Forum: Current Events
Topic: Jeff Fjelstad And Jill Kohler,Conv.and Vistors Dir
started by: Rynes

Posted by Rynes on Dec. 14 2003,9:46 pm
Jeff and Jill are getting pretty CLOSE now.
Watch for the Latest news of these two

Posted by Hanna on Dec. 15 2003,4:10 pm
One should be very careful when making accusations on a public board. I know both parties and to the best of my knowledge, the above is not true.

Even if it was true, this is not the place to make such personal information public.

I hope you realize the ramifications that accusations such as this may have.

Another good example of why the public doesn't give this forum respect.

Posted by YAO on Dec. 15 2003,5:51 pm

I'm with you.  Get this should be removed by the moderator.

Posted by Mr. Smith on Dec. 15 2003,6:12 pm
I like it, good post Rynes.
Posted by pucker_up on Dec. 15 2003,8:21 pm
This "statement" is truly the dumbest thing I have read in a long while...  RYNES, get a life, Buddy.  I know both parties involved here, and we (meaning anyone who knows Jeff and/or Jill, clearly not Rynes) all know this is a joke, and a weak one at that.  This message board should be reserved for citizens with real issues or comments, not slanderous lies.  Way to go, Rynes.... you're the one who looks like an idiot.  Happy Holidays. Ha.
Posted by Mr. Smith on Dec. 15 2003,8:34 pm
Again, great post Rynes, thanks for the information.
Posted by GEOKARJ0 on Dec. 16 2003,12:36 am
can we get some details on this rynes?
Posted by minnow on Dec. 16 2003,3:54 am
Wanna offer $200 for his real name?
Posted by To A TEE on Dec. 16 2003,9:51 am
Scott Hanna said it all!!!  Real issues is what the majority of the writers/readers on this site want. If respect is to be gained than quit the personal insinuations and tacky one-liners.  But then again, what better way to destroy this site than to keeping the nickle and dime bull in here.  It may just be folks that do not want this site to succeed doing the "ghost writing" What do you think?  I say keep the good solid legit posting coming.
Posted by byebye on Dec. 16 2003,2:47 pm
It hurts the page in general.
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 16 2003,3:15 pm
The Sheriff thinks threads like this are not appreciated.
Posted by Guest on Dec. 16 2003,3:25 pm
Why would anyone register and want to be associated with this forum!  Not even most of those who are registered wish to let it be known who they are.  Jim Hanson is the only one I can see who is not afraid to let people know what he thinks.  A few others identify themselves under the registration.  This is nothing but a frag sheet.
Posted by Mr. Smith on Dec. 16 2003,3:31 pm
I enjoy the rumors and gossip on here.
Posted by GEOKARJO on Dec. 16 2003,3:33 pm
Who ever you are do not post with my nick
Posted by dumbasses on Dec. 16 2003,7:32 pm
who exactly care if they are bumping ugly's or not?
Posted by santa on Dec. 16 2003,9:15 pm
If you have something to say about someone, be an ADULT and say it to their face. We all know the logic doesn't add up.  I don't see anything happening here... ever!!  GET A LIFE.
Posted by GEOKARJ0 on Dec. 16 2003,9:57 pm
Quote (GEOKARJO @ Dec. 16 2003,3:33:pm)
Who ever you are do not post with my nick


Posted by No. 1 Viking Fan on Dec. 16 2003,10:02 pm
What this forum needs is Dennis Green.

He weeded out the malcontents and dumped the dead wood while molding the Purple into a Norris Division powerhouse. Authoritative. Trustworthy. Unflappable. He's all this and more, my friends, and he's what we need.

Let the Sheriff call the shots. If someone making a post is not up to the Sheriff's standards, out he goes, just like that washed up Wade Wilson and the rest of those hosers he sent packing. We need to eradicate this place of the riff-raff, all right, and the Sheriff is just the guy to do it.

Dennis Green, Commissioner, Albert Lea Discussion Forum.

It could be more than just a pipe dream, friends.

Posted by Rynes on Dec. 17 2003,1:24 pm
I have Posted an Apolgy On This Article>

Posted by KODIAK on Dec. 17 2003,2:28 pm
Yup, but you cannot read the yellow.
Posted by DennisGreen on Dec. 17 2003,2:52 pm
Quote (Guest @ Dec. 16 2003,10:02:pm)
What this forum needs is Dennis Green.

He weeded out the malcontents and dumped the dead wood while molding the Purple into a Norris Division powerhouse. Authoritative. Trustworthy. Unflappable. He's all this and more, my friends, and he's what we need.

Let the Sheriff call the shots. If someone making a post is not up to the Sheriff's standards, out he goes, just like that washed up Wade Wilson and the rest of those hosers he sent packing. We need to eradicate this place of the riff-raff, all right, and the Sheriff is just the guy to do it.

Dennis Green, Commissioner, Albert Lea Discussion Forum.

It could be more than just a pipe dream, friends.

Thank you, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support.  
The Sheriff believes that just like the Vikings, this board was lifeless and meaningless before the Sheriff came to town.  The Sheriff has breathed new life into this community and you have shown to be forever grateful to the Sheriff and for that, the SHeriff thanks you.

As much as the Sheriff knows he could have this board running as well as he had the Vikings running back in hid day, the Sheriff will have to respectfully decline the offer to moderate this board.  Babysitting a pro football team is hard enough, babysitting a whole community of small-town-busy-body-know-it-all's would be impossible.
Again, I thank you for your support.

Freeborn county

Posted by Mr. Smith on Dec. 17 2003,4:11 pm
rynes, no need to back track, I support your post as true, feel free to post any more truths here.
Posted by Need info plz on Jan. 10 2004,11:16 pm
Quote (Rynes @ Dec. 14 2003,9:46:pm)
Jeff and Jill are getting pretty CLOSE now.
Watch for the Latest news of these two

Anything new on this Rynes?
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