Forum: Current Events
Topic: United Way corruption
started by: non profiteer

Posted by non profiteer on Dec. 27 2003,1:06 pm
United Way is having a tough enough time raising funds without this bad PR. Does our local chapter give anything to the National anymore? I think  all money stays local. Does anyone know?
It looks like the money  does a lot of good in our community

Wiiliam Aramony is Back on the Streets 3/1/2002

It sounds like a ghost story told around a camp fire. And, it may go down as a legend, but the same story echoed in United Way offices around the country this fall: Bill Aramony had been spotted walking his dog on North Fairfax Street in Alexandria, Va., blocks away from the United Way of America office.
Aramony, the former United Way boss convicted of stealing from the organization, is free from the Federal Prison Camp at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, near Goldsboro, N.C., where he finished serving his seven-year term. The sightings spurred conversations about what still lingers like an old scar on the collective body of United Way.
"I had to travel with a document (to detail what had happened) because it comes up in other parts of the world," Beggan said of when he took his current position in 1997, five years after the scandal involving fraud, embezzlement, sexual affairs, and executive hubris hit the presses....Aramony, fired in March, 1992, was convicted in 1995 on 25 counts including conspiracy to defraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, transportation of fraudulently acquired property, engaging in monetary transactions in unlawful activity, filing false tax returns and aiding in the filing of false tax returns.
Aramony had never apologized.

United Way Audit Reveals Discrepancies (8/19/2003)

The United Way of the Capital Area is planning to sue its former chief executive Oral Suer, who resigned in February 2001 after numerous allegations that he had used the organizational funds improperly for personal gain.

PricewaterhouseCoopers had been hired to conduct an independent audit and the results brought up the alleged improprieties in the accounting processes. The audit indicates that Mr. Suer received about $2.4 million on top of his board approved compensation. He apparently has returned $961,200 of the amount.

The audit also found other discrepancies in the books. Five current and former executives might have received improper compensation. Mr. Suer had approved a loan of $3 million from the Combined Federal Campaign whose purpose has not been clarified. Several fundraising companies had a special privilege to allow their employees to designate donations to funds that specifically benefited members of the company.

The auditors were not able to interview Mr. Suer. In addition, the investigation may have been hindered by the loss of numerous files that Mr. Suer had removed with him when he left the organization.

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