Forum: Current Events
Topic: Fox News Channel maintained its grip on the cable-
started by: the breeze

Posted by the breeze on Dec. 17 2013,9:30 am
Fox News Remains Ratings Champ As 2013 Comes to Close , drawing more viewers than the combined averages of CNN, MSNBC and HLN.

December 16, 2013 | 03:01PM PT
It and rivals CNN, MSNBC down from last year
< >
Fox News Channel maintained its grip on the cable-news network ratings prize in 2013, drawing more viewers than the combined averages of CNN, MSNBC and HLN.

It was a down year in terms of overall audience, as every newsie but HLN showed primetime declines from their Presidential Election-driven tallies of 2012.

Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 17 2013,9:44 am
Of course when these ratings are brought up it's always late evening, when people are looking for entertainment, not news.   :p

Last I checked Faux News keeps losing when it comes to the Sunday morning time slot, the time long-reserved for current events shows like Meet the Press.  But the network news has become an embarrassment as well.

Nearly all of our media has turned into a part of Idiocracy.  It's like they combined the Jerry Springer show with American Gladiators, and then claim it must be the best because people tune in.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 17 2013,10:26 am
Meet the Press? :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Posted by Botto 82 on Dec. 17 2013,12:28 pm
Once again, Breeze is speaking beyond his competence, asserting the notion that FAUXNews' ratings equate with some sort of conservative majority opinion in American politics. The last two major elections would tend to dispute that.

People would tune in in droves to Honey-Boo-Boo doing the "news," if there was enough hate and vitriol involved.

Posted by Liberal on Dec. 17 2013,2:00 pm
But, 3/4 of 1% of Americans watch Fox news. That must mean that this is a conservative country. :sarcasm:
Posted by Botto 82 on Dec. 17 2013,2:07 pm
Conservatives think you're either with that 1%, and you have a shot at joining their ranks, or you're some slovenly welfare recipient, buying Mountain Dew and Cheetos on your EBT card.  :dunce:
Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 17 2013,4:43 pm
^ :clap:

And the Kochs and Trumps laugh while the middle class cannibalizes itself on Grover Norquist talking points.

Posted by grassman on Dec. 18 2013,5:37 pm
People are so  easily misled by numbers. I was getting gas today at an SA gas station today, guess what news was on the pump. :D Fox news, how may pumps does SA have across the map? Some bars have it on just for the humor. It's kind of like having Saturday Night Live on.  :D  :cool:
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 18 2013,7:18 pm
For humor? Try ABC NBC and CBS
Posted by Botto 82 on Dec. 18 2013,7:42 pm

(Self-Banished @ Dec. 18 2013,7:18 pm)
For humor? Try ABC NBC and CBS

I take it you think you can be part of that 1%, too, as long as you stick to your anti-liberal guns...

Good luck with that...

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 18 2013,10:23 pm
^ you're serious? You watch the three networks?
Posted by Botto 82 on Dec. 19 2013,6:44 am
Hardly. ABC's Diane Sawyer and Baba Wawa are members of the Council on Foreign relations. Their globalist, new world order agenda is legendary. Small wonder Hitlery Clintoon is Barbara Walters "Most Interesting Person of 2013.

Former Congressman John R. Rarick warned:

The CFR, dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education and mass communication media, should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the U.S. Constitution and our free-enterprise system. Yet, the nation’s right to know machinery – the news media – usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities.

The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high-level decisions for converting the United States from a sovereign constitutional republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship.

I don't trust corporate news anymore. It's hard to find any news source that doesn't have some level of bias, one way or the other.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 19 2013,8:00 am
^ very true, I subscribe to the theory of take in as much as possible from many sources and try to make some sense of it. Doesn't always work.
Posted by Glad I Left on Dec. 20 2013,8:13 am
I used to watch Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann when they were both on.  You can't get two people more further apart than them two I don't think.  I thought both of their shows were entertaining in their own way, usually because of their obvious bias one way or the other.  But then again, they were commentators/op ed people, not hard news shows.
Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 31 2013,10:28 pm

(Self-Banished @ Dec. 19 2013,8:00 am)
I subscribe to the theory of take in as much as possible from many sources and try to make some sense of it. Doesn't always work.

That reminds me of another conservative who claimed to take in as much as possible.  She couldn't name any of them though.   :dunce:

Care to tell us what those "many sources" are?   ???

Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 01 2014,7:43 am

(irisheyes @ Dec. 31 2013,10:28 pm)

(Self-Banished @ Dec. 19 2013,8:00 am)
I subscribe to the theory of take in as much as possible from many sources and try to make some sense of it. Doesn't always work.

That reminds me of another conservative who claimed to take in as much as possible.  She couldn't name any of them though.   :dunce:

Care to tell us what those "many sources" are?   ???

It works better than the average citizens method, listen to the networks, swallow what ever they spew.
Posted by hairhertz on Jan. 01 2014,4:01 pm

(irisheyes @ Dec. 17 2013,4:43 pm)
^ :clap:

And the Kochs and Trumps laugh while the middle class cannibalizes itself on Grover Norquist talking points.

agree  :clap: it's the old divide & conquer strategy
Posted by Pretzel Logic on Jan. 02 2014,4:38 pm
I flipped past Fox this morning after the weather channel.

They were doing a piece about the new pot stores and the lines out side.

 They went on to say that they were having to pay about $400 an ounce.

Higher than street value.  

Like they knew what the value was or ever cared.

FOX we're looking out for you!  

Can't wait for Stuart Varney to start doing 10 am reports on current prices.

Fair and Balanced pot prices.

Megan, back to you.

There sure was along line though.

Posted by irisheyes on Jan. 06 2014,8:04 am

(Self-Banished @ Jan. 01 2014,7:43 am)
It works better than the average citizens method, listen to the networks, swallow what ever they spew.

So neither you or Sarah Palin will answer the question.

It isn't better than the average citizen if your opinions mirror that of AM radio and conservative blogs.  Than you're just "swallowing whatever they spew," but from the opposite side.

Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 06 2014,8:31 am
If it helps you out, I start out the day reading sites like,

The various steamship line sites, Evergreen, China Shipping, Hapag Lloyd etc.
4:30 am the local news start
About 5 I surf between (heaven forbid!) Fox, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg and the BBC
All this time I'm wandering different websites, this site, real estate(I plan to buy another property this year) and a few fun sites too.
After I set other drivers going I get in the truck and I listen to pretty much the same stations as I was earlier because I have satellite radio.

I realize it's such a stretch for you to think that anyone else would have a different opinion than you because you think they're some redneck hillbilly( or as you like to refer to as Cletus) but if you try to use that melon you have, I think you could.

By the way, "Cletus" was the nickname of one of my best friends, Vietnam vet stationed on a swift boat. I take it as a badge of honor that you refer to me like that.

Posted by irisheyes on Jan. 06 2014,9:34 am

(Self-Banished @ Jan. 06 2014,8:31 am)
About 5 I surf between (heaven forbid!) Fox, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg and the BBC

Thanks for the list, that's quite a variety.

I realize it's such a stretch for you to think that anyone else would have a different opinion than you because you think they're some redneck hillbilly( or as you like to refer to as Cletus) but if you try to use that melon you have, I think you could.

In most of your posts you tell people what they're thinking or saying.  Words like "because you think," or "so what you're saying is [insert something they never said]."  I've seen far better straw man arguments on this forum than yours.

Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 06 2014,10:41 am
^ well "la dee da" I merely express an opinion, appearently you think yours is much better, freedom to express is one of the things that make this a great country, ' least for a little while longer.
Posted by irisheyes on Jan. 06 2014,11:19 am
:rofl:  So you respond by telling me what I think again.  "Apparently you think..."  Marriage counselors make a fortune off of people who argue like that.  You frequently misquote me and others (i.e., "so you're saying"), and twice in this thread you've claimed to know what I'm thinking.  You have a right to express that, but I can certainly point out when you're using those assumptions.

By the way, "Cletus" was the nickname of one of my best friends, Vietnam vet stationed on a swift boat. I take it as a badge of honor that you refer to me like that.

You brought up the Cletus name long before I did.  At some point you said in a post, "next you're going to start calling me Cletus."  So I went ahead and used it since you didn't seem to mind.  :;):

Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 06 2014,1:10 pm
^ wow, are we going to have a bitchy little slap fight? Seems like it would be your style. APPEARENTLY you seem to think I take liberties, if I do, so what?

I beleive it was you a long time ago that came up with the Cletuz moniker, if not,tuff sh!t, I really don't care.

You really seem to be getting all worked up about my opinions, and that's what they are, opinions, nothing more, nothing less.

You'll get over it "pal"  :p

Posted by MADDOG on Jan. 06 2014,4:12 pm
My mom always said, "If you two can't start getting along, I'll put you in separate rooms."  :D
Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 06 2014,7:14 pm
^but, but, he started it! :D
Posted by grassman on Jan. 06 2014,9:19 pm
Ah, hem...

carry on.

Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 07 2014,4:29 am
So what we're in right now is a comedic tragedy?
Posted by Botto 82 on Jan. 07 2014,8:08 am
Nothing comedic here. It is tragic, though.
Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 07 2014,8:37 am
I'll just leave it as "mildly amusing"
Posted by irisheyes on Jan. 08 2014,10:15 am

(Self-Banished @ Jan. 06 2014,1:10 pm)
^ wow, are we going to have a bitchy little slap fight? Seems like it would be your style. APPEARENTLY you seem to think I take liberties, if I do, so what?

What?  I complimented your sources list and even included a couple smiling emoticons.  But I must've hit a nerve on calling out your ability to read minds and put words in peoples' mouth.   :oops:

I beleive it was you a long time ago that came up with the Cletuz moniker, if not,tuff sh!t, I really don't care.

You obviously care, you're the one that keeps bringing it up.  I haven't called you that name in at least a month.  If you "don't care", I seriously doubt you'd keep bringing it up and mention the emotional attachment to the name.

But fair enough, maybe I brought it up first.  I haven't for several weeks because it sounds like I hit a nerve at some point.


You really seem to be getting all worked up about my opinions, and that's what they are, opinions, nothing more, nothing less.

You'll get over it "pal"  :p

You must really think I'm upset for some reason.  Nope, I enjoy the forum posts so there hasn't been anything for me to "get over" on here for quite a while.   :peaceout:

Posted by Self-Banished on Jan. 08 2014,1:37 pm
No bother
Here's a smile for you too Precious :D

Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 23 2014,12:44 pm
I'm surprised there aren't any DISH satellite customers here who would have mentioned this.

< Dish Network-Fox News Dispute Heats Up: As Blackout Continues, Fed-Up Dish Customers Vow Cancellations >

For obvious reasons, there seem to be a lot of pissed off people about this.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 23 2014,1:38 pm
Menards always has some clown hawking Dish from a little podium inside the store, usually when I walk by I tell him I don't have time to talk to him. Now I can just say I like FOX.
Posted by Liberal on Dec. 23 2014,7:13 pm
Yeah, so many pissed off that there's not even a topic started on it.
Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 23 2014,8:36 pm
This thread seemed fine to post to me.  I have Direct TV.
Posted by Botto 82 on Dec. 24 2014,7:50 am
People get their "news" from sources that align with their pre-existing world view. You don't find liberals listening to Limbaugh any more than you would expect conservatives tuning into CNN. There's little journalism happening anymore, a fact that, quite disturbingly, doesn't bother very many people.

The specific absurdity of FAUXNews can be summed up by one specific issue, namely NSA wiretaps, and Sean Hannity's support of it during Bush, and his complete 180 on the subject when it came up again during Obama.

It's not ridiculous to suggest any given major news outlet is pushing some rich and powerful group's agenda. What is ridiculous is the suggestion that any of it is journalism, in the interest of the People.

Posted by grassman on Dec. 24 2014,8:24 am
No big loss IMO. Guess you don't miss something you never use. :D
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 24 2014,8:49 am

(Botto 82 @ Dec. 24 2014,7:50 am)
People get their "news" from sources that align with their pre-existing world view. You don't find liberals listening to Limbaugh any more than you would expect conservatives tuning into CNN. There's little journalism happening anymore, a fact that, quite disturbingly, doesn't bother very many people.

The specific absurdity of FAUXNews can be summed up by one specific issue, namely NSA wiretaps, and Sean Hannity's support of it during Bush, and his complete 180 on the subject when it came up again during Obama.

It's not ridiculous to suggest any given major news outlet is pushing some rich and powerful group's agenda. What is ridiculous is the suggestion that any of it is journalism, in the interest of the People.

I find not considering the other sources narrow minded, FOX has some good coverage but some of their personalities irritate me, I like FOX business better, CNBC has pretty good news coverage along with Bloomberg. The three air networks are pathetic along with PBS. MSNBC? Sometimes one needs to just laugh.
Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 24 2014,9:44 am

(Botto 82 @ Dec. 24 2014,7:50 am)
People get their "news" from sources that align with their pre-existing world view. You don't find liberals listening to Limbaugh any more than you would expect conservatives tuning into CNN. There's little journalism happening anymore, a fact that, quite disturbingly, doesn't bother very many people.

The specific absurdity of FAUXNews can be summed up by one specific issue, namely NSA wiretaps, and Sean Hannity's support of it during Bush, and his complete 180 on the subject when it came up again during Obama.

It's not ridiculous to suggest any given major news outlet is pushing some rich and powerful group's agenda. What is ridiculous is the suggestion that any of it is journalism, in the interest of the People.

Sorry, don't listen to Limbaugh.  I dunno, I've just never cared for him.  I do listen to CNN occasionally.  It gives me a different perspective on some news stories that effect us and the world.  (Maybe it's the little bit of Libertarian in me.)  I can even watch AljazeeraTV for a while.  :p  They do cover some international news no one else does.

CNN used to be the news channel to watch until they changed to the Clinton News Network.

Sadly, you're right that it seems each news channel has it's own agenda with political views bought and paid for by big people or business.  It seems that each time some journalist actually decides to report real news they are either chastised for the attempt, moved or let go.

Posted by grassman on Dec. 24 2014,11:55 am

(MADDOG @ Dec. 24 2014,9:44 am)
Sadly, you're right that it seems each news channel has it's own agenda with political views bought and paid for by big people or business.  It seems that each time some journalist actually decides to report real news they are either chastised for the attempt, moved or let go.

Yeah, this is true. I remember when Paul Douglas did the weather on CBS, he started to talk about Climate Change and poof, he was gone. I have been to seminars that he has spoken at, he knows what he is talking about. He doesn't need the money for any agenda, he invented Doppler Radar. :)  :thumbsup:

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 24 2014,3:42 pm
^^Dupe :(
Posted by grassman on Dec. 24 2014,9:22 pm

(Self-Banished @ Dec. 24 2014,3:42 pm)
^^Dupe :(

Really, he predicted a brown Christmas, how's that turning out for ya? He also said, now this was about five years ago, the weather was going to become dramatic. How's that looking for you? ??? He's a scientist and you kick tires? What have you invented besides a very bad attitude, oh wait, you can't claim that either. :D

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 25 2014,5:08 am
Some Christmas reading for you

< >

Posted by grassman on Dec. 25 2014,6:45 am
Newsmax Media, commonly called Newsmax, is a conservative [1] American news media organization founded by Christopher W. Ruddy and based in West Palm Beach, Florida. It operates the news website and publishes Newsmax magazine

Ruddy started on September 16, 1998, supported by a group of investors, including the family of the late Central Intelligence Agency Director William J. Casey. Later, Richard Mellon Scaife, Ruddy's former employer at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review invested in the fledging company.[2] One of the initial board members was author James Dale Davidson who edited a financial newsletter. Davidson's co-editor, Lord Rees-Mogg, former editor of The Times and Vice Chair of the BBC, later became chairman of Newsmax.[3]

Other news figures who later joined the Newsmax board included Arnaud de Borchgrave, the longtime Newsweek chief correspondent who also serves as editor-at-large of UPI and Jeff Cunningham, former publisher of Forbes. Admiral Thomas Moorer, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Naval Operations during the Vietnam War, also served as one of the company's founding board members. Former US Secretary of State and Nixon and Ford administration Chief of Staff, General Alexander M. Haig Jr. served as special adviser to NewsMax.[4]

Ruddy aimed at creating an Internet news company by building a team of reporters. In August 2001, talk radio host Michael Reagan merged his monthly newsletter The Reagan Monitor with Newsmax Magazine and began writing a regular column for the publication.[5]

Pretty much a right wing propaganda mag. Say no more. Michael Reagan, please... :rofl:

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 25 2014,7:14 am
^^^as I've posted before and will probably many more, "your sources are as pure as the wind driven snow"?
Posted by Botto 82 on Dec. 25 2014,1:15 pm
Here, have a Pulitzer. We're giving the things away...  :rofl:
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 25 2014,3:15 pm
^^^Just like Nobels?
Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 25 2014,10:15 pm
Fox and Newsmax?  Either one should be viewed as entertainment.  And I don't mean "entertainment AND News", it's like the Onion, strictly entertainment.

(Self-Banished @ Dec. 25 2014,7:14 am)
^^^as I've posted before and will probably many more, "your sources are as pure as the wind driven snow"?

That sounds like rationalizing though.  When it comes to information/news, shouldn't the idea be to get as accurate information as possible?

Posted by Botto 82 on Dec. 25 2014,11:27 pm

(irisheyes @ Dec. 25 2014,10:15 pm)
When it comes to information/news, shouldn't the idea be to get as accurate information as possible?

What country are you living in? We are intellectually lazy and want to be told what to think. Look how many people stand in line for hours whenever a new iPhone comes out. Millions will do whatever the TV tells them to, because the mindset of "It's on TV, so it MUST be true" is still rampant.

TV has led us down an evolutionary dead end.  :frusty:

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 26 2014,5:06 am

(irisheyes @ Dec. 25 2014,10:15 pm)
That sounds like rationalizing though.  When it comes to information/news, shouldn't the idea be to get as accurate information as possible?

So what is accurate?

FOX? Kind of middle of the road "fluff" broadcast but they have successfully commercialized and packaged news cycle to become number one.

MSNBC? Pathetic, left of center FOX wannabe

Bloomberg and CNBC? Decent business coverage, both could seriously improve

The networks? CBS, ABC,NBC? Their philosophy of "throw a little truth in and the lie goes down better" is becoming very tiresome.

PBS? What can I say about PBS but the word Amtrak comes to mind.

There's a myriad of information out there, truly vast. All one has to do is keep an open mind. C'mon IE, you can do it, think for yourself.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 26 2014,5:14 am

(Botto 82 @ Dec. 25 2014,11:27 pm)
TV has led us down an evolutionary dead end.  :frusty:

Sad but true :(
Posted by grassman on Dec. 26 2014,3:28 pm

(Self-Banished @ Dec. 26 2014,5:06 am)

(irisheyes @ Dec. 25 2014,10:15 pm)
That sounds like rationalizing though.  When it comes to information/news, shouldn't the idea be to get as accurate information as possible?

So what is accurate?

I think some people can look past the bullchit and read between the lines.
Like I said, I met Paul Douglas and he honestly cares about the earth. He doesn't need more money, he wants to educate. How can you put up talking heads against what he has to say? :dunno:



to develop the faculties and powers of (a person) by teaching, instruction, or schooling.


to qualify by instruction or training for a particular calling, practice, etc.; train: to educate someone for law.


to provide schooling or training for; send to school.


to develop or train (the ear, taste, etc.): to educate one's palate to appreciate fine food.


to inform: to educate oneself about the best course of action.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 26 2014,5:18 pm

(grassman @ Dec. 26 2014,3:28 pm)
I think some people can look past the bullchit and read between the lines.

Why thank you, I most certainly can.

So you seem to have a man crush on Paul.

Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 26 2014,5:20 pm

(grassman @ Dec. 26 2014,3:28 pm)
I think some people can look past the bullchit and read between the lines.

Sorry, Gman.  The new media doesn't give you the opportunity.  They only share select information they want you to hear.  

You can't always find out what a book is about by just reading one chapter.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 27 2014,7:21 am
Let's throw this out here,

< >

Posted by grassman on Dec. 27 2014,7:32 am
^^ Yet another right wing mag.
What are you the center piece of the right wing circle jerk? :rofl: Sorry for the vulgarity but I had to go where you could understand. :D

Posted by MADDOG on Dec. 27 2014,9:17 am

(grassman @ Dec. 26 2014,3:28 pm)

(Self-Banished @ Dec. 26 2014,5:06 am)

(irisheyes @ Dec. 25 2014,10:15 pm)
That sounds like rationalizing though.  When it comes to information/news, shouldn't the idea be to get as accurate information as possible?

So what is accurate?

I think some people can look past the bullchit and read between the lines.
Like I said, I met Paul Douglas and he honestly cares about the earth. He doesn't need more money, he wants to educate. How can you put up talking heads against what he has to say? :dunno:



to develop the faculties and powers of (a person) by teaching, instruction, or schooling.


to qualify by instruction or training for a particular calling, practice, etc.; train: to educate someone for law.


to provide schooling or training for; send to school.


to develop or train (the ear, taste, etc.): to educate one's palate to appreciate fine food.


to inform: to educate oneself about the best course of action.

Yo, Gman.  You should probably do your editing within at least a few minutes after your post or make another reply.

This wasn't in your post close to two hours later when SB and I posted replies.  :dunno:



to develop the faculties and powers of (a person) by teaching, instruction, or schooling.


to qualify by instruction or training for a particular calling, practice, etc.; train: to educate someone for law.


to provide schooling or training for; send to school.


to develop or train (the ear, taste, etc.): to educate one's palate to appreciate fine food.


to inform: to educate oneself about the best course of action.

Posted by grassman on Dec. 27 2014,9:34 am
Sorry, it was an afterthought. :blush:

[af-ter-thawt, ahf-]


a later or second thought; reconsideration.

reflection after an act; an appropriate explanation, answer, expedient, or the like, conceived of too late for the occasion.

something added, as a part or feature, that was not included in the original plan or design: The vestry was added to the church as an afterthought.


Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 27 2014,3:10 pm
Wow Grassman, I really think you need to do the reflection and reconsideration thing. I mearly put out anorher source ( an opinion of one of the founders of the weather channel no less) and because it didn't meet with your expectations you attack it like a frothing dog.

You're becoming the typical progressive liberal, if you don't like an opinion or disagree, you become aggressive and belligerent.

Posted by grassman on Dec. 27 2014,4:18 pm
Coleman is a TV personality, he has no schooling in anything. He came up with an idea, The Weather Channel. Does Buffet know the internal workings of a locamotive? He must since he owns the raliroads right?

"Critics of Coleman’s have questioned his lack of academic credentials, journalism degree, and charge that he has not conducted actual research in the area of climate change. [9][10] In 2008, Coleman gave a speech to the San Diego Chamber of Commerce blaming the "global warming scam" and environmentalist lobby, for rising gas and food prices. He also declared the scam "a threat to our economy and our civilization."[11]

Calm down! :D

Posted by grassman on Dec. 27 2014,4:34 pm
Here's Douglas credentials, you decide who is more in tune.

Corporations & event planners are turning to Douglas for multi-media presentations on weather & climate – learning from his 40 year entrepreneurial career.

Paul Douglas is a nationally-respected meteorologist, with 34 years of broadcast television and 36 years of radio experience. In high school Kruhoeffer adopted a stage name, after being told his real name was too difficult for the station’s DJ’s to pronounce. Douglas graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Meteorology from the Pennsylvania State University in 1980.  While a senior at Penn State University he broadcast the weekend weather for WNEP-TV in Wilkes Barre/Scranton – where he was promoted to the weekday position in 1980. He was the second TV meteorologist in the country to tap computer graphics for his daily weathercasts. In 1982-1983 he worked at Satellite News Channel in Stamford, Connecticut, delivering 21 national weather shows daily. He was also tapped for appearances with Ted Koppel on ABC News Nightline.
From 1983 to 1994 Douglas was employed by KARE-TV in Minneapolis, where he launched the “Backyard” outdoor weather format, now being used by hundreds of TV stations nationwide. While there he began a daily weather column in the Star Tribune newspaper. He authored a book, “Prairie Skies, the Minnesota Weather Book”, and taught a broadcast meteorology class at the Saint Cloud State University in 1992-93.  His most recent weather-related book, “Restless Skies, the Ultimate Weather Book”, was released nationwide by Barnes and Noble in late 2004, now coming out of its second printing (Sterling Publishing). He taught broadcast meteorology at St. Cloud State University in 1992. Douglas visited thousands of Minnesota schools and service organizations, talking about weather prediction and storm-chasing.

In 1989, while still at KARE-TV, Douglas founded a software venture: EarthWatch Communications. Hundreds of television stations in the United States and 20 other countries licensed EarthWatch’s three-dimensional weather graphics technology. In addition to applications for television, Steven Spielberg employed the special 3-D effects in the movies “Jurassic Park” and “Twister.”
From 1994 to 1997 Douglas worked at WBBM-TV in Chicago, where he made occasional appearances on the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather. Douglas received a Seal of Approval from the AMS, The American Meteorological Society. In 2005 he passed a rigorous exam to become Minnesota’s first CBM, or Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, recognized by the AMS in Boston. He served as Chief Meteorologist for WCCO-TV in the Twin Cities from 1997 to 2008. He makes monthly appearances on Public Television’s Almanac program where he discusses current weather trends and issues. He currently provides daily weather reports (print, video and web) for the Star Tribune, additional daily blogs for the St. Cloud Times, Conservation Minnesota, and “WeatherNation”.

In 1998 Douglas founded Digital Cyclone, Inc (DCI), which personalized the weather forecasting experience for consumers on the web, e-mail and cell phones. His goal: create personal weather channels for every consumer on a new generation of data-enabled cell phones. The service, Mobile My-Cast, is currently available on iTunes and Android platforms, enabling consumers to see location-based weather alerts and hourly weather reports and even see custom weather graphics, including Doppler radar, lightning and severe storm tracking, on cell phones, making the weather experience unique for every user.  In January, 2007 Douglas sold DCI to Garmin, Inc, the leader in global navigation systems, for $45 million. There were over 100 local, Minnesota investors in Digital Cyclone.

Founder and President of the Media Logic Group LLC, Douglas and a team of 12 on-air meteorologists at Broadcast Weather are producing and disseminating daily weather reports for web sites, newspapers, cable channels, and TV broadcasters from 3 HD studios in the Minneapolis area. In 2011 Douglas helped to launch a new, national weather channel, WeatherNation TV, a headline-weather service that provides meteorological information and storm coverage, 24/7. A separate subsidiary, HamWeather, provides custom data and graphics services to nearly 1,000 web sites, nationwide. Polaris, among other cutting-edge companies, is tapping Ham Weather’s developers and a new generation of location-specific apps, tying in with social media to enhance consumer engagement and satisfaction. Weather is becoming more extreme; a new company, Alerts Broadcaster, provides real-time alerts for local companies and national Fortune 500 corporations, including, Wells Fargo and Lifetime Fitness, attempting to provide an extra level of safety and security for staff and clients, nationwide.

Douglas is co-founder of Singular Logic, a separate technology and patent-holding company, attempting to reinvent advertising by allowing consumers to choose the categories of ads they have to watch on their PC’s, TV sets, cable systems and mobile.

A third company, Smart Energy is focused on fine-tuning forecasts for wind farms, utilities and energy traders, with optimization algorithms extending into the HVAC and irrigation markets. Teaming with La Cross Technology, an additional company, Data Direct launched in 2012, providing data and support for a new generation of consumer and corporate weather sensors – deployed to maximize efficiencies, save money and personalize alerting services.

Douglas is heading up The Legal Storm, focusing on forensic meteorology, working with law firms on weather-related cases – helping with cases related to severe weather and subsequent damage and or injury to maximize results for their clients. Options include heavily researched White Papers, and expert testimony. His company runs high-resolution weather models and maintains multiple databases focused on pinpointing weather conditions for any location in the USA, looking back decades.

Born in 1958, Douglas became interested in weather and public service at a young age. After suffering through a devastating tropical storm (Agnes) in 1972, which flooded much of his hometown of Lancaster, PA, he developed a network of flood gauges, which were monitored by ham radio operators during flash flood situations. At the age of 16 he became Weather Officer for Lancaster Country Civil Defense. An Eagle Scout, Douglas still teaches weather and astronomy merit badge to fellow scouts. He’s actively involved with the Northern Star Council of the Boy Scouts.

He is the spokesperson and public face of “SAVE”, Suicide Awareness, Voices of Education, a non-profit company based in Bloomington, which counsels people suffering from depression, educates the public about warning signs, and helps to identify at-risk people nationwide.

Douglas, age 54, continues to volunteer his time for school talks, charitable fund-raisers and speaking engagements on such topics as his entrepreneurial career, tornado chasing and climate change. He serves on the Climate Science Rapid Response Team (CSRRT), providing meteorological input along with 130+ climate scientists delivering highly accurate science information to media and government representatives. He is also on the board of NRPE, The National Religious Partnership for the Environment, focused on finding faith-based solutions to the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.

His wife of 28 years, Laurie, is a professional architect. They have two sons: Walt graduated from Penn State and is an accomplished guitarist, multimedia producer & videographer for Media Logic Group; Brett graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in May, 2012 and will fly fixed wing jets or helicopters for the Navy. Douglas and his wife live in Minnesota; where his offices are located.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 27 2014,5:22 pm
Jeezus, maybe Gore, Douglas and you can have a three way :rofl:  :rofl:   :rofl:
Posted by grassman on Dec. 27 2014,7:02 pm
I'm just saying, if you want to learn anything, do you go to the teacher or the custodian of the building. :dunce:
Hope you wear a face shield.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 27 2014,7:33 pm
^ unbelievable  :(
Posted by alcitizens on Dec. 27 2014,7:46 pm
During my traveling years I noticed most of the motels I stayed in only had FOX News, not MSNBC..

Recently I've been looking at getting Satellite TV myself..  To get MSNBC with Dish Network I have to get a premium package that costs more.. FOX News is included with the cheap $19.99 package..

MSNBC must be a Premium Channel like HBO and Showtime..  :cool:

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 28 2014,3:45 am

(alcitizens @ Dec. 27 2014,7:46 pm)
MSNBC must be a Premium Channel like HBO and Showtime..  :cool:

You said it, not me.  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 28 2014,4:08 am
And this...

< >

< >

Posted by Liberal on Dec. 28 2014,8:28 pm

(alcitizens @ Dec. 27 2014,7:46 pm)
During my traveling years I noticed most of the motels I stayed in only had FOX News, not MSNBC..

Recently I've been looking at getting Satellite TV myself..  To get MSNBC with Dish Network I have to get a premium package that costs more.. FOX News is included with the cheap $19.99 package..

MSNBC must be a Premium Channel like HBO and Showtime..  :cool:

Check out this old thread. The Jimmy claimed FOX was a premium channel like HBO. The best part is where he realizes he's full of crap and changes his story to CNN isn't included in the cheapest package because people don't believe CNN anymore.

<;st=10 >

Posted by alcitizens on Dec. 28 2014,10:38 pm

(Liberal @ Dec. 28 2014,8:28 pm)
Check out this old thread. The Jimmy claimed FOX was a premium channel like HBO. The best part is where he realizes he's full of crap and changes his story to CNN isn't included in the cheapest package because people don't believe CNN anymore.

<;st=10 >

:rofl:  I think he believed both voices coming out of his a$$ were speaking fact..

I have verified that Dish Network doesn't have CNN or MSNBC in the cheap package, the same package brainwashing low income people with NewsMax and Fox News.. :D

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 29 2014,5:22 am
Is the extra $$$ for Ed Schultz and Al Sharton?
Posted by Liberal on Dec. 30 2014,2:38 pm
Well according to the Jimmy the extra money is because people are willing to pay more for better quality. I believe the example used was a parent willing to spend extra to send a kid to private school instead of public school.
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 30 2014,5:50 pm
^^have you watched Sharpton?
Posted by grassman on Dec. 30 2014,7:54 pm
NOBODY should watch, listen or even recognize Sharpten!
He owes $5,000,000 to the federal govt. :angry: Yet he walks a free man.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 31 2014,3:52 am
^^I agree but Libby toasters like Alky most likely watch him religiously.

Alky's been gone a few days, I think I found him...

< >

Posted by Liberal on Dec. 31 2014,7:03 am
I don't care to watch commentators except for entertainment and see what the crazies on the right are talking about. So I'll occasionally watch Billo the clown, but can't tolerate big head Hannity.

Have you ever watched Sharpton`s show? He's either incapable of reading a teleprompter which is something even GW could do, or he's a terrible speaker. Either way he deserves his own show as much as he deserves the title Reverend. I can't believe how he became a Reverend and after i read it I told my wife I wanted to be called General if he gets to be called Reverend.

Posted by grassman on Dec. 31 2014,8:31 am
I agree Gen. Liberal, I am Dr. Grassman! Astronaut S.B., any thoughts? :)
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 31 2014,9:08 am
Not since college :D

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 31 2014,9:18 am
Yeah, I've wacthed Sharpton, used to watch Bill too(really has gotten full of himself since the "Killing" books) Hannity is a clown, Matthews is an idiot and it's been a long time since I've watched Madcow. What the hell is left? I bet if the fired all of these our premium TV bills would go down $20. :D

Shepard Smith is not bad.

Posted by Liberal on Dec. 31 2014,10:07 am
Yeah, but Shepherd is being punished for trying to seem at least a little unbiased. Now he only gets to report on special occasion.

I haven't watched the talking heads since before the election,  they're all nuts. I can't stand matthews because he interrupts his guests as much as hannity even when he agrees with them and when he gets all riled up you can see the spit flying. And the black chick on Msnbc has a terrible lisp, I'm not picking on her handicap but there's certain handicaps that should stop you from certain jobs. I mean you wouldn't hire a deaf person as a sound technician.

And is Ronan Farrow supposed to be their version of Anderson Cooper?

I do watch that Alex Wagner but I like how she's honest about never doing a TV show and when she doesn't know what camera she's supposed to be facing, or what she's supposed to be doing she just comes out and says it. She's actually getting pretty good after a couple months of on the job training.

Maybe people are getting bored with the biased talking heads, reading more and making up their own mind. :rofl:

Posted by Glad I Left on Dec. 31 2014,10:39 am

(Liberal @ Dec. 31 2014,10:07 am)
Yeah, but Shepherd is being punished for trying to seem at least a little unbiased. Now he only gets to report on special occasion.

I haven't watched the talking heads since before the election,  they're all nuts. I can't stand matthews because he interrupts his guests as much as hannity even when he agrees with them and when he gets all riled up you can see the spit flying. And the black chick on Msnbc has a terrible lisp, I'm not picking on her handicap but there's certain handicaps that should stop you from certain jobs. I mean you wouldn't hire a deaf person as a sound technician.

And is Ronan Farrow supposed to be their version of Anderson Cooper?

I do watch that Alex Wagner but I like how she's honest about never doing a TV show and when she doesn't know what camera she's supposed to be facing, or what she's supposed to be doing she just comes out and says it. She's actually getting pretty good after a couple months of on the job training.

Maybe people are getting bored with the biased talking heads, reading more and making up their own mind. :rofl:

I think your analysis is spot on!
Although I don't know who Alex Wagner is.  We ditched cable last summer so I don't watch a whole lot of the "news" now.

Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 31 2014,12:07 pm

(Liberal @ Dec. 31 2014,10:07 am)
Maybe people are getting bored with the biased talking heads, reading more and making up their own mind. :rofl:

I could live with that,
Wouldn't it be wonderful?

Posted by grassman on Mar. 20 2015,2:35 pm
Fox News Annalists in a huddle. :laugh:
Posted by MADDOG on Mar. 20 2015,2:55 pm
Which one of them is yer cousin?
Posted by grassman on Mar. 20 2015,4:22 pm
Use your nose, you figure out who they are! :laugh:
Posted by Expatriate on Mar. 28 2015,2:28 pm
Posted by Self-Banished on Mar. 28 2015,4:32 pm
^^no no no, that would be this guy :dunce:

Or is he a violation of the Geneva convention? :blush:

Posted by stardust14 on Mar. 31 2015,12:49 am
Since I have never experienced FOX News personal judgement is not appropriate.

Sounds like some things in life are better left alone.

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