Forum: Current Events
Topic: Melissa and Cory Carroll are fighting back!
started by: Cats_Meow

Posted by Cats_Meow on Dec. 12 2013,1:58 pm
It's never been a secret that Albert Lea ordinance allows for just TWO cats and TWO dogs.. anything more is in violation. But that isn't good enough for the Carrolls! NO! They knowingly violate the ordinance, are told by the ALPD they have a week to comply, ignore the demand, then get all upset when the animals are seized?! Now they are going after the city? COME ON PEOPLE! I hope the judge throws the book at them! They are NOT kind people, think they are always right, are careless with the animals (remember the missing dog last winter? YEP, it's ALL Melissa's fault!) They will screw over anyone they can! I fully back the Humane Society's decision to force Melissa out. Do they care about the welfare of animals? ABSOLUTELY, but that doesn't make them any good at it!
Posted by Self-Banished on Dec. 12 2013,6:51 pm
Wow, I vaguely remember some of this sh!t from last year. :dunce:
The police seized the kitty's? :blush:
Will the new Cuban restaurant get them? :rofl:

Posted by just the facts on Dec. 12 2013,7:37 pm
I did a search for their name and found a Cory A Carroll of Albert Lea that plead guilty to embezzling $35,000 from his union in 2010.
Posted by irisheyes on Dec. 13 2013,11:25 am
Here's the new developments.  < AL Tribune:  Police seize 13 canines from home >

Hope the dogs find homes.  It's a good time to visit the shelter for a pet, and maybe donate some supplies if you're able to.   :thumbsup:

Posted by White Pride on Dec. 14 2013,3:34 am

(irisheyes @ Dec. 13 2013,11:25 am)
Hope the dogs find homes.  It's a good time to visit the shelter for a pet, and maybe donate some supplies if you're able to.   :thumbsup:

What a great idea! In accordance with the Salvation Army: "need has no season," Please donate what you can to the FCHS! Remember the homeless animals this season while you snuggle with yours!

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