakov, an Arabist and then director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences.  Primakov, a spy, would go on to become post-Soviet Russia’s foreign minister and then prime minister in the 1990s.

In 1967, the Kremlin called Israel a “Zionist warmonger” and severed diplomatic ties over the Arab-Israeli war.

But after millions of post-Soviet Jews moved to Israel, Israel began forging closer ties with Moscow.

According to Chatham House experts Nikolay Kozhanov and James Nixey, it is “likely that the Hamas–Israel war means the end of Russia’s decades-long policy of balancing between different players in the Middle East”.

In a recent article, they wrote that given Russia’s welcome of a Hamas delegation in Moscow in October, its refusal to condemn the initial Hamas attack, and its close alliance with Iran, “Tel Aviv no longer considers Russia an ally and would probably reject it as a mediator.”
Source: Al Jazeera

Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 20 2023,5:08 pm
^^ holy shit :dunce:
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 21 2023,6:11 am
^^ @ Fatso, Wayne is draft dodger, I can see why you'd butter up to him you fat faggot...

FED UP Marine UNLOADS on Republican Traitor, DOESN’T HOLD BACK

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 21 2023,6:22 am
^^ I see where Gropey was doing some pardoning yesterday, just thin, if he’d have pardoned you, you would have the second pardon in your life :blush:
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 25 2023,5:39 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 25 2023,4:21 pm
^^ no, no,no, I was referring to Carter pardoning you back in the 70’s for running off to Canada  :blush:
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 26 2023,6:04 am
^^ Here you have Fatso who failed his Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) with a low IQ score!

Like Trump who's a known Draft Dodger and shows his disdain for our military members and veterans on a regular basis; Fatso has some underlying mental disorder, due to his own inadequacy or past failure to serve his Country.

Trump and Fatso share the same characteristics; they're both Putin bootlickers....  

Let's talk about Russia, the Baltics, and balance....

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 26 2023,9:45 am
^^ I failed what?

At least I didn’t run away to the land of the north. :blush:

Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 26 2023,12:54 pm
^^ You've failed at everything; that's why you're a truck driver stupid....

Hey Fatso, Trump's new oval office is going to be at the military correctional facility at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas...

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Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 26 2023,1:47 pm
^^ yeah, a truck driver with 6 figure income :blush:

I’m pretty happy being a driver, are you happy pleasing long haulers? :blush:

Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 26 2023,1:54 pm
Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 26 2023,2:19 pm
^^ yep, definitely professional help needed here😲
Posted by Expatriate on Nov. 26 2023,2:25 pm
^^^ No one cares about your homosexuality, keep it to yourself; quit projecting..
Posted by Self-Banished on Nov. 26 2023,3:49 pm
^^ ahhh, the only one that likes dick here is you ‘oh blower of the long haulers. :blush:
Posted by Expatriate on Dec. 25 2023,6:25 am
^^^ :dunce:

Donald Trump is an active national security threat and should NEVER AGAIN be Commander in Chief to our Armed Forces.

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Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 25 2023,6:28 am
^^ it’s Christmas loser, give it a break.
Posted by Expatriate on Dec. 26 2023,4:29 am
^^^ BAH HUMBUG  :dunce:

Fighting courageously and alone against the ignorant hoards of unwashed conservatives who wage war on women, minorities, children, senior citizens, education, the environment, voters' rights, hygiene, Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, and Common Sense.

Posted by Expatriate on Dec. 30 2023,5:18 am
Ya'll checkout my Redneck Battle Tank!

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Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 30 2023,6:29 am
^^ run away draft dodger, run away :blush:
Posted by Expatriate on Dec. 31 2023,3:51 am
^^^^ :dunce:

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 31 2023,7:10 am
^^ we’re in an El Niño year, I wonder what the weather would be like in Moose Jaw for you.🤣
Posted by Expatriate on Jan. 12 2024,5:29 am
"On Jan. 11 at 2:30 a.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command forces, in coordination with the United Kingdom, and support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and Bahrain conducted joint strikes on Houthi targets to degrade their capability to continue their illegal and reckless attacks on U.S. and international vessels and commercial shipping in the Red Sea. This multinational action targeted radar systems, air defense systems, and storage and launch sites for one way attack unmanned aerial systems, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles."

Let's talk about the Red Sea and today's events....

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Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 12 2024,2:39 pm
^^ why are we listening to basement boy?

Where’s secretary Austin? :blush:

Posted by Expatriate on Jan. 13 2024,5:51 am
^^ Gen. Patrick S. Ryder is the Department of Defense Press Secretary, rarely does the Secretary of Defense make public statements..

But then you know Secretary of Defense Austin is having health issues, so your post is just another of your CHILDISH TROLLS....  

In this case the both the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Joe Biden have released statements...

Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 13 2024,6:03 am
^^ oh settle down comrade Dick Whistle, if we go to war, you’re too old to have to runaway this time.

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Posted by Expatriate on Jan. 14 2024,6:38 am
Urgent search underway for 2 missing Navy SEALs
Defense officials say the men went missing during a boarding mission in the Gulf of Aden.

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Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 14 2024,6:49 am
^^ your concern is laughable.
Posted by Expatriate on Jan. 18 2024,5:29 am
Pakistan carries out military strikes on separatist targets in Iran following deadly attack on its own soil by Tehran

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Eve Of Destruction

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Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 18 2024,5:34 am
^^ aren’t you the war hawk, draft dodger?🤨
Posted by Expatriate on Jan. 26 2024,9:11 am
Are We On The Slippery Slope to WWIII?

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Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 26 2024,4:15 pm
^^ yes we are, and Gropey’s at fault.
Posted by Expatriate on Jan. 27 2024,4:06 am
VoteVets - Gold Star Parents

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Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 27 2024,6:06 am
^^ fortunately for you comrade Dick Whistle, you’ll never be a loser :blush:
Posted by Expatriate on Jan. 28 2024,4:12 am
^^That's right Fatso because I Have an Honorable Discharge something you and tRump know nothing about sick Russian Troll...
Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 28 2024,9:07 am
^^ honorable discharge? Is that a venereal disease from a long hauler?


Oh God, I just kill myself some days🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 03 2024,4:11 am

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 04 2024,6:14 am

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 04 2024,7:13 am
^^ it must be a tremendous amount of guilt for you knowing you ran away in the 60’s🫤
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 08 2024,1:30 pm
^^^ :dunce:
Your jealousy of my Military Service is flattering Fatso, Like his hero Cadet Bone Spurs the REAL DRAFT DODGER Fatso try's his best to dis our Military and actual Veterans ...

Make no mistake about it, Russia and Putin are enemies of America and if we do not stop them by proxy with Ukraine, it will be our young men and women who will be on the front lines against Russia, next. That is what Republicans actions are going to result in.

Putin claims the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 was illegitimate.

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Posted by Glad I Left on Feb. 08 2024,2:55 pm
Never get involved in a land war in Asia. History has proven that time and time again.
Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 08 2024,5:45 pm

(Expatriate @ Feb. 08 2024,1:30 pm)
^^^ :dunce:
Your jealousy of my Military Service is flattering Fatso, Like his hero Cadet Bone Spurs the REAL DRAFT DODGER Fatso try's his best to dis our Military and actual Veterans ...

Make no mistake about it, Russia and Putin are enemies of America and if we do not stop them by proxy with Ukraine, it will be our young men and women who will be on the front lines against Russia, next. That is what Republicans actions are going to result in.

Putin claims the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867 was illegitimate.

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Your fantasy of being a soldier is pathetic.
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 09 2024,4:00 am
Putin interview with Tucker Carlson shows Kremlin outreach to Trump’s GOP

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Tucker Carlson Deployed His Oldest and Dumbest Tricks to Defend His Putin Interview

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 09 2024,4:49 am
^^ again, yawn🙄

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 10 2024,5:27 am
Tucker Carlson's Desperation
Comrade Tucker Carlson sat down with Vladimir Putin for a two hour interview....

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2024,6:07 am
^^ good for him👍

I doubt though that he’s a “comrade” in the same sense as you though, he more than likely doesn’t suck dick. :blush:

Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 10 2024,6:29 am
^^^ verifiable proof...
Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2024,6:32 am
^^ verifiable, how so, you have undeniable facts?
Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2024,7:16 am
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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 10 2024,9:41 am
^^^ TRUMP SHOW 35 Tucker Carlson Putin Interview, Taylor Swift & Travis Kelse, AI Lauren Boebert & MORE

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 10 2024,10:12 am
^^ did you even watch the interview?
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 12 2024,3:46 am
Comrade SB Quote:
did you even watch the interview?

Yes, but only about 45 minutes, Putin's justifies his Ukraine invasion with historical dates and borders from the past that really aren't relative to today's reality. IMO... I couldn't watch Vladimir play his Propaganda fiddle any longer... 

Tucker Carlson/Vladimir Putin, Interview link


Tucker Putin Interview Instantly BLOWS UP in His Face
Tucker Carlson hoped his interview with Vladimir Putin was going to go much differently than it did.

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 12 2024,5:14 am
^^ yes, dates, history etc, not a fan of Putin but at least he can construct a sentence unlike our current “supposed” leader.
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 13 2024,4:36 am
Trump Makes THREAT OF WAR Against Democratic Allies Using VLADIMIR PUTIN'S MURDEROUS TROOPS!!!

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 15 2024,5:15 pm
^^ no, he say NATO allies need to pay their dues out not be included in the little club.
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 16 2024,4:50 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 16 2024,5:39 am
^^ new service at the pickle park comrade Dick Whistle?
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 17 2024,5:48 am
Why I’m Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza Robert Reich
I’m Jewish. I detest Hamas. I know what it’s like to have family members murdered because of their beliefs and ethnicity.
Which is why I take social justice and human rights so seriously.
And why I, like millions of others, am committed to a ceasefire in Gaza.

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 17 2024,5:54 am
^^ well maybe if you don’t murder women and child you wouldn’t have to worry about being exterminated.🧐
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 18 2024,5:24 am
President Biden Promises To Stand By NATO Allies As They Have Stood By Us, Rejects Trump.... VoteVets

"The failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will NEVER be forgotten..

ALL of us should reject the dangerous statements made by [Trump]..

America stands by our sacred commitment to our NATO allies AS THEY have stood by their commitments to us."

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 18 2024,9:08 am
^^ Ukraine is nothing more than a money conduit for Gropey’s family
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 19 2024,2:19 pm
^^^ Proof - Putin owns the Republicans...

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 21 2024,5:29 am
Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 21 2024,7:18 am
^^ no, Ukrainians died because of Gropey’s greed.
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 21 2024,1:30 pm
^^^  :dunce:

VoteVets Senior Advisor LTC (Ret.) Alexander Vindman Makes Clear The Need For Ukraine Aid

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 22 2024,4:38 am
FED UP Navy Pilot CRUSHES MAGA For Putin Ties
Perhaps the most shocking thing about the murder of Alexei Navalny was not that a dictator assassinated a political opponent, but that Republican extremists and their enablers in the US rushed to minimize the brutality of Vladimir Putin. Ken discusses this betrayal with Mike Smith, former Navy pilot and board member at Veterans For Responsible Leadership.

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 23 2024,4:21 am
Russia is COUNTING ON a Trump Win (with Tim Mak) | The Bulwark Podcast
Tim speaks with Tim Mak on Ukraine's feelings of betrayal with the second anniversary of the Russian invasion.

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 25 2024,4:47 am
VoteVets Senior Advisor LTC (Ret.) Alexander Vindman Calls Out House GOP For Appeasing Putin

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Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 25 2024,5:19 pm
^^ Classic over compensation for a draft dodger. :blush:
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 26 2024,3:34 am
^^^ jealously of my Military Service is flattering Fatso..
I'm sure the only reason you didn't serve is the Military didn't have fatigues with a 3x ass...

Posted by Self-Banished on Feb. 26 2024,4:14 am
^^ ummm, what military service?🙄
Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 26 2024,5:08 am
They Dream of Engulfing America in Civil War - Here’s How They’ll Do It
The racist Trumpsters who want a second civil war call this an “acceleration.” They’re hoping they can create enough chaos to finally fulfill their fantasies about fighting in a “noble” civil war…

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 28 2024,3:55 am

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Posted by Expatriate on Feb. 29 2024,4:17 am
U.S. Army Veteran Gary Harris Absolutely PUMMELS House GOP And Speaker Johnson Over Ukraine Aid
🔥WATCH: Take 2 minutes out of your day to watch U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran Gary Harris absolutely PUMMEL House GOP and Speaker Johnson:

"Tell your weak-kneed speaker to bring Ukraine aid to a vote right now. History is unforgiving!"

"America delivered the world from evil in World War II and must never, ever appease despots trying to trample on free peoples. US presidents of both parties have understood this all, EXCEPT ONE. Not as much is asked of you today as was asked of me, nor even a slight portion of what my father willingly gave.

"Ukrainians will risk and endure ALL to protect their freedom and in so doing, protect OUR own interests. All they need are the tools to do the job."

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Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 03 2024,4:28 am
VoteVets Senior Advisor LTC(Ret.)Vindman Makes Clear Extreme GOP Are Risking National Security
Yesterday on 'Deadline White House' VoteVets Senior Advisor LTC (Ret.) Alexander Vindman spoke with Nicolle Wallace and made clear that extreme Republicans are putting our national security at risk by appeasing Putin.

"We just need to continue to remind them what the stark difference is between the Putin view, assassination of his adversaries — what Trump really wants to bring to the United States — and the prospect of a democracy and a better union."

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Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 03 2024,2:25 pm
Ukrainian Valor & Russian Aggression
This week on ZeroLine, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is back in Ukraine. Joined as always by Resolute Square executive editor Lisa Senecal to give a critical update on the state of the conflict. They highlight Resolute Square's contributions to covering the conflict, including the exclusive publication of "500 Days of War" by Major General Vladislav Klochkov. The discussion underscores the grim realities of war, the significant sacrifices made by Ukrainian soldiers, and the stark contrast between Ukrainian valor and Russian aggression. Furthermore, they address the international support for Ukraine, the controversy surrounding Kyle Parker of the Helsinki Commission, and the importance of unity in supporting Ukraine's resilience. Sarah passionately calls for focus and solidarity in the face of misinformation and political intrigue, underscoring the global implications of Ukraine's struggle for democracy.

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Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 06 2024,3:19 am
Will the Republican Party Lead Us Into WWIII?
Will the Republican Party push us into World War III? Thom takes us through the far right’s long history of appeasing fascism.

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Posted by Self-Banished on Mar. 06 2024,5:46 pm

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Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 07 2024,4:08 am
Is Russia Planning On Invading These NATO Countries?

Putin’s right-hand man unveils a new map of Russia and it includes these current NATO members. Is this proof of a future invasion plan?

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Posted by Self-Banished on Aug. 31 2024,1:14 pm
^^ this is all on the pedocrats heads

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Posted by Expatriate on Sep. 01 2024,4:00 am
If there's any doubt in your mind that Putin owns the magat Republican Party you just need open and track Comrade Fatso's links...

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Posted by Self-Banished on Sep. 01 2024,8:21 am
^^ no, he doesn’t, you weak minded Russian stories died a long time ago, proven false.

We need to talk about governor Potatohead’s trips to China now.

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He honeymooned there? How’d he get the horse through customs?

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I’ve heard he’s worse the batshit Sanders.

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